Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a bad game

Yes, yes, call me a contrarian, but this game is legitimately shit.
I'm not even gonna get into the cringe-worthy writing, because that's never been Larian's focus and I wasn't expecting it to be good even with all the hype (Muh 10 writers, muh Avellone)
Why the fuck did they ruin the combat from the first game? That was the one thing the game had going for it.
First off, it's ridiculous how random loot is. It makes it so that you being undergeared or overgeared is left up to chance.
Secondly, the gear blot is out of this world. Level 5 gear and level 6 gear feel like they're different universes apart. Why would anyone ever spend any time upgrading armor when you know you're just gonna find something that is objectively better in every metric 30 minutes from now?
Who the fuck thought that a good RPG consists of constantly changing gear around of 4 party members every level up? And this is exacerbated by the TERRIBLE inventory management.
The Player -> Enemy -> Player initiative system is indefensible. This shit is giving me Banner Saga flashbacks.
Separating physical and magic armor means that you're gimping yourself by trying to have diverse damage types. Want to have both physical and magic attacks? Cool, just make sure you destroy both the enemies physical and magical armor first. Specializing is superior in every way. Plus, armor being a surefire block of CC rather than having a chance associated with it means that every combat plays out the same way. It's a simple DPS race every single time. Everything is safe and sterile. Add in cooldowns and capped AP and there's no chance of anything interesting happening. You already know how everything is gonna play out three turns in advance. This has been dumbed down for the casuals who are afraid of RNG fucking them over.
Wake me up from this nightmare. When is Pillars of Eternity 2 coming out, again?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Wake me up from this nightmare. When is Pillars of Eternity 2 coming out, again?
It's only 49 days away. Hold out just a bit longer, my child.

Their whole mechanic of surfaces was practically made useless for the player. In the first game , a good barrel and the correct surface combo could decide the battle , now , with this shitty armor system it just becomes annoying at best and there is no real reason to play around surfaces anymore.

Excellent PoE2 shill thread

>div os 2 threads
>hey this games fun they really improved on things over the first game
>PoE threads

lmao you obsididrones are so insecure, PoE might've had great art and music but the writing was needlessly verbose, depressing and exhaustive and the gameplay was boring semi automatic trash

Call me When an obsidian game have at least 90 on metacritic...

Except the threads about pillars 2 where the only time people talk about divinity is
>Some Larianfag comes in to shitpost about it
>Some autist who posts the same responses everytime in return when a shitposter mentions it

>Basing anything on Metacritic scores

Nice non-arguments. Looks like this game really is indefensible.

93 on metacritic

>Sup Forums will defend this

>>Some Larianfag comes in to shitpost about it
>>Some autist who posts the same responses everytime in return when a shitposter mentions it

haha no the ratio of obsidian to larian shitposters is fucking 100/1

you can think what you want of the game you just got shit taste if you prefer PoE and it's lame ass combat

Thats not real is it?

yes it is. i screencapped it last night

PoE2 will never get better scores than Divinity 2

>implying there's literally anything wrong with any of this

Since OP didn't go into the awful dialogue system, allow me to.
>Defining moment of your relationship with Sebille
>Dialogue options look like this
Notice anything wrong, Larianiggers? Or does this look perfectly fine to you faggots?

No, that's pretty much the case for any of the daily pillars 2 countdown threads. Someone posts or mentions Divinity in any shape or form, and the same user who always refers to it as Kidinity or something responds, usually with a screenshot of the narrator describing a sex scene with
>Larianiggers will defend this

>he didn't play on tactician

Tactician makes half the issues OP is talking about WORSE.

perhaps you're right actually that does fit what im seeing

Pillars of Eternity 2 will not have a better metacritic score because it won't be as friendly to the normie casuals nor have le ebin lizard skeleton HILARIOUS sex scenes.
That's a good thing.

Hell, I'm pretty sure is him right now. I've seen him post that image a bunch always with the same greentext.

Pretty sure it's a bot or script. Like mention either of those games and within 2 minutes some 'larianigger' post will be there

Don't see the problem with the second one but the first is horrendous.

How? It's taken completely out of context, he's just stating a fact combined with arrogant dragon hubris. There's nothing wrong with that line.

