Look at these WHITE MALES

Look at these WHITE MALES

Where are the women and people of colour? This is an outrage.

>when there's not enough to complain about we roleplay as people who complain and then get mad at the imaginary complaints
Perfectly healthy behavior


why does that front guy look like he can beat me up it's intimidating
first cuphead now this?

why are chads taking away our hobby


i will never understand why japanese makes ninja,chinese or egyptian white nobody complains but if western developers make greek,vikings or celts black everyone is mad

>those noses

This is disgusting, I'm litteraly shaking right now.

Who are these people? What game did they make?


whites WISH they were slavs

because making other races white is an improvement

What game? I'm assuming it's good, based on the op image.

Videogame developers are all manchildren.


>japanese makes ninja,chinese or egyptian white
Name 12 examples of this.

Look at this TRIGGERED OP

Where are all the reasonable people who don't think everything is about SJWs or the culture war? This is an outrage.

whiter than you assan
looks normal noses...

Why do they look like soyboys? You told me these guys were alpha as fuck but I only see quirky and fat men.

>not one instance of soymouth
Are these /our devs/?

Why aren't their mouths wide open?

most anime characters are white

>No soyboy mouths
Still not buying it tho

they do that shit everytime

>those two soyboys on the left though

I haven't really looked at this game and I'm confused as to what it's supposed to be. Is it more standard fantasy shit or is supposed to be a rip of Mount and Blade?

I trust them.

>the OBSESSED meme was actually projection this whole time
What a predictable twist

>not a single mouth open

They are okay

Sup Forumstards are embarrassing

Back to resetera with you, cuck

Considering how so called "whites" have turned Europe into a shithole, I'd rather be called a stinkin' slav than a cucked whitey.




Who is whiter?
a Slav
or La Creatura

>look at all these NU MALES
Fixed. Especially the one in front, that's the kind of beard they would think looks 'manly.'


>Sup Forums
Good one, cuck
Unlike your resetera shit hole, we don't ban people for having different opinions, we merely ridicule them and BTFO them. But you soy boys are masochistic faggots and you love that shit.

do they think scowling makes them look any better than doing the nu-male face

>the first thing I notice is how their mouths aren't wide open
The memes have ruined me.

Where's the goddamn reviews and reception at?

Is this an elf?

I don't care about the devs if the game is fun I'll play it, why does it have to be so complicated around here

stop trying to make Sup Forums look bad you false flagging asshole.
we are not all like this guys.


>Unlike your resetera shit hole, we don't ban people for having different opini-

>Sup Forums p-promotes free spee-

I really hate this "soyboy" right wing insult it is being overused so much it has actually become quite cringe worthy.

I much preferred "cuck" or "libtard cuck" etc.

hope their game will be good

Sorry guys, not buying this. I'm BOYCOTTING this.

>Heard you talkin' shit

Holy shit
Sup Forums is even worse than I thought


>no women or PoC
This is problematic, how can we use social media to solve this?

That mod knows what is going on

>Mods selectively enforcing rules to promote their ideologies
Reminds me of a certain forum I'm always told to go back to :^)

A lot of people on Sup Forums made being antiSJW too big a part of their identity. Don't forget, during GG lots of retards surrounded themselves with constant SJW noise, complete obsession. You see them on twitter, even today STILL just going on and on and on about the SJW menace. I don't like SJWs either but I'd rather oppose them when there's actually something happening. Now that SJWs in gaming have really backed off, these people are left with little to rage over, but they keep doing it because it's all they have. They legitimately create hypotheticals and then get mad at their own hypotheticals.

my my, aren't you the insult connoisseur.
not a manchild at all.

Sup Forums being right-wing neogaf confirmed

>The hipocrisy

la creatura, am i right guise XD