Is this worth a purchase if I already have a PC? I don’t really play multiplayer games

Is this worth a purchase if I already have a PC? I don’t really play multiplayer games

Fuck no. You can LITERALLY get EVERY SINGLE game that's on xbox on PC.

So are 4k TVs a meme? Someone at work was trying to convince me that they look much better than PC monitors for gaming.

No, I've got a PC and a Switch, that's a good combo. The PS4 is a good option too due to exclusives, but not the XBox. Nothing wrong with an XBox controller on a PC though.

No, not MCC or rare replay, the only good games on either PS4 or Xbox one.
Well, obviously it depends on the TV or the monitor. What kind of retarded assertion is that?

Already have a PS4. I might just go with the Switch but I was turned off my reviews that said the new Mario wasn’t difficult.

Red Dead Redemption 2 ?

>play video games
>hurr I don't know about this display panel tech that has been consumer grade for like 3 years
imagine being this much of a normal fag jesus christ

HDR10 > 4k

It's hard going to games without HDR and especially playing on a TV without it once you've experienced it. 4k is cool, but pales in comparison of what HDR10 does.

Pic related is one of the most exhilirating experiences on a good TV I've ever watched. Blader Runner 2049 was good as fuck too.

No offense but If those are the kind of games you're into you probably won't be interested in anything on Xbox. This is coming from someone with a 1x and PC.

you're asking if the most powerful console ever is worth purchasing
what a stupid question

Real talk, the X1 blows the PS4 Pro out of the fucking water. I barely use my PS4 anymore, just collecting dust till Death Stranding at this point.

you're not answering the question
what a stupid reply

No, not really. I enjoy my Xbone greatly but its chief draws for me are pretty good subscription incentives for its online services and a library that at the time clashed nicely with my Wii U's.

If you have an able PC already you might as well just make use of it instead. I don't, so it's not nearly as worthwhile to go build one.

What is this?

Trying to blow life into the PlayStation/Xbox rivalry?

It's fucking over, man.

>but pales in comparison of what HDR10 does.
you mean just turning up the saturation?

What games are better on the X then on PS4?

I actually have a regular Xbox one as well but my friend keeps bragging about how awesome his 4k TV and Xbox one X experience is. That’s like a $1500 money sink that I’m not sure is worth it at this point.

bringing an assault rifle to a fist fight here


Not too excited about it. Kind of jaded about rockstar games since GTAV. I mean, how mind blowing could it be? Just another open world western sounds pretty boring

no. i like the xbone a lot, but if you're not in it for the multiplayer, there's not much left for you. best multiplayer of any of the current 3 consoles, but the single player experience is the worst by a pretty big margin and is basically a shittier PC experience.

The game has been delayed 3 times now and it's current planned release is Q4 2018 instead of Q2 2017. That shit isn't gonna release in the next 5 years.

Thanks. I think I’m just going to wait. I’d have to buy a 4K TV as well if I bought one. Too much of a money sink with not much return at the moment.

Yeah user.. saturation...