Is this what every non-AAA+ game looks like in 2018?

So I'm supposed to pay $60 dollars for this game that looks like it released in 2012?

Jesus Christ I can't stop comparing it to Dragon Age: Origins which is 9 years old

The facial expressions are worst than the ME:Andromeda meme

No, actually. Nobody's forcing you to buy it. You can also just pirate it if you feel like it. We're not your parents. You're not supposed to do anything.

Piracy is a sin, and I wanna support non giant corp developers. But this is just a disaster

>Acting like 2012 was that long ago
I know you were only 12, but for fucks sake how whiny and entitled are you children?

Even worse when they made the combat lock-on, pretty much confirms this game is made for consoles

The lock on system makes it look even more disgusting, like you and your opponent are locked together and the world is moving around you

Mordhau is better

Also confirms there will NEVER been any large scale battle since it's pretty much impossible to fight more than 3 targets at best. Cheap way to reduce input and lag?

That's what you compare it to? Dragon age origins looks worse than most ps2 game.

remember when Sup Forums used to root for the little guy?

Game looks interesting, however I'll wait for the pirate version since 60 for this is just awkward

>fantasy game
>no dragons
>no magic
>i-it's on p-purpose!

This is neo, soy infused Sup Forums now though.

Why does the game have such large system requirements but looks like it's from 2015 or so and otherwise doesn't look very demanding at all?

>I can't stop comparing it to Dragon Age: Origins
Have you tried killing yourself?


>mordhau not out
>bannerlord not out
>kcd not out yet, might be shit

>bait thread
try harder kids

>nobody is ever entitled to opinions, especially not a forum for such topics


>kcd not out yet, might be shit
have you seen the gameplay videos? nothings saving that pile of shit

Have you seen the console kiddy combat? Atleast it's better than Skyrims but please.... melee combat game?

this is your brain on extreme right wingism

Reminder that it will look like shit, and at the SAME time it will run like shit. Indie retards are so fucking trash at optimizing games these days, even with the insane prices of gpus.

There's streams right now at the moment
looks absolutely terrible

mordhau combat looks nice but there's is no stamina management meaning people just spam attacks which is really offputting

Characters look quite bad but it has the best and most realistic forests of any games.

Except that new The Hunter game but hey.

jesus christ you'd think they'd realize already




Is it even a fantasy game? I thought it was based on history, hence why it has real life countries named in it and not fantasy ones.

why did anyone thought it was going to be good?
it's elex AGAIN

great launch :^)

I hate to tell it to you guy but a lot can change in 5 years

>watching Eurotruck Simulator

people prefer that over this game it seems

>5 years

>>fantasy game


It releases tomorrow. Cohh is gonna stream it so it will probably be high up there.

people prefer trap rap over mozart too.

What do you mean a game with a $20m budget looks worse than a game with a $150m budget? I don't believe it

m'fellow intellectual
*tips fadora*

bait too smol

was kickstarted and then an investor invested in it as well, its AAA

And people ignore this and call everyone a soyboy. Why defend your game when you can shot down every critic with memes?
I was pretty hyped at first for this but the more I see the less I want to give them money or waste my time with this game. What a shame since it is the only medieval game withoutfantasy that is not EA.
Have to wait a few more years then

>disliking trap makes you a fedora tipper


Post some video footage if you're going to make a thread about a game being ugly, retard.


>singleplayer rpg
>using twitch streamers to gauge launch success

you either saw the 2015 trailer and thought the entire game looks like the faces looked there 3 years ago, or you need to visit an optician and get glasses

glad you get it now

>triple A
>some nobody indie studio

Trap is garbage kys

Just from the way the game looked I knew it was going to be buggy as shit. Plus the fact that it was released by slavs, slavs have never released a stable game.

>theres a bug in an open world sandbox rpg, clearly the game was poorly made
the ideas people get when they know nothing of programming software. its a wonder games this open ended work at all, especially stuff as moddable as TES

people are going to ignore the bug and attack the streamer

Since when are kickstarted games AAA


Million in kickstarter money, 7 years of development, private investors

Why does the AI not know it can't walk through objects? Why don't they have collisions? This is basic shit.

wrong. I have mordhau. Stamina is extremely important.

It's 1 bug happening multiple times in a row then a seperate bug happening within 5 seconds.

top tier ai to be honest. Just like in the witcher and skyrim.

since their budget is fucking huge, which either happens if you got as much as money as, say, star citizen, or if your kickstarter succeeds and then an investor throws another mountain of money at you
AAA just means it has a huge budget

The game is not even at $60 the fuck you talking about?