You suffer from anal leakage... Don't you? You are also unemployed, yes, I am sure of it.
It is difficult keeping a job when your anus leaks. Do not post here again...
If you do, I will hack your IP address and send pornography to your pathetic low life parents.
They have caught you many times playing with yourself haven't they?

No, I just took it from him. It's a good image that encapsulates what's wrong with this shit game.

I'm referring to the one about killing the godwoken, not the dragon one. Looks like it needs commas and it just sounds awkwardly worded when I read it in my head.

>This is what larianiggers consider a good threat
How old are you faggots?

Obsidian keks in suicide watch once again

that's fair but in the game it's accompanied by voice acting, and most of the lines in the game are written with a slight comedic undertone

>argumentum ad populum
The Last line of Larianigger defense, seeing how any other argumentation in favor of dos2 has been crushed ages ago. And even then, dos2 has yet to outsell PoE1, let alone DOS1 and PoE2 has all the chances of massively blowing dos2 out of the water when it comes to sales.


ok guys which one works best


just finished the game. The final three way battle was really cool
ending was kind of lame though

Ignore the Edar-shitters.
>Current build
>Lone or full party
>Best item
>Best npc
>Best companion
>Best Chapter

Full sneaky
Anathema unironically
Paladin Cork

PoE 2 has no chance of beating DoS 2 in sales. It's not nearly as brainless and marketable with co-op faggotry and the like.
The normies always win in the end.

>not nearly as brainless

except for the combat which is completely braindead

>Larianigger humor
Better than Larian's writers, at least

>PoE 2 has no chance of beating DoS 2 in sales.
Except it does. Larianiggers have massively overhyped the success of dos2. The game has yet to outsell PoE1, let alone DOS1. All PoE2 needs to do is sell slightly better than DOS1 and DOS2 has no chance of catching up EVER.

Fair enough then, properly sounds better in game.

is soy the new le from the good folks of leddit

I appreciate your optimism, misguided as it is

wow haha epic comeback you salty obsoydidrone

>except for the combat which is completely braindead
Are we talking about DOS2 here? Because if we are, I completely agree.

Yea, you might be right.


But the issue with your post is that PoE 2 isn't any better. In fact, it's worse.

obsidian is shit and its games are shit

i didn't expect your reading comprehension to be this shit but here we are anyway huh

So you are claiming that PoE combat is "brain dead"? Post proof of finishing the game on PotD then.

nah i quit that boring piece of shit 30 hours in, combat has zero depth and the writing is verbose and exhaustive just for the sake of it without any actual need, also 0 satisfying character arc resolutions

>also 0 satisfying character arc resolutions
no shit, you quit 30 minutes in

You know I was expecting another elaborate shitpost and low-key Larian-Obsidian inception, but your criticisms are actually legitimate. Randomized loot and gear progression are really bad, but those carry from the first game, so it wasn't that much of a deal breaker for me.
But that doesn't make DivOs2 a bad game. It's still a goty for me even with all the flaws.
Writing took a step up from the first game and world interactivity is fucking incredible. Role play options are immense for a videogame, which I could only say for Fallout 1/2 back in the day. Its almost like an actual tabletop RPG and the is no other game that provides the player with this much freedom of action.
It's pretty great man

So your opinion is based on ignorance and simple lack of competence and is thus worthless dogshit by definition? OK, nice to know.

First of all Kiddinity 2 is a game where every single game system starting with economy and ending with the combat system is completely broken. This results in the game having exactly zero challenge even on honour mode, as you can literally, unironically, non-figuratively and definitely non-metaphorically instakill the final boss with a single triple source point ability. Secondly, Kiddinity 2 is a game where cahracter building choices are completely void of consequences, as the game offers unlimited free respecs past the tutorial island. Rolled a character in a certain way and reached a quest that requires a different type of character build to complete? No worries, just go back to the ship and respec in under 30 seconds to complete that quest in any way you want regardless of your previous character building choices. The only character building choice that matters in Kiddinity 2 is the initial story character selection, since you get a single unique quest per story character, but ultimately only one story character (Lohse) has a quest worth playing.

All in all, Kiddinity 2 is a game with zero tactical and roleplaying depth, a game completely bereft of any consequences to your choices or actions. This is why it's not even a RPG, but pure, undiluted hack&slash trash.

