What happens when gaming starts to feel like a waste of time?

Now I can barely enjoy games lately. Has Sup Forums ever felt like this?

It is a waste of time. Do other things and only play the most exceptional games.

you should another hobby and have other things going in your life like a normal person.

Yes. Do what you enjoy.

>Never studied or did homework in high school because I truly believed that home time was MY time
>Whenever I'd get home, it'd be vidya time
>Never cared about grades because I assumed I'd make a career in music or art
>Graduated when I was 17 and now 22
>Realized that I've done NOTHING since I graduated and spent 95% of that time gaming and a few months working
>Basically a NEET for over 5 years
>Now I want to actually go to university, do something like STEM and I've hit a brickwall

What do? I don't mean to sound conceited, but I'm not dumb, I just had -0% motivation and I was far too immature in grade 12. Also, having my first break up during crunch season didn't help either. I want to study a useful degree but even if I did a 1 year course through a University, I'd feel like I'm behind because I want to do STEM or something like it

Get a different hobby. Like lifting

I have started lifting again. Hopefully it goes well.

You take a break and stop completely immersing yourself in gaming, gaming media and gaming related discussion. Pick up a book, go for a walk, lift some weights.

Play better games than the fucking Witcher, jesus christ, it's not that hard.

I think that's the way I'm going to go. I'll still game, but I'm not going to do 2-6 hours a day anymore, especially when I'm not doing anything with my life. And truth be told, I'm starting to tire of gaming culture and even Sup Forums. It's fucking toxic and Sup Forums in particular is just a revolving door of the same topics being discussed again and again.

I'm 25 and I have to start my first bachelor's degree over due to a whole bunch of bullshit, that's mostly my fault. Not everyone is able to make it work out of the bat, don't feel discouraged because you've wasted a few years, you've at least learned to set priorities in that time.

I'm sorry to hear that user. I hope for the best when it comes to your studies. Very true. If anything, I've learnt that and finally realized I can't just do nothing for the rest of my life. Now it's just a matter of figuring out where to start from.

Lifted for ten years and willing to pay several k for a home gym; lifting is a "waste of time" too. Hobbies are something you do for yourself because they're fun; not sure what would qualify as useful or what your goal would be for doing something outside of your own enjoyment. Outside of altruism I guess.

>lifting is a "waste of time" too
Improved health and fitness is certainly not a waste of time.

>Australian equivalent of GPA got fucked because I took THREE art subjects, a "tourism" class (which I didn't actually want to do, but nobody wanted to take history class, so that got cancelled), low level English (even though I could easily pass the high level version) and got low Cs in math
>Got a 44/100
>Finally realized what I want to do
>All of those classes require 75-80+ GPA


Sure it isn't if you enjoy it but that goes for everything.

Oh no you actually have to do something. Motherfucker as someone finishing a degree this semester you will burn out on anything that isn’t a bitch degree. STEM actually requires work. I do Marketing and Public Relations and you actually have to do y’know work through interning and working. I had a break up that put me off of school for a year and I tried to kill myself twice because my life became a mess. You are behind but if you start cutting yourself down you will fail. I won’t be done with school till I’m 25 instead of this year like I envisioned when I started college. If you don’t have drive you can be the smartest guy withering away in the room, that is your future if you don’t get your shit together and work for it.

get to sorting

If video games are a chore, find something else that you enjoy. Get a hobby, start working out, read books.

I understand this now, user. I really wish I did before my final year in high school. I'm going to have to give it 2500% now.

I just play for a few hours a week and I'm happy with that. Switch was a good investment.

I'm just too busy. Don't force it.

I wish I could spend more time on Monster Hunter, but whatever. I like my life.

I have some friends who I used to play a lot with, but they've gone a little cliquey and for some moronic reason, they all play Destiny 2 together.

I think that was my out.

I would much rather watch anime or a good film with my girlfriend, because I'm exhausted, and they're more "pure" experiences, not designed to waste your time like western AAA games.

I wish we could go back to the ps1/ps2 era where everyone was into silent hill, resident evil, metal gear, etc.


are you me?
worst part is that I don't even think I'll get a job after I'm done

time for a shotgun mouthwash

>Started to exercise daily, Eating good breakfasts and Made a habit out of cleaning twice a week
>Games becomes fun again
I cant for the life of me explain it, Its like suddenly my brain clicked and decided "Yeah okay you deserve to have fun now"
Also i recommend learning to stay off Sup Forums for a while, I stopped going to Sup Forums for a month and started to have more fun with games when i didnt have other peoples opinions about it.

