Unironically joining Sup Forums guilds

>Unironically joining Sup Forums guilds

did this once in gw2, full of furries erping,
did this once in xiv, full of trannies erping.
did this once in wow, full of furry trannies erping.
You'd think i learn my lesson by now.

It can be fun.

>playing redditscape

>The Holocaust did not happen

>No homosexuals
>No trannies
Hol up, and you say it's a Sup Forums guild?

well presumably it's good if you want tranny erp.
I'm not into tranny erp myself but a lot of Sup Forums seems into it.

52 online? That's pretty good.

Ah yes a case of political autism,,, very good

Some of those rules seem okay to me.

except these rules are actually good
fuck off to reddit OP