Thoughts on the SCP multiplayer game?
Thoughts on the SCP multiplayer game?
It's unpolished and very broken, but it gets some slack because it's nowhere near a finished product. I've had a lot of fun with complete strangers over the past few days in ways that I haven't been able to in years. Hope it gets a lot of quality-of-life features in updates soon because they're doing a pretty good job with identifying and fixing bugs.
Fuck off and stop ruining SCP you demonic piece of shit
Pretty much this.
Default unity shaders, Fox weapons feeling unsatisfying to fire, and the lack of content are my only real complaints. Some work on the pocket dimension would also be useful, seeing how even without the extra room, you would still just walk into the doorway that doesn't have a corpse in it.
I've never laughed as much due to sheer autistic encounters with strangers. Love it. Hope they add more things to interact with each player like handcuffing Class-D's
>playing SCP-049
>class D I'm chasing locks himself in a room
>"how do you like that you goth faggot it's cozy as fuck in here"
>Radical Larry appears and diffuses through the door as he's talking shit
>laughs turn into screams, then silence
096 fucking when?
barebones but fun and has a lot of potential
Buggy and lacking on the content side but pretty fun.
Fun as fuck, especially when people have microphones. I hope that devs won't abandon it and will keep adding more content and fix existing bugs. This game's got a lot of potential.
SCP is a cool premise but holy fuck there's so much fetish trash and autism that really shits the sheets for everyone.
Has anyone made an SCP that "writes terrible fake reports and somehow gets them into our archives" yet?
SCP is now my go to game after SOS got bad.
I just read some articles of the wiki.
Should I start with this game?
What's the name of the new game?
I heard you can use microphone in that one, is it obligatory to use it?
Is the matchmaking random? I don't want to get into a server and find a bunch of rpfags, it would be awkward desu.
Sup Forums server when?
>there's so much fetish trash
hmmm what you talking about there buddy
cause i can't think of a single one hm nope
Spoonfeed me on this game blease
If you don't mind it being in an unfinished state, then it'll be worth it. The new one is called "Secret Laboratory" on steam. Mics are not obligatory, but they do improve the game. You can play without talking to anyone until you're comfortable. Games are client-server based, arranged into rounds of gameplay with several objectives. Assignment of roles is randomized, so you cannot say you want to be one role and get it but this also forces you to learn how everything works. As long as you don't join a server that says "hardcore RP" then you shouldn't have to worry about autism or anyone bashing you for not knowing what to do if you're new. Sup Forums server is inevitable if topics keep getting made and enough of us play
its entire concept relies on the fact the it's uncontainable once someone has laid eyes on it.
Up until then he's inactive, which would make playing the character extremely boring.
Neat. Thanks.
>tfw the whole facility comes down on you merely seconds later after you have escaped the pocket dimension
which SCPs are in so far?
173, 106. and 049
That sounds like a wild ride
picked the fuck up
I've seen that old AI on a video.
old AI seems to be disabled until they figure out how to make it less boring
Yes, it seems it was like a furniture rather than actual scp.
It was a bit clunky in the tutorial even in the lowest settings and it crashed when I tried to join a server, is it normal or it's my machine?
>FF = Off
>Can't see latency when selecting servers
>scp-173 gets locked in music room
>Let him out and watch everyone shit their pants on the death cam
>Has anyone made an SCP that "writes terrible fake reports and somehow gets them into our archives" yet?
It's one of the originals, even. Can't remember the number though.
its free to play and its funner than 90% of the trash you will ever find on steam
Like any website which consists of user created stories, it has its ups
And its downs
>Find that one 1911
>Execute every god damn Class D that's heading for 914
It's basically just what the scientist class is all about.
>FF = On
>13 year old children murdering you from behind as they try to shoot SCP, or because they think you're Chaos, or because they're bored
why are you critisize my gramer friend?
When I click play game on steam, nothing happens. What do?
>get pistol
>lock all D-class in room with me
>play trivial pursuit and execute anyone who gets a wrong answer
>It's a '106 decides to visit the 914 room at the start of the game' episode
Sorry, the what now? What game is this?
Why does every surface shine like the sun?
>Friendly neighborhood scientist
>Check out the musicroom, sweet a gun and a card
>Time to go murder D-class, oh bo-
>Bait him into the stairs
>Seal the door with me inside
>he refuses to kill me
>mfw I have effectively taken myself hostage
Yes, I can think of a couple off the top of my head but lord knows I can't memorise the numbers at all. There's quite a few harmless/jokey ones that just write up straight up bullshit lies or parody stuff that gets archived. Then there's one called "A different version of the truth" or something, where there are people who shouldn't technically exist working for the SCP organisation and they're making reports and stuff based on works and references that technically don't exist.
With FF off, SCP are severely underpowered since everyone can just make a firing circle without thinking about how they shoot, may as well just play a deathmatch in any shooter since that what it always boils down to after they get shot down
Post your favorite SCP/SCP file.
