Pic totally unrealated lol

What are some games where you can abandon intelligent discussion in favor of throwing forced memes and phrases back and forth for the sake of getting attention?

Other urls found in this thread:


shut up soytendie

What did he mean by this?

Sup Forums is more like an insane asylum on overdrive with lava instead of blood and testosterone instead of a brain

No posts are currently quoting you, loser.

Good point OP, but a meta thread won’t fucking help matters.

Reddit that way if you don't like this place.

This place literally is reddit without the Mods removing “problematic” opinions and porn of underage characters sometimes

>_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Do you even remember why you don’t like Reddit? Or are you just hating it out of habit?

I wish I had that pic of a SJW masquerading as a non-SJW andbtrying to convince people that Anti-SJWs are as bad as SJWs so I could edit it to be Reddit disguised as Sup Forums


Reddit is the reason this board is full of off-topic shitposting defending it as "Culture." You're the one who has to go back.

>meta thread complaining about the poor state of the board
>ends up contributing further to the poor state of the board

Genius plan, OP.

>Sup Forums
>intelligent discussion
I see you came here during the election.

>Intelligent discussion
I know that people just want on topic discussion. But seriously user, there is nothing "intelligent" to discuss about videogames.
There isn't anything meaningful to discuss beyond stating an opinion and arguing with people who disagree.

Any switch game

I thought Reddit's problem was shitty humor and irony

>This place literally is reddit
Only since faggots like you think you're actually welcome here, pls do us all a favour and kys

>redditor makes a thread
>gets told to go back
>hurr durr you're actually the one that needs to go back

>redditor gets called out for constant off-topic shitposting
>gets reminded that they're the source of off-topic shitposting
Good job. How about you head back to reddit.com/r/Wojak/ where you obviously hail from?

sony shit ahahaha reee

reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit

>using a word in the English language

The only other forum I’ve used is GameFAQs

>What are some games where you can abandon intelligent discussion in favor of throwing forced memes and phrases back and forth for the sake of getting attention?

Moonbase Alpha

>wanting to discuss videogames
what are you some kind of queer?

You'll never get intelligent discussion on videogame websites, deal with it. All videogame enthusiasts are extremely insecure manchildren fanboys. Sup Forums is just a place where everyone say whatever they actually want to say without having to sugarcoat it and pretend they're mature and unbiased like they would on other comunities.

Reddit is here, but nobody can distinguish the posters from people who secretely browse reddit.
As a result people go mad attacking everything as if the only way to end the reddit menace is to destroy Sup Forums.
People would rather burn the forest down than let a single redditor frolic in it. That is how this place will die, not by redditors but by it's own people.

It's just hard to understand why. You can discuss any other media with a certain degree of intelligence without any fanboy bias, and videogames should be no different. It's not like the videogame demographic is a lot younger, as adults who enjoyed games when they were young don't stop playing altogether (even if they have less time to play, they have more economic solvency). Why is any kind of mature discussion so underrepresented in the medium then?

Videogames attract way more teenager-minded insecure manbabies that desperately need videogames and corporations to build their own identities. That's it.

Videogames are escapism, but an addicting time consuming form that only people who are basically NEETs can enjoy. T
his means they're ideal for male life-failures that have devolved into neets sort of like drug addicts but somehow less sexually attractive to women.
These kinds of fuck ups are basically all borderline autistic, who's social retardation is a major cause of them shutting themselves in and going off to fantasy land. This social retardation is reflected here.