>ignorance and simple lack of competence

ah yes that's how i kept progressing for 30 hours

The characters in dos 2 are cardboard cutouts with no personality due to getting barely any exposition, since most of the time direct character lines are replaced by soulless, shitty narrator descriptions.

For example, look at this dogshit. This is THE defining moment of your "relationship" with the tsundere elf slut, that will determine your future teogether, yet the "writers" were so fucking lazy and incompetent, they didn't even bother to provide any first-person lines and provide actual character exposition, that would shed more light on their personalities. Instead, they just did a lazy, soulless hackjob that is on the level of "We'll bang, OK?". All character interactions are like this with barely any exposition which results in characters having barely any personality, the writing quality in this turd is absolutely atrocious.

Kiddinity does not cater to the RPG playerbase, so its scores are completely irrelevant. Kiddinity is shallow h&s garbage with exactly zero roleplaying depth that uses multiplayer gimmicks to cater to a crowd of normie dumbfucks, who are willing to play any garbage as long as it has coop. The hardcore RPG playerbase gives exactly zero fucks about Kiddinity which is the reason why nobody even cares about discussing this shallow turd anywhere, be it the 'Dex or Sup Forums. The score you see is based on the opinions of shit-eating normies playing any coop trash regardless of the genre and the value of their opinion on the RPG genre is precisely nothing. They do not constitute the hardcore RPG playerbase and neither do you.

on second thought i think this thread proves my point anyway

I love when shills make Kiddinity 2 threads on Sup Forums, because these threads really show just how shitty and shallow the game is.

Do we get lore and story discussion in these threads? Nope, because Larian writing is utter dogshit and their attempts at world-building have resulted in a generic jumbled mess nobody gives a fuck about.

Do we get character discussions in these threads? Do larianiggers explore character motivations and certain parts of their personalities? Nope, because the "characters" in the game are cardboard cutouts with no charisma and, surprisingly, barely any characterization, since Larian has decided not to write first-person lines for most of the situations, that could have been used for character exposition, and have just replaced these first-person lines with shitty, generic, soulless narrator descriptions.

Do we get game mechanic discussions in these threads or discussions about how to beat particular "tactical" encounters? Nope, because the game is broken, kiddie-tier shitpile of imbalanced skills and horrible encounter design full of pushover enemies. Regardless of whether you want it or not, you will break any semblance of "balance" this turd has simply by building your characters in a non-retarded way, especially once you get your hands on two-three point source skills. This results in the game having virtually no challenge, which, in turn, makes any discussion of "tactical" encounters meaningless, since a proper party will just steamroll through everything in the game.

These threads are a good reflection of the entire larianigger community - a community of brainlets and gay furfags.

>Obsidian alphas make excellent arguments
>Larianiggers are completely silent and can only meme in response
gg ez no re

I am a big fan of D:OS and for the most part agree. Armor mechanics killed their combat system.

"it was then that user realized his autistic shitposting had killed the thread, leaving him alone talking to himself"

>obsidian shit can't meme

Larianiggers can't respond at all. They've been utterly blown the fuck out. Hell, this was a slaughter from the get go. No one could put up a fight against the OP.

Ok user i'll respond, i hope you have a nice day and enjoy the games you're going to play.

First of all pillars of shit 2 is a game where every single game system starting with economy and ending with the combat system is completely broken. This results in the game having exactly zero challenge even on potd mode, as you can literally, unironically, non-figuratively and definitely non-metaphorically instakill the final boss with a single ability. Secondly, pillars of diversity 2 is a game where character building choices are completely void of consequences, as the game offers unlimited free respecs past the tutorial island. Rolled a character in a certain way and reached a quest that requires a different type of character build to complete? No worries, just go back to the ship and respec in under 30 seconds to complete that quest in any way you want regardless of your previous character building choices. The only character building choice that matters in pillars of shit 2 is the initial story character selection, since you get a single unique quest per story character, but ultimately only one story character (eder) has a quest worth playing.

All in all, pillars of shit 2 is a game with zero tactical and roleplaying depth, a game completely bereft of any consequences to your choices or actions. This is why it's not even a RPG, but pure, undiluted hack&slash trash.

