I cant believe this game with tranny bathrooms and ugly AF™ characters failed

I cant believe this game with tranny bathrooms and ugly AF™ characters failed.
I guess the millions and millions of SJW interested in skill based FPS wont buy games pandering towards them

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I think Cliff has had enough bros.

He's literally Keiji Inafune.

>0 playing 7min ago

fuck that's rough

type S to spit on lawbreakers grave

Come on, we all know that it wasn't going to succeed even without that stuff.

is it cliffs fault or is it the SJW's fault for not buying games pandering toward them?

It's A Marathon, Not A Sprint ...
Trust me guys, dont ask your bank for a refund guys, please, the next patch will add 10000 more players!!!

Cliff. He should have made a game in an entirely different genre. This industry doesn't have room for more than two or so similar competing titles.

Its everyones elses fault

>there's one shill still trying to sell this piece of shit
I'm pretty sure this LCS99bolt is cliffy.

Cliff's fault for making a game in a highly competitive market niche that is already well served by existing offerings.

It doesn't help that the attempted Arena shooter revival has failed.




This is sad.

another gem

Top kek.

>*slams book*
>I want to make another billion dollar IP.
What do?

>we'll have a thread every time it goes to zero

It's like that black mirror episode. This is painful to watch.


Daily reminder that Cliff blames twitch streamers for his holocaust of a game

every time I see the word "literally" I want to gouge my eyes out

Dear god. That is a broken man.

Isnt that the same retard that claimed Sup Forums transphobes are behind the hate campaign?

Even Phil Fish wasn't this bad, what the fuck

Whos Lirik? Some e-celeb?

>your opinions matter so little I have to come here to say what fat, single, virgin, losers you are

Sad to see that Cliffy is going through a hard time. Maybe a nice match of Fortnite would cheer him up

>tfw Phil Fish actually did walk away from "fame"
That's one thing I didn't think he could ever do. Kind of have to respect the man now, looking back

Send him to nexon so Cliffy can lose them 30 million

Imagine being so greedy that you think you deserve a slice of that sweet e-sports/twitch revenue because you made yet another ""competitive"" shooter.

Faggot game devs need to realize that a successful competitive community is born out of passion for a game, not because they made a game that checks all the boxes for one (besides being enjoyable).

probably, he and a couple of guys on steam are the only ones still defending this dead game. even bkp_nathanwulf left his duty as a white knight.

have another cliffy.

its some twitch streamer afaik

He's probably the most watched twitch streamer out of anyone. I genuinely don't know why anyone watches him.

I wonder if he blew his entire retirement fund he amassed from Gears of War on this piece of shit.

>these fucking designs
You know i wouldn't play this game even if it had the best gameplay ever.

>subtitle is split into separate words but is actually just one statement
It's a design nightmare from the beginning.

he is some famous streamer, CliffyB is mad at him because he gave him money to have a sponsored lawbreakers stream at the launch of lawbreakers
that guy played the game around 2 hours and at the end of the stream he said to his 20,000 viewers that the game was really boring
then he refused to have another sponsored lawbreakers stream

Lawbreakers is a great time of a game well worth the spending lawbreakers rules see all you fellow breakers in a game online sometime after youve purchased lawbreakers

Kind of like homeless people, I feel bad for them but it doesn't defuse my disgust for them when they harass me for money. I'd buy it if he wasn't such a piece of shit (including the fact that he shat out GoW, which the industry is still recovering from 12 years later).

Make it F2P and I'll give it a shot, because this is just pathetic and I'm not shelling out just to forget about how cucked this faggot is.

that's a big queue time

He doesn't slap his face on the stream and he offers decent enough commentary

I watched him during Sea of Thieves, he offered a better experience than other big steamers like Summit

that poor guy, I really feel bad for him, I've seen his lawbreakers streams on twitch and the chat keeps spamming DEAD GAME on the chat, and he looks very sad

What is he thinking right now?
>Man just six more hours and i'll get a game!
>It's not dead if there's at least one player online!

Has anyone asked Randy what he thinks of Lawbreakers?

That pulse icon should be a flatline

>1 in game
What if Cliff is actually the one playing the game?

lamo what a cuck

Lawbreakers = Homeless people
The industry = Hobo spikes

>mfw all the streamers dropped the game after their contract was over

>implying the industry doesn't constantly incubate trash
Lawbreakers only needed a few tracer ass controversies, casual gameplay, possibly a single player mode with cinematics and high school-tier writing, and it would've been the holy grail

Can someone redpill me on this guy? Did he go on some sjw crusade or something?

this desu

Cliffy can fuck off, GOW was terrible and if you like it you're underage.

