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Lmao, nobody cares. This is fucking epic.
>Playing SFV
Awww can't we just skip to the good part and release Cody already?
looks as bad and dumb as always
>command grab
Waiting for the salt desu
If they fuck up my precious little criminal I will go after their families.
>classic character wasn't in the game from the beginning
Why is this even allowed? Even Smash kept their originals despite nobody liking some of them.
>Having a human voice instead of his classic roaring sounds
Just feels extremely weird.
>inb4 he doesn't go HA-HA anymore
>inb4 they kill his theme
>inb4 he loses a signature move with nothing to compensate
SFV's redesigns are a mixed bag, I hope they don't fuck it up
>good MP range
>shit cr.HP range
>that shitty V2 juggling up so high up and making punishing random blanka balls a bad idea
>hop command grab in up close fighter 5
Literally nothing. Call me when my main gets in.
>literally just mbison
the state of marvel cucks
What did they mean by this?
Looks like Amingo's retarded cousin
If you're going to shitpost actually do it correctly instead of showing everyone you're just a streamboaring retard.
>wears Aztec clothing
Your man won't have fireballs until he gets his 3 bar v-trigger 1
Blanka's been able to speak normally ever since SF2 and had a normal voice in SFIV.
forgot pic
la creatura...
This thing is cute. It makes me want to play Blanka.
SF2 stage when
looks like hop is his v skill. totally didn't see that coming.
the whole game looks like trash
Duck is his v-skill (fang's 2+Kicks)
He can launch opponent or hop in the air as a follow-up
better green guys
>plays pubg and league unironically
>Sagat main
>giving a shit about SFV
Enjoy those awful Tiger Shots my man, I'm waiting for the next SF game. Watch Sagat get "reworked" to where Tiger Knee is his main move now and Tiger Shots being utterly worthless.
Did Capcom just try and rip off the Hulk's face 1 for 1 when making Blanka?
>3 A.M.
sopa e blanka uma delicia
when's falke
dat story costume tho
>urban legends of Blanka make the area a tourist attraction
>tourism board markets and merchandises his image
>Blanka gets a dead-end job wearing a crappy mascot suit of himself to get by and buy fruit, not realizing he's probably owed a fortune in royalties
Fuck this guy
At least they let him keep the suit
What gets me is he’s suppose to be a wild man from Brazil, but he speaks perfect English and not Portuguese.
He's not a native brazilian though
I don't understand why fighting games don't have the best visuals when it's viewed from a 2D perspective and it's literally just 2 fucking people fighting with a background. Someone knowledgeable about grafix explain.
Art style and lazyness
Did anyone even ask for this meme character?
His story is that he was an American named child Jimmy who survived a plain crash in the Amazon. He was nicknamed Homem Branco (white man, became Blanka because of Japan translation fuckery like Laurence-->Rolento) by locals who saw him because of his pale skin, until he started rubbing leaves on himself to camouflage in the jungle.
You don't need to be knowledgeble about graffix to understand how redundant high fidelity graphics are to fighting games, retard.
The novelty of graphics wears off insanely fast in fighting games because your brain only filters the important cues.
Also graphics are fuckign useless. The artstyle is way more important to fighting games
>The artstyle is way more important to fighting games
Even his shiny color is ass.
its just capcom fighters that look like shit
Why are you whining about something that would be a good thing again?
Make Sagat an actual fucking Muay Thai character, that'd be wonderful.
capcom has had 3 of there fighters come out and they look like bad the fanboys just go muh artstyle
KoF XIV says "Hi".
KoF XIV does not exist.
Fuck that is amazing.
I thought his canon story was he was baby who was the only survivor of a plane crash in the Amazon jungle. His mutation was caused when he was playing with electric eels. And he was searching for who he really is.
fighting games require highly detailed animations. detailed animations require early lockdown of character models. specifically, you want those animations to represent what's happening (IE hit/hurtboxes). imagine it takes 10 ppl to get the animations right, 5 to come up with the design, 5 more to create the character mesh, 2 for the effects, 2 for the sound feedback, + 4 more to communicate & manage those teams and shareholders. makes 13 higly specialized ppl involved in creating a single character. have you ever managed that many ppl and interests? theres many different levels and degrees of influence at work. most games dont get released at all (IE
I think that suit has a built in snack bar and air conditioner
No fuck you
that math
He honestly looks pretty cool. Don't know how useful V trigger 2 will be but damn does it look fun. I hope his normals are better than Sakura's.
Wow they straight up gave him Talbain's beast cannon
So, he wears the costume to make everyone think that he isn't a monster?
>another shoto
Get that ass banned