What exactly makes Walter such a memeable character? Like I knew about Walter before I even played IV

What exactly makes Walter such a memeable character? Like I knew about Walter before I even played IV.

i need answers fellow hoyboys

bump for interest



what a tryhard unfunny forced meme, jesus

>What exactly makes Walter such a memeable character?
Dude was a worthless party member

He has nice one liners.

brainlets just can't comprehend the hoy

Party dumbass + awful in combat + quotable battle quotes (which also applies to Johny).

probably this honestly
i fucking love the guy


his hoyness




I didnt want to kill his cancer form but alas, thats the ways of IV
Hope IVA has a better endings to that whole conflict

You haven't played it yet?

Im doing it right now

>Our caste-based society is so unfair
>Yeah letting demons overrun the world sounds good to me

Dagda is cute.

Sounds like my idea of fun.


>archangels abolish the caste society
>walter doesn't say a word

>legitimate well written character, with convincing motivations
>far more intelligent than his position betrays
>great voice actor
>funny manner of speaking
>minotaur memes
>lucifer fetus memes
>law is for fags

It's really hard to dislike this character that's all

I was loving this game for a while, then I got to side quest where you're forced to bring a companion who only has gun and zan attacks, against an enemy who smirks off fun and San attacks. Seriously, what were they thinking?

He's hot

hell yeah
i was a big fan

>3ds emulation

this works now?

lawfags pls go

>dagda wants to be hardcore, but his mom won't let him

Is that the Nozomi quest against, uh, Asura? I forget.

What ending

Yup, im using the "experimental" version and can upscale 10x the resolution
Audio fucks up at your companionĀ“s attack, but works 100%

Literally Dagda's relationship with his mom in general.

They abolished and replaced it with

>Worship and do everything we say and if do anything differently then you're fucking dead, impure scum

By that point in the story Walter was tempted by a world of freedom by Lilith and saw the disgusting side of law in Tayama's red pill factory. His switch makes sense with everything in mind, and even as he does it he's regretful to you because he knows it's not a perfect solution but it's better than the alternative from his point of view

>legitimate well written character, with convincing motivations
Walter and Johnathan both really fell apart at the alignment split.
>a man shouldn't be excluded from sports just because he's tall, it's out of his control.
>we should flood tokyo with demons and kill a shitload of people, time to take control of our destiny.

well get used to her she's here to stay homeslice

agi + minotaur


Well what do you expect when they end up listening to assholes who keep saying what they want to hear?

>so bad that his mom literally makes a new dagda and disowns him completely in the bonds route


There's two Nootral routes in IV:A, Law and Chaos are early bad ends

Not in apocalypse.

Yeah I heard something similar but I was answering to IV only

the problem with smt4 is how far into the extremes the law and chaos angles go. I guess you could argue that Walter and Jonathan only had extremist advocates to go to for support (Lucifer/Merkebah) but it really unfairly posits the neutral ending as canon just because of its moderatism, whereas if there were to be moderate chaos and moderate law options the decision would be a lot more difficult. Althought I guess you could also argue this is intentional and the neutral end was meant to be canon but whatever.

I want to be seduced by Dagda desu.

Also 1 more thing, are these neutral routes hard to obtain like IV ?

No. The alignment locks are incredibly opaque.

Not at all, just play the game. No real need to worry about all your fucking choices

>whereas if there were to be moderate chaos and moderate law options the decision would be a lot more difficul
desu still has goat endings.

No, but depending on what decisions you make during the game, you'll be at a disadvantage if you end up on the wrong neutral route.

It's like in Strange Journey.
>brainwash everyone
>release demons on the world
>or save the world

>nice to my friends even though they're twits
>go Anarchy
>Navarre fucking tosses all of my items
Sure made my blind run of the game on Apocalypse interesting.

So in the end which of the two SMT IV's did you guys prefer?
IV or Apocalypse?
in b4 someone says nocturne

Navarre is based.

It's funny how it took them till near end end of the consoles lifetime to finally break through, but yeah it's been a thing for a year or so

Apocalypse. Actually had some difficulty beyond the first stretch through sheer attrition by the final (and ultimate) boss, and the more simple way of working with alignments (because the IV neutral route can go to hell on that front)
Overall, a more enjoyable experience. Even if all the demons that got the fucked up redesigns couldn't return.

Strange Journey

He's hilariously awful in combat.

>Can give extra turns to one of the hardest bosses
>Uses low accuracy physical moves
>Precedes all of this with "I'll end it thus!"

>the more simple way of working with alignments (because the IV neutral route can go to hell on that front)
>try to balance everything
>divert for a bit because I wanted to get lilith
>get law
>go full white instead and redo everything

does it have DLC installed

Who the fuck thought that fucking alignment system where one or two choices could fuck up everything was a good thing again?
And to add a little more to the suffering, you still had to do tons of fucking sidequests.
Did they just want the neutral route to be "hard to get" or some shit?

Nah; there is a tricky way to make the DLCs work with citra, since it doesnt support them natively, but I rather wait

I don't fucking know, he said hoy like at best 5 times but everyone start spamming it over and over.

IV's story was more memorable but I liked Apocalypse quality of life improvements, especially the fucking map. It was fucking confusing wandering out in IV

>especially the fucking map. It was fucking confusing wandering out in IV
I odn't know what is up with the SMT fanbase and orientation but I had loads of fun playing sector E in SJ and the IV overworld gave me no trouble at all

IV. A large part of SMT is atmosphere, on which Apocalypse completely dropped the ball.

Good for you man but the overworld map was confusing as fuck for me.

Not him, but I stopped playing SMT IV for some time and went back after 2-3 months. I literally wanted to kill myself.
The main problem is not the clusterfuck of the map itself, but the issue that to get to the world map you need to pass through some areas. It gets confusing as fuck if you don't remember it .

I don't understand it either. The overworld was easy as hell.