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At this rate they might as well just keep it free


It will flop without any games to play on it
They're probably going to launch it at the same time as the Smash 4 port

Either they're taking more time to make their servers worthy of paying for them, or they're postponing the inevitable anger that will come from charging for online.
Or both

>people will fall for this

They already confirmed it wasn't going to be user and it's still set for the end of this year.

Why would someone pay to play Smash 4 online when they can already do that? They'd need an actual big online game and not just a port as a selling point.

>Either they're taking more time to make their servers worthy of paying for them
If you legitimately think they'll ever improve their service you are delusional
All the multiplayer games from nintendo are p2p lagfests and people eat that shit up, they have 0 reason to change it

This means Pokemon is being pushed to 2019 too then, it is the game that will launch with the online service

Can't you people read the date? It's from when Nintendo Italian website made a typo that was corrected 5 minutes later.

>Free online till 2019
Oh no the horror

same reason they ported pokken. "complete" version with all DLC, amiibo features less pronounced as they've started shuttering production, and other shit, surely. They really don't have a leg to stand on for the online, all the games they pushed to be big online titles have floundered pretty badly. splatoon 2 and arms notably, mk8 and aforementioned pokken to a lesser extent as they were ports.

There's not a single game I can think of that people would pay for online for.

>They'd need an actual big online game and not just a port as a selling point.
Well sure, that's what we thought about the Switch generally though and it's done just fine on ports

it was a typo
its coming 2018

If Splatoon 2 is still using 16hz p2p matchmaking by the time paid online is out I’m going to nuke japan

>nintendo has free online
Free online is the best!
>nintendo has paid online
Paid online is the best!
>nintendo delays its paid online
D-delays are the b-best..

Thanks for the bait thread, user.

The faster the Switch gets hacked the faster paid online better come. Keep a paywall between me and filthy thieves who will also ruin online by cheating. Because people who steal games via piracy can only have fun by destroying the fun of others.

If you retards aren't going to boycott the paid online like with paid mods you are fucking idiots. If nobody pays for it they will have to revert back to free.

>Because people who steal games via piracy can only have fun by destroying the fun of others.
I pirate games and I've never cheated. Piracy isn't theft btw, it's copyright infringement

This is a company that stored game tickets on the console rather than online so people could pirate digital copies with no issue. Do you really think hackers won't be able to spoof their online?

Boycotting never works for video games.

I'm not gonna pay for it, just remember user we are not Nintendo's target audience.

>Because people who steal games via piracy can only have fun by destroying the fun of others.
I own a switch but calm down, not all pirates are evil subhumans. I usually pirate either when the developer/publisher is shitty or it's easier than hunting down a legit copy.

Nobody says paid online is the best. Free online IS the best. Delays make it free longer. OP's post is not even accurate, it's not delayed. You're a retard.

user, let's be honest, it's going to be the same online shit we have right now, behind a paywall. They won't change a damn thing.

>Jan 16, 2018
Uh huh

>Paid mods got reverted because of the boycott and hate towards it
If people actually boycotted instead of just saying they are doing it yet still buying it regardless.

Old news is old. Confirmed typo.


Battlefront 2 was so hated by everyone but everyone who complaigned bought it anyway.

and people defend Nintendo already, no one will boycott it.

fake news!

why do consoles charge for online service when pc gaymers can do it for free?

seems corrupt. #releasethememo

>it's not delayed.
It's clearly been delayed. Perhaps not until 2019 but it was supposed to be out by now

>Piracy isn't theft btw
>so I'm doing nothing wrong!

Man just fucking own it. I download shit all the time and I don't whine like a little bitch about it.

Didn't they confirm in a more recent news that it's coming out this summer?

Even if Switchbros have to pay for online, they can look forward to a great free game coming soon!

>so I'm doing nothing wrong!
I didn't say this part, you did.
And I don't let corporate interests guilt trip me into believing I'm doing something that I'm not. Yes, I made a illegal copy without permission. No, it's not the same as theft, just like it's not the same as murder or rape.

Oh no

Good fucking job Nintendo

Can't even fucking release a console with actual basic online like FRIENDS LISTS AND VOICE CHAT.

There's a fucking reason monster hunter world is not on the switch.

Let’s try to be realistic here

What game will Nintendo will Nintendo try to push for the switch online?