It's only a waste of time if you don't actually enjoy doing it. If you don't enjoy playing games then stop, if you do then ignore what society says and have fun

I hope everything goes well for you then. Work hard, brother user.

It's going to take a while, but it'll be worth it.

>I'm not dumb

Unfortunately, you are.

>What happens when gaming starts to feel like a waste of time?
Either everything or nothing is a waste of time.

Read some books, then when you miss interactivity, go back to video games.

>Have nothing but regrets because i didnt properly study or do my homework
>Has made finding jobs a bitch
>Notice Sister is falling into same trails and doing the same mistakes that i did
>She has even worse grades than i did at the time
>Literally nothing i say can or will effect how she'll approach her future
I just dont want her to be as big of a fuck-up as her brother

*plays PUBG*

>It's only a waste of time if you don't actually enjoy doing it
>ignore what society says and have fun

Want to know how I know you're a dumb teen?

There was one important advice my parents gave me:

This sounds stupid, but this made me love studying. Most people think that as soon as you are in college you have to finish the degree in the "normal" time, but they don't tell you that if you rush things faster than you can handle you are fucked.

I saw everything
>people who failed ALL of their first year classes
>people who did "everything" like they should in the first year but hated their studies after this and couldn't finish the degree
>people who were only fucking around and couldn't move forward
>people who finished their degree and said literally "I DO EVERYTHING EXCEPT THE THING I DID FOR MY FUCKING DEGREE"

I would say around 90 % who fail their classes or hate their degree are people who just wanted to get the degree as fast as possible.

I took much longer than expected, but I never failed a class, I never did too much and now I'm at my peak. I can read so fast now, can learn everything extremely fast, and was praised so much by my college teachers, that I got enough support for the rest of my life to know one thing: If someone says to me you are bad, I know, that this person is just too bad to compete against the intelligence of my teachers and my intelligence.

Sure, some people can finish their college degree without problems in the given time. But I chose the hardest degree I could find and just followed one rule: Don't fail your classes and don't do more than you can.

I also didn't pay attention in school, ever and just fucked around. But after school I realized all those people who I did something with couldn't help me to find a job and if I can't even finish a hard degree I would never have a chance to find a good job anyway.

>I truly believed that home time was MY time
>NEET for over 5 years
Get a normie job.
If you want to go to university but don't have a set goal then you are playing yourself.

Sounds like you were a bit genuinely depressed.

>study something
>can't find any work with my BA
>get a job in a completely different field
>pays well, really like it
>nice small company of just 5 people
Everything went better than expected.

nah he's right

Everytime one of these threads pops up on here there's always a bunch of comments about needing to take a break from games,so...do that.
Just play less and go try out a new hobby or something for a while.

Personally I feel that games can be a waste of time,but honestly I feel life is a waste of time in general.
Do whatever you want,live however you want,you're just gonna die someday anyways,so I just go back to wasting time on vidya because fuck it,who cares.

Life is a waste of time you cunt. We sit on a rock for 70 years or so until we stop being alive, if video games are what you choose to do during those 70 years then that's your fucking decision.

>I would say around 90 % who fail their classes or hate their degree are people who just wanted to get the degree as fast as possible.
I'd say most people that fail or quit do so because they realize the studies are not what they expected or they thought it was overall easier.

He's 25. It's best to have a time limit.

Your sister will be fine. A girl with no skills can still get hired for any job

I've felt this way since 2011 and I only play them nowadays purely as a means for escapism.

Teenagers actually care about what people think of them. The older I get the less I give a shit. Other people don't pay my rent, bills, or particularly care about my well being so my money and time is my own.

The key to OP's dilemma is balance. When I had been a 7 month neet, every fun thing started becoming tedious. Lonliness started creeping in and I was losing my Christmas money fast. Now that I'm slaving away, I've started to appreciate vidya again at a cost of having little time to do them all. It's like going back to school, only I get paid to be at a place for 8 hours.

On the side note, having a job helped made masturbating fun again. The only thing I can never balance is between Sup Forumsidya and Sup Forums or Sup Forums series I want to binge.

Go to /fit/, lift weights, become gay
Or you could just kill yourself

if you enjoy the time you're wasting then you're not really wasting time