What did you name your computer? Mines called GLadOS

What did you name your computer? Mines called GLadOS

Awww! Do you give her cute wallpapers and sfxs?

People don't actually name their PCs right?

[my name]'s PC
anything else makes you a fag

I call mine Shodan. She is my perfect immortal machine

Whatever the default name is.




fuck off frogposter

Some Roman name-Roman rank
The rank depends on what type of device it is

>still hating frogposters
give up

Mine is called ROFLCOPTER-PC

nip for chroma saturation

fuck off frogman

Nice system user

Thanks. Started at work because i couldn't remember what computer was id-456786 and which laptop was id-7989075 and so on

monolith because the case I bought ended up being fuck huge.
But this is nice, I might steal it

Hal 9001

Forgive me


Fapbox 5000


Last one was VIRMIRED. Current one lacks a name.

>not naming your PCs after warships


[my name]-WIN10

Mine is Lee.

NOEL MK-something. Everytime I reformat her I change her designation.

Current PC is now NOEL MK-XV. I customized windows sounds so she talks to me like an anime girl.

my devices get car names
better device = car i like more

>2nd version of my rig

The real question is what did you name your wifi?


I name physical machines/devices after Japanese voice actors, virtual machines after Nepu characters, and file shares after vocaloids.

Chromecast1: Wakamoto
Chromecast2: Sugita
Plex server: Imai
VM server: Hanazawa
Fileserver: Kobayashi
Windows desktop: Chiaki (first name)
Linux desktop: Omigawa (last name)

Torrent/ssh server: Nepgear
Discord/twitter bot server: Uzume
Hentai@Home server: Iris-Heart
Webserver: Noire
Game server: Vert


Did this once and it ended up annoying me to hell

So in an effort to make Sup Forums better for myself I've decided to filter every single wojak/pepe image I see, wish me luck Sup Forumsros.

I have two routers, one is Shodan and the other one is Monokuma.
No real reason, it's the antagonist od what I was playing when I got them

Claire Farron

>censoring Sup Forums
wew you sound like a woman


>in an effort to make myself feel better i delete things i dont like
hey there reddit

filtered your exact phrasing style and vocabulary so now I'll never see you again, bye faggots

Jotaro. The linux partition is Star Platinum.

"wew" and "reddit" are good ones to filter. Very rare that a post with those words isn't garbage.

Sadpanda contribution software.

also faggot, nigger and other mean words, those people usually just try to hurt you


No, those are just normal banter, not memes


Sup Forums is so much better now

mines called Alexis

i know youre baiting but i think its pretty funny that some people legitimately have filter lists like these so their fee fees dont get hurt

Kill yourself ironic weeb

>there are people who filter todd

These are my 3 computers

Triggered af lmao


I always register the organization it belongs to as Shinra Energy Company and make the owner Claire Grimes. I don't think I've formally named my current build though lol.

“Eric’s Computer”

>Little Shit
named it after my childhood nickname

it's more like avoiding looking at unfunny shitposts but whatever you wanna interpret it as champ

My uncle used to name all my computers that when he set them up for me.
He died last year so I'm keeping his legacy

What does this site look like with those on? I can't imagine you see more than three posts, half of which are probably yours.

>man i love browsing Sup Forums, its such a fun place to be!

Shitposting Machine 2000



it's a laptop

I normally have had my desktop named after flowers because of family tradition. I couldn't think of any flowers recently, so I just called it Cottwolds

Oooh ur so bad



I'm boring


Ono Sendai Cyberspace 7

this sensitive lmao

TequilaMan, ever since, can't even remember why.