It is a historical medieval game like for honor.Know b4 you post, fag.

free me from this torment

because AI is still developing and some things are not always accounted for, there is no AI in the world right now that is perfect, and bugs are recurring in nature
bug means unintended 'feature'(or property), it doesnt mean "its not in line with human level intelligence"

wow its so janky

This is trolling and not coolerino

thats literally $57, lower than the US price
stop crying and go buy it and enjoy legal weed in your country for the rest of us, motherfucker

Is there a torrent yet? .


It ain't legal until Canada Day.

>i am going to say you are not serious and back it up with no explanation
looks like our conversation is done, then
retard... seriously, tho, you disappoint me. how do you learn anything new if thats your mindset? sigh

you motherfucker, i know you got 'medical weed' stores that you can get a card for by claiming to have a simple cough, its basically legal there already, for years

How are people playing it already? Their site says it's not out before 12 hours

Ok, I'm bored so out of charity I'll assume you aren't trolling and are just retarded.
You talk about AI still developing but it has long since passed the level of garbage like this.

lucky fucks the only legal weed here has 0,1 thc

literally anything odd comes across as garbage and dumb because it lacks *intelligence*
i dont think you know the difference between general AI and anything below it

top kek
srsly tho im sorry man, i hope it gets better soon

???? You aren't even arguing anything. AI in games has long since surpassed this, it is inexcusable.

>I have mordhau
Stopped reading there, I hate you user.

I don't smoke. But to get a green card, you actually have to go through a fairly lengthy process of interviews with doctors and specialists and whatnot. It isn't as simple as you think. That's not saying it isn't relatively easy. Watched my room mate go through the entire process to get his card for ruined knees from an accident. You can also apply to be able to grow at home with your card. It's kind of cool.

But honestly even aside from that, it is basically legal here regardless. No one really cares unless you literally walk up to a cop and try to sell him pot. Or driving and smoking. Fun fact though - where I live, we won't actually have dispensaries. Pot is going to be sold by private retailers. So you will possibly be able to go into say a 7-11 cornerstore, or a grocery store and just buy pot from there.

Ah so its $60 where Youre from. Ok, ya poorfag

Lol poorfag

you are pointing at 1 thing that is bugged / not programmed in and saying the entire AI is trash, how reductionistic can you get? it happens, dude, and it can happen as a bug VERY often in a game as open ended as this, with so many little things happening at once
theres a reason there are literally no games like this which are devoid of such bugs
Fallout 4, The Witcher, Horizon, are games you can find a video of the AI messing up in a retarded way

Is this how every non-AAA bait looks like today?

When Kingdom Come releases, the Sup Forums tears will sustain me for weeks, maybe even months. I shall descend upon this board like a wolf upon a lamb, and bask in the unending impotent rage that this board will pump out. I will gaze upon the suicide threads and rage posts, and drink deep of their whining. When they actually start livestreaming their own suicides and self-mutilation, Ill know true ecstasy. I dont think my penis will ever be harder than it will be when a million Sup Forums tards cry out in itty bitty gamer boi penis fury simultaneously. Theyll try to convince themselves it was a bugged build. Theyll try to convince themselves that the reviewers had pulled a fast one on them. We will riot! They will say. Sup Forumseogaf! Trolls! they will cry. Time will pass, and they will do nothing because they only talk. They are too cowardly and weak to do anything. But best of all, none of their bitching will balm the pain of knowing that their golden game, their salvation, will go down in history as an embarrassment, as an amusing footnote at best, as the buggy trash who failed harder than any other RPG. The entire world KNOWS that Skyrim is literally casual, that nothing you do really matters, that the story is shallow and worthless. But all this only drives home just how little the gamers think of KC:D. After all its bullshit, its lies, its dumbing down they STILL see Skyrim as being superior to KC:D. When the denizens of Sup Forums come to this realization, they shall know true, soul-crushing, all-encompassing despair. Exquisite shall be their pain. I will look into their eyes and watch their spirit break, and wont reach my climax a moment sooner.

I need to fap.

No, I'm pointing at 2 things within the space of a 5 second clip, one of which is clearly consistent. I'm compiling that with all the other videos released to determine, yes the AI is garbage. Archers watch you just run up to them still slowly drawing their bow. Everybody acts like they are 99% asleep.

No, this is how sjws trying to boycott the game looks like.

looks a lot easier by what ive seen a reporter do

So THIS is what realistic combat looks like...

Theres an Anri Okita and that busty rissian chick lesbian scene in pornhub


It's different province to province; it'll be the same way when it's legalized, the decisions for how it will be sold will be decided on a provincial basis.

and im compiling that without the alleged videos so the two second thirds of your comment arent bringing much to the discussion with no sources
what i do say is that the video posted here shows nothing that indicates the AI being overall trash, which is what youre saying

Here's one example. Why are you talking like you are an authority on this game when you clearly know nothing about it?