Yeah if the average player had a brain maybe. Except the teams are always "4-6 competent people, 14+ retards" so nobody forms firing circles or checks corners or backs eachother up, which is why you can repeatedly win with SCPs just fine. Fuck I mean half the players don't even know you can sprint backwards.
I fucking love this one, I wish there was something exploring the world more. It's so interesting.
Only correct answer.
SCP: Secret Laboratory. It's on Steam, but not very polished just yet. Still at good time to be had, but it's got some problems.
Do you have to know shit about every SCP to enjoy it?
Nope, dont even need to know about the SCP's in question to enjoy the game, it does add some flavour to it if you do though
Listen, I'll tell you everything you need to know about SCP to enjoy the game
>SCP is a secret organisation that tries to secure, contain, and protect supernatural bullshit. That's what SCP stands for
>Sometimes things go horribly wrong and the supernatural bullshit escapes
>That's it
No, its basically a team-based prison escape type game with a twist.
D-Class have to escape the facility and work with Chaos.
Scientists have to escape the facility and work with NTF.
Chaos have to kill NTF and Scientists and help D-class escape.
NTF have to kill Chaos and D-class and help Scientists escape
SCPs have to kill everyone.
There are weapons deployed with teams, hidden around the map, keycards to access certain areas/rooms, a randomly generated map each time, etc. Honestly its very fun, free, and filled with retards. So.
good. now did they fix the terrible fucking server browser? my buddy told me to try it but you couldn't see shit besides the server name. so no ping, no player count, nothing
My man. I'd take an animated series based on 093's exploration, even. It sounds like it'd be insanely cool. Even a single-player game based on exploring mirror worlds would be great.
There's an open beta going on, which has a fixed serverbrowser. Also more true random maps.
a better question is why isn't there a fucking SCP TV show like stargate
>muh copy right
just change things slightly
Intresting, but i found the blatant "oooh it sounds like its something horrible but we arent going to show it because its probably something innoccent oooohh"
I wish they delved more indepth about the cult and the girl.
Also, D-class rescued by Chaos Insurgency become CI reinforcements later in the round. The same goes for Scientists saved by MTF, letting them become MTF reinforcements later.
oh fuck i would just slowly execute them one at a time while the rest cowered in a corner shitting themselves, thanks for the idea.
That gender changer one comes to mind.
So what are the win conditions?I'm guessing its like...
>SCP: Be the only team left
>D-Class/Chaos: Be the first to escape
>Scientist/NTF: Be the first to escape
Can you get joint wins between the human factions if everyone makes it out alive?
Because faggots, honestly. Think about it, all you need is one asshole to ruin it all by getting a superinflated ego and demanding all the money.
SCP: Murder every non SCP
Chaos/Class D: Murder Scientists/NTF, get the Class D's out
Scientists/NTF: Murder Class D/Chaos, get the scientists out, murder/contain the SCP's
It's obvious rape. They have a human-host of some eldritch horror that will literally end the world if it escapes, and the only way to keep it contained is to put the girl through daily, repeated, horribly trauma. AKA brutally rape her every single day. Then when it starts wearing off, they start applying amnesiacs so she can't get used to being constantly raped and it stays a horrible, traumatizing thing forever and ever.
Pure SCP goodness from the old days when shit was properly spooky and the Foundation was all kinds of necessary evil.
>"The Foundation does many distasteful things in the completion of our mission, but our mission is important enough that the price is one we must pay. Containment of SCP-231 is one of our most dangerous duties, not because of any direct danger to ourselves (like SCP-682) but because of the danger that our resolve will fail, that we will allow ourselves to either let down our guard due to sympathy for the suffering of an innocent, or that we will allow ourselves to become monsters through the performance of monstrous acts."
We're not doing this again, every blueboy in this game is a Nine Tailed Fox member regardless of their callsign because they're ALL 'Epsilon 11'. They're NTF.
SCPs: Eliminate all D-Class, NTF and Scientists. You win if everyone dies, or if the only ones left alive are you and Chaos.
NTF/Science: Have all scientists escaped/dead and no D-Class, SCPs or Chaos left on the map.
Chaos/D-boy: Have all NTF/Scientists dead, all D-Class escaped or dead, and either all SCPs dead or be left alive with only Chaos/SCPs left standing.
SCP/Chaos/D-class win if there are only SCP/Chaos left alive
Scientists/NTF win if all SCPs are contained and no Chaos/D-class are left
Its obvious rape, yes, but I wish they had been a little less obvious of what they were going for.
I completley love the whole "keep a greater evil at bay with small acts of evil" and the paranormal aspects of the early SCP writings, but just redacting the blatant words in a sentence felt kind of cheap.
Nowadays, SCP is basically next level tumblr shit, with all of the focus being on the doctors and researchers.
