What went right?
MHW shipped 6 millions
Other urls found in this thread:
Appealing to a wider audience
normalfags and streamerfags
>great content
>amazing gameplay
>quality mechanics
>new monster are fun
>the gaming loop is addictive
is true one of the best game to came out in this generation, easily 9,5/10, if the MHWG fix the online lobby aspect of the game it will be easily a 11/10 game
The west doesn’t want to play on handhelds, and japa don’t even like video games that much anymore
Monster hunter was already a great game, they just cut out a lot of the shit that made it annoying to keep up with and kept improving on what made the game good
It being on a real console.
I bet it's gonna sell another couple million on PC.
The dumbing down so that plebs feel as if they've beaten a hard game when in reality they managed somethign that a 6yo is capable of.
Strategic timing during a game drought coupled with an aggressive marketing campaign
>great content
>gaming loop is addictive
fucking lol, what a cocksucker
is this your first MH game
The PS4 had nothing going against it. People were tired of historical shooter 7 now with more token blacks and Space Shooter: Return of the loot boxes. Basically a draught of games left everyone hungry for something different.
Assets that aren't re-used from 2004
I feel sorry for your parents, just imagining rising a faggot like you makes me cringe
>lack the hardware to run it on console or even PC
very much this
They casualized it.
>MHW has its own general
>multiple threads up
>hit the point where meta threads start showing up
it's overwatch all over again. soon Sup Forums will hate this beautiful game because fans won't stop shitting up the place with unnecessary threads.
Cool, we all know games Sup Forums "hates" gets loads of threads.
>ever good
>MH: Casual
>ever good
>What went right?
Being a good game on an actual console. Being on handhelds were crippling the games
uhm no they were really good on 3ds too
Already hate the game ever since PS4 fags showed up. Psp and 3ds used to be bros in the threads. PS4 fags ruin every community.
how did you even come to that conclusion
the only faggot here is you, cocksucker
not him, but maybe because you just spout unfounded shit without any justification or argument. That's pretty faggy.
Real game on a real console with actual gameplay innovations, also marketing and the fact that it only had one competitor. Not to take away from the game, its success makes me very happy.
t. guy who started with the 3ds
No monhun fan is a "bro", at least not here. You're all cunts, see
Everyone likes to hunt big bad-asses monsters, that's why Bloodborne is so critically acclaimed.
>Trying to teach normie friend to play MHW since it's the most casual one yet
>Still gets frustrated and doesn't even understand the simplest parts of the UI or that your character attacks in front of him and not where the camera is pointing
>screaming and yelling at the game
I didn't even get this frustrated when I was playing my first MH back on psp days.
Are normies a lost cause?
No, I started with psp, bandwagoner. Back with freedom
Here we go guys, time to anonymously compare schoolyard cred! Constructive and useful discussion!
claiming it's "one of the best game[s] to c[o]me out in this generation" is faggy
specifically newfaggy
nobody is that fucking blind (unless they're new)
content is fucking lacking, gameplay is still the same spam 1 combo that it's always been, mechanics are un-fucking changed, there is only a single new monster that was "fun" and the "gaming loop" is not addictive unless you a fucking newfag which I suspect 90% of the people who are sucking dick are
>he didn't start with the original on PS2
You're not a real MH fan. Fuck off, bub.
>abloooblooobloo waaahh waaaaahh
Keep crying, kiddo.
>tfw nintentoddlers got holocausted
I like that I havent met a single kid on this game. Heard some black people though.
>What went right?
Capcom bet on the one series they haven't already tanked into the ground.
And judging by what we've seen in MHW. MonHun is soon going to join the rest of Capcom's franchises and become bogged down with frivolous DLC and corporate BS.
It was fun while it lasted
Killing monsters to upgrade your equipment to kill better monsters is addictive whether you like it or not.
Also implying that everyone who disagrees with your OPINION is new is beside the point, faggot.
The only thing you're right about is that the gameplay is mostly unchanged, which I would think super pro HARDCORE oldfags such as yourself would appreciate.
actually you do sound like a faggot bitch made nigga
Capcom got their money, any hope for Dragon's Dogma 2 now?
They can even recycle MHW's and DDO's assets for it
Is this good gameplay?
I'm not trying to brag or anything
Its just I think this the best thing I have done in
I know I know there are better times
This. If there's one thing we can trust Capcom to do, it's tripling the rate the franchise will be milked.
I just hope other devs are already working on decent clones or there's someone on MH team big enough to force it going back to how it used to be.
My favorite part of MH is that they have dinosaurs in them.
After about 180 hours of world I'm starting to think of getting 4U and a 3ds, is it worth it? Played FU and portable third
Good gameplay, really nice use of the kicks and tackles
i really wish there would be an option to transfer saves between ps4 and pc (when it comes out) cause while i dont want to wait i also dont want to start from scratch and id rather have better framerate when given the option for non-portable MH.
Anyone saying anything else is utterly delusional.
>MHW shipped 6 millions
It actually didn't the 6 million is shipments +digital copies sold. So it shipped less than 6 million, and shipping a certain amount of units isn't really something to brag about. Anyone who does it for MHW is retarded, just like people who did it for MH4.