Are you coming back Sup Forums?

Are you coming back Sup Forums?

>Revamped old heroes
>the combat systems will not be defense focused anymore
>Dedicated servers
>gear stats do not do shit anymore
>Exploits are basically gone

Ubisoft are literally /ourdevs/

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How much do I have to pay?


Impossibile there is no way the game fixed all that shit

For Honor is a For Goner still

Any new maps or gamemodes? The game needs more content and not just heroes.

this game was never good

It's on sale right now on PSN.
I'm mildly interested but the gameplay doesn't look too fun.

What I'd be in for Sup Forums?

Just bought it during the sale, learning curve is nasty but im having decent fun sticking to bot matches.

Like 6 maps were added and a new objective mode which is better than the mode with the NPCs in the middle imo.

Its like capture the flag but there are 3 flags around the map

a shit game

In like 4 days all the people good at the game are gonna be shit again since their changing the combat fir some reason

What are they doing to not make the meta defense oriented? Unparryable attacks? Unreactable attacks?

Literally parries dont let get a free insta win guard break anymore

I’d settle for a tighter window for parries and only have heavy attacks be parryable.

>still 60 dollars

yeah but can I play it in VR

slow paced and clunky chivalry.

The devs are entirely incompetent when it comes to balance and making the combat fun and they proved this on every occasion possible
Not even going to bother taking a look

Im glad Ubisoft didnt ditch the game for a gay ass sequel its what I wanted Ryse to be I love how they added Romans out of fucking no where

>Are you coming back Sup Forums?

I might. I actually liked For Honor a lot. Lawbro 4 lyfe.

they Made the parry just a tool for defense , it doesnt guarantee nothing anymore . also there's a new parry exclusive for light attacks , that guarantee a heavy , but parrying a light nowadays is based on prediction more than reactions. soo , its classic parry , light attack
Lucky Parry to heavy ATT
Or both to a GB that could be counterGB'ed

also BuffMahClass

Compairing it to Chivalry shitfest

Nothing outside of the main game unless you want the DLC characters that came out (which you can just buy with in-game currency anyway)

>it doesnt guarantee nothing anymore
then why do it instead of blocking
>its classic parry , light attack
so it guarantees a light attack?
Is this the same shitty combat system they used on that PTR build where everthing managed to feel slower and clunkier despite it being the 'defense meta killer'

When is it coming out?

I just can't wait for the warden rework. Hopefully in season 6.
I love her to death but the shoulder bash is still cheap as fuck.


Its 80 fucking gigabytes
Does ubisoft not know how to compress files

that and still 60 bucks when it's worth half that
Though g2a does have it for 30

It's been on sale for around 15€? shouldn't key sites be around that level as well then?

I bought it for Black Friday, hopped online and these assholes with the masks keep kicking me to death with no way for me to stop them. Apparently the kick was unblockable or some shit. It just seem like such a hassle to get into.

>coming back
>implying i was ever there

I don't think it's ever worked that way but no, 30 is the cheapest.

>PTR build where everthing managed to feel slower and clunkier despite it being
Nigga , i read again that post and i spaced out for fucking real...

yeah it guarantees a light attack.
About the PTR stuff i dont know what build are you talking about , but the phasing and speed on the ptr actual build is faster, but only because the GB are less likely to enter inbetween fights

It has good waifus

>This is what for honor babies think is a waifu

oh wow your serious?

saw a few in hot pink and black skin... robbed my heart.

pic related, g2a must be really lacking behind if a "legitimate" Site like this has better pricing?

Thursday 15

>r around 15€? shouldn't key sites be around that level as well then?

for sure they gonna put a discount with the patch

How do u imagine warden Rework? Like what you should Put/buff/erase to make
less cheap?

That still translates to 23 dollars, still almost the same, albeit a little cheaper for sure
Never even heard of that site though

I should get into it. It plays like how I want Chivalry to play.

Is the meta still to let your opponent attack first then punish?

make her more technical similar to the centurion. honestly i'd be fine if they'd remove the charged shoulder bash. Give her maybe a heavy startup option, a dodge attack. Anything.

I feel like her attack options are exactly three: shoulderbash (gb cancel), top light or zone.

i am no expert though at all. I am only around rep50

>About the PTR stuff i dont know what build are you talking about
it was the first PTR build where they were testing the whole "parry only guarentees light attack and GB is alot shitter" in an attempt to break defensive meta
I haven't played the game or any ptr in quite a few months so I'm out of the loop, but I was pretty high on the 1v1 leaderboards when I did play and the combat just stopped being fun once people started getting good
For Honor was best played during the alphas/betas where everyone was still terrible

Balance update on the 15th is actually going to take away the universal reward of parrying an attack to get a free grab, multiple characters are receiving balance passes or modified movesets that help attack players who only defend

Were you using the For Honor stats website? Since you probably weren't on the top of the 1v1 duel leader boards

>only heavy attack parryable

we already have an assassins meta, please no!

it's german.
And jeah you're right. But still I think the game is worth that much. The campaign is neat and you can have a lot of fun if you want a "light" fighting game.

And honestly the dress up game is ridiculous.
I mean, look at that terror nigger to the right!



>Since you probably weren't on the top of the 1v1 duel leader boards
What's the official stats website? I was using fhtracker back then iirc. Think my highest rank was #4 on PC.

>black viking

true. They basically shat realism to the winds from the get go. Doesn't have to be a bad thing though.

Like all the new executions are dorky as fuck


So in what timeline did the Knight fight the samurai and vikings?

oh I never actually played ranked since I quit before that came out
fhtracker was just the website all the tournament players used.

fhtracker is the one that website is busted.