I read that one today
I think what makes it so bad is there's no story or circumstance to it, it's literally just "Here's a magic rock that makes trans people switch sex and if you're cisgender it makes you sad when you grow a pair of titties, also if you're nonbinary you become a big, unstoppable [REDACTED]
It just reeks of Trans "I sure this was a thing" fanfic
Didnt some mod get butthurt and had it changed from rape? I remember it was implied to be more than just horrible rape, but it was toned down.
I remember it always being like this, SCP mods are usually not cunts. Old-SCP mods at least, I haven't touched the site in years.
>contain SCPs
So how does one contain them? I feel like it'd be hard to do that unless you have a team that's actually competent, especially since its unlikely you can trick someone into walking back into their containment area?
What if it hasn't spawned yet when the match it's started? What I'm saying is that they could implement a matchmaking with a "do you wanna play as 096" filter and given enough matches, it starts searching matches where 096 is in the triggered state.
There was a lot of continuation and add ons that changed it from rape to bedtime stories.
I thought it was changed to something like "We don't rape the girl to contain the SCP, we have to make everyone else THINK we're raping the girl to contain the SCP."
IIRC in one of the newer entries about the evil god 231 married/impregnated by heavily implies that the thing she'd give birth to would be a force against evil
The game looks pretty cool. Is it worth it? Do I have to memorize every SCP to be able to play?
Could work as a sudden-death mechanic.
Hell they could even add Abel for that.
There's only 3 scps, and no it's pretty easy to get into. The community is a bunch of faggots and retards but I wouldn't have it any other way. The only hard part is finding an open server.
In the lore, they all have specialized containment methods.
In the game, you just murder them. There are 4, 3 of which are implemented at the moment, one is being tweaked.
>MR NECKSNAPPY: You go fast and snap necks in melee range. If someone sees you, you're frozen in place, but can move short distances every few seconds while being stared at. The more damage you take, the faster you move, the further you can move in the 2-second blink gaps. You're pretty squishy so prepare to get fucked by a single guy with a gun if he knows how to play and you don't run the fuck away asap. Contained by being shot to death.
MR SHADOWMAN: You are spoopy and have fucking insane amounts of health but walking-speed only. In melee range, you teleport people to a pocket dimension with a load of doors. One door is safe, the rest kill them instantly. Eventually people will escape from this place but you still do 50% of their HP just sending them there. You can also set a teleport anywhere on the map and teleport to it at will, then move it freely. You have 700hp and bullets do 2 damage a hit, but you can also die if people manage to access your containment chamber and sacrifice someone to the femurbreaker, which kills you instantly once they hit a button. Oh you can also walk through doors because you are a scary motherfucker.
MR PLAGUE DOCTOR: You insta-kill everything in melee but are fairly squishy and can only walk. When you kill someone, you can also bring them back as a zombie, but only the last person you killed and only if you get them within 15 seconds. Zombie rez speeds up the more you use it/kill people. You are an insane ambusher and can wipe entire teams from around corners and create zombie armies, but you are squishy as fuck with no speed or tankiness like the other two.
MR COMPUTER (currently being reworked): Support SCP, you are literally a computer who opens and shuts doors like a cunt. Pretty fun.
I mean, Channel Zero is about creepypastas and he managed to cover 1 per season.
I'd be willing to bet more than one person is working on an SCP script but they might be waiting for a market shift before greenlighting it.
>173 Can be shot despite being indestructible
You say the computer is fun, but if you're just opening and closing doors it seems kinda.... not fun. Also do people need to shoot you or are you considered contained already? What's stopping you from just closing all the doors then walking away to kill all fun?
Also is there a limit to the number of zombies you can have?
>Removed 079
I miss that broken piece of shit.
sounds fun
>20 seconds in
Holy shit, this is hilarious.
Didn't that happen with Towergirls? The guy making the pixel game started saying he owned the Towergirls IP, which meant Gats, the guy who actually owns the IP, had no choice but to send a cease and desist or he'd lose it.
I don't think that guy could be more hated if he tried. Right before that he started adding some really hardcore /d/-tier fetishes. Like, a LOT of that shit.
I think the guy who wrote that SCP said that it actually isn't rape, it's something worse.
>Make 096 a mid-round SCP.
>Pop random images of it up on monitors around the facility.
>When someone views it, 096 spawns with that player's outline revealed on their map, L4D2 style.
>Persists until that player is killed.
>096 then gets to wand at a walking pace until someone else looks it directly in the face.
>Rape mode engages again.
Rounds would consist of people catching it out of the corner of their eye, and trying to not look at it while navigating. Imagine the hyper-rape combo of 096 and 173.
Go away, reddit.
>Take me. To the next level.
Holy fuck my sides.
Turn on CC.
>tfw no mal0 gf
What the fuck does plebbit have to do with this?