It’s too easy to say a Sm4sh port, we would’ve known about it in advance
I feel it could be something completely out of left field

3DS has the same limitations and that didn’t stop Monster Hunter from selling though

Stop forcing a narrative for your position

Smash 5
Mario Party
Prime 4 with online multiplayer deathmatches

Splatoon 2.

>we would’ve known about it in advance
Not really. A port could be just a few months away and announced today, it's happened before

The devs said monster hunter world isn’t coming to switch because they started making the game before the console was announced and they already had a plan in place.

>believing political PR spin
It's not coming to the Switch because the Switch isn't powerful enough to run it

>But 3ds monhun sold well!
>When MHW is literally the fastest selling capcom game ever

>They said that

>Yet they were prepared for Ultra Street Fighter 2
>And Anniversary collection minus Ultra Street Fighter 2

Capcom is really full of shit

I can see updates to the already existing games

But in terms of a brand new game, specifically multiplayer, it could be anything.

I still go by my theory that the new fire emblem will be multiplayer focused

It's fake news fucking moron

It's confirmed September you fucking twat

I agree
Except it’s Smash Bros we are talking about
As much of a cash cow for Nintendo it is, they aren’t gonna drop a simple port, and it wouldn’t be so soon unless Sakurai has been full force since the beginning

Those aren't very nice things to say to someone. Would you want someone calling you a moron or twat? I think you should say you're sorry, and head off to bed.

>A multiplat game sells more than a single handheld is apparently a sign

3DS was still great though

I know you are just shitposting, but even ignoring the massively larger budget, gen 5 is still lightyears away from the sales of gen 4.

Pay for online and get these great features!
No voice chat
No trophies
Wiiu games from 2014
At least you can watch somebody else play red dead redemption 2 on YouTube, right kids?

And a special treat for all subscribers:
Coupons for your favorite classic games like star fox zero and metroid federation force.

But that's not all! While supplies last, an exclusive amiibo no fan can live without. A 1/1 scale replica amiibo of Miyamoto's dick! Now you can actually feel what it's like to get your childhood raped and fucked!

So we're comparing a single game to an entire generation of games now?

>Good online

Good joke

>Splatoon 2

Yes, obviously. Capcom sold almost 15 million copies iterating on MH4. What happens when they try to sell hard mode to leddit for $60 next year?
Running the fastest marathon in your life is meaningless if you shatter your kneecaps in the process.

>splatoon 2
so this... is the power... of retardation...........

Or, they could build a franchise that isn't iterative, people want to keep playing and will actually buy DLC content for instead of abandoning

MH was a niche franchise that has gone mainstream. The more you try to undersell this accomplishment, the stupider you look

Pay for online and get 3 games! Hope you like FIFA and COD!
Who cares about ports, most are fun. At least we get games.

Sonyfags seriously always get BTFO in these threads

Whatever you say thief.

>not all pirates are evil subhumans
Yes they are, it's a law of nature. Just like all Republicans place their loyalty to Russia and not America.

16 Hz is fine.

Hell, 10 could be enough.

It is actually pretty horrifying if you think about. Only a year left for free multiplayer.

It means they're selling classic consoles for the next 2 years

>As much of a cash cow for Nintendo it is, they aren’t gonna drop a simple port
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was a port, and it sold over 7 million.

Let's face it:Smash Bros games take a lot of work to make, so it wouldn't surprise me if they were to port Smash 4. I wouldn't be too miffed about it if they added a few new characters and a couple of new modes.

Less than that. September 2018 is the date.

>16 Jan
This was confirmed to be an error on their site, some anons already mentioned it. Do some fucking research, all of you.


>Do some fucking research
where do you think you are

Smash has always had pretty fast development cycles. There's just long hiatuses.

Why do Nintendo think anybody is going to pay for their embarrassing online?

This is just going to kill ton of online games that are smaller in size.

The battle was lost when sonegros gave in. 2/3 of the console market has shown that you can get away with this shit for free.

I suppose, but I feel like if you're Nintendo you;d rather just go the cheaper route and do a port and get at least 5-7 million more sales out of Smash 4.

People are paying Sony billions for getting their credit card info stolen every other month so why would they not pay for this?

>release a game world wide
>sells faster than a game getting released at vastly different dates in JP/US/EU