>man can't into subtle makeup and thinks their weird beast looks good
every time

The larianigger spamming "Tyranny didn't sell, the usual Obsidian flop" threads really stirred up the hornet's nest. Obsidianfags have never had a strong presence on Sup Forums and rarely defended their games so fiercely that they've started shitting on other franchises, but a single retard manged to get them really mad. Congratulations, I guess. You reap what you sow.

Pillars of Diversity does not cater to the RPG playerbase, so its scores are completely irrelevant. Pillars of shit is shallow h&s garbage with exactly zero roleplaying depth that uses multiplayer gimmicks to cater to a crowd of normie dumbfucks, who are willing to play any garbage as long as it has coop. The hardcore RPG playerbase gives exactly zero fucks about pillars of diversity which is the reason why nobody even cares about discussing this shallow turd anywhere, be it the 'Dex or Sup Forums. The score you see is based on the opinions of shit-eating normies playing any coop trash regardless of the genre and the value of their opinion on the RPG genre is precisely nothing. They do not constitute the hardcore RPG playerbase and neither do you.

>This results in the game having exactly zero challenge even on potd mode
But of course, you will never show us proof of you getting the ultimate achievement, like kiddinityfag did with both Divinity games.

I love when shills make Pillars of Shit 2 threads on Sup Forums, because these threads really show just how shitty and shallow the game is.

Do we get lore and story discussion in these threads? Nope, because Obsidian writing is utter dogshit and their attempts at world-building have resulted in a generic boring jumbled mess nobody gives a fuck about.

Do we get character discussions in these threads? Do obsidiots explore character motivations and certain parts of their personalities? Nope, because the "characters" in the game are cardboard cutouts with no charisma and, surprisingly, barely any characterization, since Obsidian has decided not to write first-person lines for most of the situations, that could have been used for character exposition, and have just replaced these first-person lines with shitty, generic, soulless narrator descriptions.

Do we get game mechanic discussions in these threads or discussions about how to beat particular "tactical" encounters? Nope, because the game is broken, kiddie-tier shitpile of imbalanced skills and horrible encounter design full of pushover enemies. Regardless of whether you want it or not, you will break any semblance of "balance" this turd has simply by building your characters in a non-retarded way, especially once you get your hands on two-three point source skills. This results in the game having virtually no challenge, which, in turn, makes any discussion of "tactical" encounters meaningless, since a proper party will just steamroll through everything in the game.

These threads are a good reflection of the entire larianigger community - a community of brainlets and gay furfags.

i agree, OP. i just can't get into it at all.

At this point there is absolutely no need to even humiliate larianiggers. They're doing it far better than anyone else could have ever done by simply admitting that they have no arguments with such behavior.

Whenthe hell has specialization not been the focus of a party pased RPG?

Honestly, that guy is probably not even a Larianigger. Just extremely against Obsidian.
He's still spamming shitty threads, see:

Let's look at the facts Obsidiot
Pillars of Shit is
>shit characters
>shit lore
>shit plot
>shit gameplay
>shit races
>filled with SJW nonsense
>real time, turnbase mishmash of complete failure


>le DOS2 is bad despite me never playing the game on tactician let alone honor mode
Kys obsidiot


Those posts are pasta made by kiddinityfag, go back to your forums, larianshill.

what the fuck even started this divinity vs poe rivalry they're two completely different games from two completely different companies

Bored people

insecure PoE autist (singular)

It’s fucking Sup Forums I’m more surprised this hasn’t spiraled into another fucking comapny war like the console one. People here will galvanise into loyally near instantly.

PoE looks neat, but no lizards=no buy.


Larianiggers are so gross

I want more funny falseflag Wojaks with Obsidian or Larian hats, to be honest.

You can be an Skeleton Lizard that can use metamorphosis, your argument is completely invalid.

autism, just like all stupid board arguments on Sup Forums

Fair enough. I don't personally care much for divinity maybe I would if I had friends to play co-op with, I'm just fucking sick of seeing people trying to start shit about the two games.

Retards on both sides who get baited far too easily.

Good, last thing we need is more of you degenerates.

This thread is such a slaughter it feels like I'm on a Sup Forums gore dump. Larianiggers never stood a chance. This was a fucking bomb dropping on Beaver Cleaverville.

See you in the next thread you make.

See you

>what the fuck even started this divinity vs poe

Is divine divinity any good?


It's great until the last part of the game because it shows it isn't finished.