

when the hell has BamHam had a defense force on Sup Forums?

Your criticisms have to be well-articulated and not demonstrably false, you illiterate

BamHam was shit

But everyone talks shit about all of theses games besides SWB2

I've seen all of these criticised on Sup Forums before.

>final fantasy 7 isn't there

Mass effect 2 is awful. Borung gunplay plus boring dialogue and shit story

I personally like Bioshock 2 more than 1 in terms of gameplay, but it feels a bit same-y.

That fucking drill though.

>say anything negative about csgo
>valve drones and eastern europeans start screeching

>Mass Effect 2
Haha what? All Batman games are trash and Mass Effect 2 turned an RPG into a TPS

i think 6 is honestly less likely to be criticized than 7, but there'll always be people who hate weeb RPGs

>Nier Automata
>Mario Odyssey

>Sup Forums

Just saying it's shit is not a criticism.

I love the Bamham. Its definitely not a deep game but it was fun as fuck if you actually use all your gadgets.

>Worse Battlefront
>Worse Bioshock
>Bam Ham
this reeks of reddit soyness

Mario fizzled out. BotW is where the drones come out.

Needs more Dark Souls, Ocarina of Time and Telltale's The Walking Dead.

>what is chrono trigger?

What the fuck I love almost all these games but they have a lot of faults. Only reddit fags think a game can be perfect

Remove last of us and its correct.

I saw this on reddit
I just outed myself but I needed to expose OP too

Where the fuck is Dark Souls 1?

TLoU was literally THE movie game

Needs BotW and Dark Souls 1

I have feeling this was taken from reddit, all of these games get shit on here. New Vegas and half-life to a lesser extent but still