He's made nothing decent for 15 years and in total has jazz jackrabbit and unreal to hang his hat on. Why do people expect anything out of him?

He's an arrogant cunt who looks like he just fell out of 1999.

I am surprised none of his friends and family are playing the game, nor are the dev's friends and family.

>when even a game you cannot even play still get more players

>i want characters that are common tropes instead of something new
If by something new you mean Tranny Mc Nigga Technicolor, then no thanks


> I've seen his lawbreakers streams on twitch and the chat keeps spamming DEAD GAME on the chat, and he looks very sad
do you have any clip?

Why does he even care VR made him rich and Lawbreakers didn't lose him any money

iirc he was tweeting about how morally superior he was and how utopian the game was for having tranny toilets.

he "made" 1 good game and rode on the fame for years then dropped out of then industry and crawled back and made a generic FPS in an overcrowded market
it's even sadder than kenji inafune, who rode his entire career on "creating megaman" even though this was never true

this is quickly approaching Dobson levels of "literally nothing is my fault."

>A game that had literally passed at one point had more players than the AAA blockbuster that is LawBreakers

o i am laffin.

People like them remind me that even when other people are at fault I also always need to look at myself and see if I am partly to blame and if so how I could become a better person, so I am grateful these pathetic cunts exist and publicly birch and whine all the time.

What was a bigger flop this or Battleborn?

I found that I get a similar feeling from this. People like Dobson and Cliff make me check how I compose myself as an artists, because frankly they're the epitome of everything I hate about Game design at the moment.

Battleborn lasted a year before dropping under 100 players,

so lawbreakers

Racist Twitch streamer.

but BB was much more expensive

I'm pretty sure I speak for most of the site when we thought nothing could crash as hard as BattleBorn but at least it spasmed a bit before dropping dead. Lawbreakers pretty much hit the ground and then died on the spot upon suffering a massive stroke.

iirc, 2k lost like 100m thanks to battleborn.

>bullying Cliffy never gets old

I want some more arrogant tweets form this guy.

>it finally reached 0
imagine someone buying this thinking it looks kinda fun


>the 10 remaining players want answers from the dev team
>this is their response

because of cover shooters?

The PS4 version still has thousands of players. This is just another case of PC babies not buying games.

This. Same with the Xbox

It's not for Xbox

Well, yes. Of course there was shit like Kill Switch and whatnot, but none of them as nearly as influential as GoW. The health and cover system are being used and praised to this day in shit like Uncharted 4. Slap melodramatic writing, casual gameplay and played out cinematics, and you have a GOTY.



more at 10

is that artie lang?

stop lying mate, even ps4 players are crying the game is dead.

I can't believe you autists are still talking about it. It died day one and nothing has changed yet you keep making this thread.

it looks like he's just creeping in while the to women are taking a photo

that's not depressing as fuck or anything

i don't even know what this game is, but how do you think they felt when they reached that 7-some thousand in their first few days? the only thing i know about the game is the really ugly black girl making the heart sign thing with her hands
>oh shit it's dead already

Who did it worse, Lawbreakers or Destiny 2?

>trump-train rolls over another shit-lib

Destiny 2 still made money and has thousands of players. what fucking comparison is that?


Should have been free to compete with superior OW.

Dumbfarts who think it's the evil sjw boogeyman behind everything should remember that OW is still going strong.

Destiny 2 is bleeding players and their reputation is on the floor, even the biggest shills like Datto left the ship.

Destiny 2 made bank for Activision. Only delusional fags think it was unsuccessful just because it was a shitty game.

OW is pozzed as fuck regardless of the mental gymnastics Blizzdrones try to pull to defend a game centered around diversity and womyn stronk
Zarya's very existence puts the game on par with Battleborn and Lawbreakers as far as SJW brownie points goes and no amount of "B-BUT SHE HATES ROBOTS IN THE LORE THAT MEANS SHE'S ACTUALLY RACIST AND HATES NIGGERS" will change that

i know, but in comparison to Lawbreakers, its far doing better

Battleborn would make a better comparison

>game has to contain the entire guest-log book for the last clan meeting to be good
Overwatch is better than lawbreakers and couldn't compete.

>Lawbreakers failed because it was SJW
>Overwatch still one of the most popular FPS in the market

oh Sup Forums, you are such adorable contrarians.

what makes Zarya a great character is how easily she triggers weak insecure bois without being overly in-your-face aside from the "do u even lift bro?" attitude.
Her Russian origins really ice the cake.