Nope. I dropped the game months ago and will never play it again. Ubisoft is incompetent, but the For Honor team brought it to a whole new level. You’re a fool if you think these changes will make the game good. I don’t know how they can jerk the community around since release and people still believe their promises. Anytime they fix something they create two new, equally bad issues. I believe the people still playing For Honor are either masochists or deluded and experiencing Stockholm Syndrome.

the lore is pretty fun, i f you can suspend your disbelief. A huge cataclysm broke the world and forced those factions to fight over scraps.

Thats the history your high history class doesn't want you to know bro.

>i am no expert though at all. I am only around rep50

u dont have to be a sickMad player to propose good design ideas

>make her more technical similar to the centurion. honestly i'd be fine if they'd remove the charged shoulder bash. Give her maybe a heavy startup option, a dodge attack. Anything.

I feel like her attack options are exactly three: shoulderbash (gb cancel), top light or zone.

Mmm , but the warden its intended to be Vainilla as posible , if they try to convert
into a mix-up intensive is going to derrail her from the Basic experience tho.
it would be sick if they take away the shoulderbash , and gave her a Mixup combo to mimic "Wolverine-esque" type of figther.

Nvm thats a orochi.

when the games start taking it less seriously they tend to began to be kind to players.
Nigga the concept sounds good , why i should care about if they actually met

>for some reason
Because it was a badly designed broken mess

>it was a badly designed broken mess

thats what made Warband fun

I understand warden is a great starting point for new players with a more condensed move list.
So maybe variants? other fighting games have those, but i quess that would be more work than its worth.

can someone explain to me why this game is so boring?

it doesnt sound like , a bad idea either , anyway i think it will be easier to make new heros than that

no amout of graphix and cool animations will make this game not shit, ubishill

Because never attacking was the best strategy, now they maybe fixed that.
I'll give it a shot.

niche combat mechanics , balance issues that make it frustrating AF , and slow paced fights compared to others fighting games
Talking About graphix while both games have completely different mechanics , fight-phase design, and target audience.
Boy do you even tried Playing them its not hard to see the difference.

melee pvp is always boring but FH especially

>dedicated servers when no one is there
>gear only mattered in one mode anyway
>still just throw guys in holes
>I’ll still be shit at it
Not a chance

I'm almost tempted to try again. Light-spamming PK and vortex Wardens with occasional zone attacks killed the game for me so fast.

>I’ll still be shit at it

this is only point that is true for you

I gotta hand it to Ubisoft. They're kinda scummy as a dev but damn do they refuse to let any of their games die.

I'm fully expecting this to be the next Rainbow 6 Seige.

I never left

When the do something to shaman i will come back

got back into it again lately, pretty hype for the changes to my boy kensei

Is it worth picking up for 20 bucks, or is the season pass basically mandatory. Beta was fun as a kensai

>it doesnt guarantee nothing anymore
parrying a heavy guarantees a light, and parrying a light guarantees a heavy, in most cases. you just dont get a guaranteed gb > heavy anymore
kensei is getting an unblockable/unparryable pommel strike but thats about it asides from the parry changes

Did they ever buff Raider? He was the most fun character but the Peacekeeper and that Knight guy and the double axe viking just made him impossible to play.

It plays nothing like chivalry though, are you retarded?

raider is top tier since season 2


Not unless they have a free weekend. Last time I played was the beta and it was dogshit. I've heard this song and dance about "oh they finally fixed it" with Siege and The Division. Don't fucking trust Ubisoft kikes.

what do you mean? Siege and division are actually fixed and doing great.

>doing great
Great is such a strong word.

Why the FUCK does ubisoft release early access games as finished games? First you had The Division which needed to be salvaged. Rainbow six siege had a entire season focused on fixing bugs that were there since release and still is buggy as hell and also didnt have anticheat for almost a year it came out. And now For Honor needed salvaging too?

this is the literal definition of "too little too late"

compared to before patch 1.8 its a huge improvement to the playerbase

because shareholders demand games to be released on set dates and financial quarters.

this is one of the worst games I've ever played. my friend bought the $100 edition and played it less than 5 times and claims not to regret it.

except its not too late, game still has enough players playing. Or they wouldn't be investing this kind of money into it.

your friend seems to be a brainlet, just like you!

>Ubisoft are literally /ourdevs/

Is there a free trial or some shit? id like to try it out when the dedicated servers rolls out

>Fill maps with traps and cliffs to fall off from making dueling about who is the most shitter of them all
>Give poison/bleed and high attack speed for couple classes making everything else fucking useless
I truly liked the core of the game but there were too many absolutely retarded design choices the devs weren't willing to address despite the outrage on the forums, I stopped playing the fucking thing. I'm sure they've fixed a bunch of them since the player numbers dropped but I am as equally sure that the game is still fucked.

You only get a guaranteed light off of parries now, so getting parried makes you get hit once for like 15 damage as opposed to letting your opponent grab you, push you into a wall, remove all of your limbs and then chokeslam you off of mount everest, causing your battered torso to explode on impact when it smashes into a disgruntled sherpa's fuckshack at 400 miles per hour.

didnt they remove this though? or are they bringing it back next patch?

Next patch parries won't guarantee guard breaks. You might still get them off of light parries but heavies will definitely be much safer.

>Doesn't have to be a bad thing though.

Maybe then we can get some blonde-haired blue-eyed white-freckled-skin Shaka Zulu warriors?

Y'know, since it's not a bad thing.

And I mean, TECHNICALLY speaking, all human genealogy goes back to Africa and the Middle East right?

So really, it's my heritage too. :^)