Do you play games with your significant other Sup Forums?

Do you play games with your significant other Sup Forums?

There is nothing wrong with 2 good friends holding hands in public, me and my guy friends do it all the time because we have an understanding that we are both not into men so doing as such is not considered gay

No, she is in Gensokyo!

god I hate fags

Yes, my wife loves metal slug.

Crippling loneliness never leaves my side.

But we love you user-kun. Let me stick it in your butt, I think you'll like it.

I played card games months ago


Cute picture

gays are disgusting unless they are hot women

>come home after a long day at work
>"hey user! are you going to play your video game for me tonight"
>so fucking tired, no energy for games
>"but user, I love watching you play"
>turn on game, force myself to have fun for gfs entertainment

This is the life right guys..

You are a cuck.


Interesting how in gay culture "sex" means "love". Since gays don't have the concept of monogamy


You should join her.

Word has literally lost all meaning.

You do things you don’t want to for your wife’s entertainment. Ergo, you are a cuck.

Neither do women

Why does the school girl lay in the snow?

I will, but I don't think suicide works if that's what you were hinting at!

Nigga gross


I am so fucking sick of playing video games alone.

Maybe she likes snow?


I play games with my boyfriend and with my girlfriend, they both enjoy very different genres so I have a fair amount to play with either of them

if your significant other is a dude, you may be gay

It's literally the best way to play games.

kys biscum