Is speedrunning games and abusing glitches disrespectful to the developers and their vision of the game? Should it be banned?
Is speedrunning games and abusing glitches disrespectful to the developers and their vision of the game...
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What makes you think most devs even care about their "vision"?
Capcom encourage speedrunning of their games.
Who cares?
>Someone has the interest to put in the time and effort to learn how the game works on a much deeper level than is ever intended for an average player
>This is now disrespectful
Define what constitutes a glitch in a game.
Oh wait you can't. Kill yourself.
why the fuck would you ban something becuase it is disrespectful
Tribes wouldn't be associated with going fast if no one ever discovered the skiing glitch and Team Fortress wouldn't have a spy class if no one discovered a glitch involving players having the wrong skin.
An unintended way to get past a section of gameplay inside a video game.
I don't know, ask Trump.
What the fuck does glitches have to do with creative vision?
Devs worked hard for you to beat the game in a certain way. Glitching your way through is disrespectful to that work, and to the artform in general.
So if I can get infinite master balls in Pokemon is that a glitch? Or what if I abuse the in-game clock to manipulate encounters? Is using x-accuracy and one hit KO moves a glitch? What if I use certain moves to get certain responses from the AI trainers, is that a glitch to you? Is doing the leaders out of order a glitch?
You definition is shit. All the fags that want speed running to be "100% subjectively glitchless runs" are cancer.
>games aren't art
>wtf glitchers are dispespecting art!
If abusing glitches is disrespectful to the developers in any form than putting glitches into a game is twice as disrespectful to the consumer
Reddit is that way
There doesn't need to be a 100% consistent definition. It's a "know it when you see it" kind of thing.
A definition might be, if a dev ever saw what you did, and said to himself, "hey, that's wasn't supposed to be possible", then it's a glitch.
>Devs worked hard for you to beat the game in a certain way. Glitching your way through is disrespectful to that work, and to the artform in general.
It's the dev's fault for leaving in a glitch, not the player's fault for using it.
That's like saying that looking at a cameraman's reflection in a film is disrespectful to the director.
>That's like saying that looking at a cameraman's reflection in a film is disrespectful to the director.
Calling it out publically would be disrespectful, yes. Just like uploading your speedruns is disrespectful.
>there doesn't need to be a 100% consistent definition
Except there does. If you do your autism "just as the developers allowed meme" speed run category and beat the game in an hour. Then I beat your record by beating the game in 56 minutes but I manipulate the game in one way or another then there has to be an objective way to know who did it correctly and the fastest.
This is why people who argue against glitches in speed runs are mega-autists (you). You have to be objective because it's competive, but you want to look at it in some fucked-in-the-head completely subjective way.
I paid for it, I do what I want, as long as it is within the game and not using external devices like cheating/hacking tools.
>this triggers Sup Forums
The best would just be to not speedrun a game at all, since it's not the intended way to beat the game, unless it's a game where the stages are timed.
You paid for a license to use the game, you do not own the game. So no, you can't do what you wish with it.
This is the most brainlet thread on Sup Forums right now, congrats.
>Is speedrunning games and abusing glitches disrespectful to the developers and their vision of the game?
I can imagine an argument for that
>Should it be banned?
kill yourself
If they're so concerned about people playing their games according to their vision, maybe don't release a glitchy game.
I think all that boot polish has gone to your head
Disrespectful? Why? Just because there's a few hundred turbo autists that break a game, doesn't mean that people suddenly stop playing the games as intended.
But I guess it depends on what we're talking about when we say "glitches." As far as I know, manipulating the engine or timers to get a certain outcome isn't really "glitching" a game, it's just having intimate knowledge of the game's inner workings and abusing it. You're still technically playing by the "rules" of the game. I think it's when you start clipping through walls or breaking clearly defined boundaries that we can start calling them "glitches."
To me, the former is more impressive to watch than the latter. For example, Sonic 3 speedruns are basically just 80% vertical scrolling glitch abuse. Neat at first, but it's incredibly easy to pull off and gets really old fast. I suppose it depends on the difficulty or skill required to pull off a glitch.
...What were we talking about? Oh yeah. OP's being silly. I doubt many developers even give a shit once a game hits the shelves, because they've probably already moved on to the next project.
It's as much disrespectful as cyber bullying is a thing.
Ahahaha How The Fuck Is Bitching About Speedrunners/Glitchers Real Nigga Just Play The Game Your Way Like Nigga They're Not Forcing You To Do It Hahaha
If you can't imagine how cyberbullying can be hurtful then you literally have a brain made out of