Daily reminder
To Capture all Kulu-ya-ku they did nothing wrong
Daily reminder
To Capture all Kulu-ya-ku they did nothing wrong
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Question about 4U. I did a level 9 caravan quest for frenzied Brachydios. I wanted to farm some materials from him to make his IG, but when I went to repeat the quest it had disappeared from the list. I can't remember this ever happening with a quest before. Any idea what happened, or how I can make it show up again?
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Attention all hunters of the Commission. This is your daily reminder to kill all Kulu-Ya-Ku on sight. Retarded dinosaur chickens are an abomination and must be purged post-haste.
He hit me with a fucking vase, he dies
Not all quests will always be available if that's what you mean, you can cycle the options by doing another quest and seeing if it appears
I bet he taste p.good tbqh
no bully
> picks up a rock
> becomes invincible
Kulu-Ya-Ku is cute! CUTE!
>loads any slinger ammo
>smacks him in his retarded face
Just got the game. Been playing around with the weapons in training mode. Charge blade and bow seems the most appealing. Which one should I use?
Fucking chose it yourself, people are not gonna make decisions and play the game for you
try out different stuff. I love hammer and all my friends find it boring. One of my friends loves charge blade and for me it's tedious garbage.
Charge blade because landing a SAED is one of the best feel in the world.
>game says they're dumb
>only monster to use tools
He did nothing wrong. He just wanted a Egg.
Why are the raptors so great this time around?
I have killed/captured MANY retard dino birds
that Kulu Armor aesthetic is second to none
Any easy way to get tempered investigations other than rank 1? I already unlocked tempered elders but almost find no traces of them. This shit is killing me.
Because they're not just retreads of the same tired movesets with either different flavoured spits or ooh a tail whip how original.
Both of them are surprisingly difficult solo in the arena, too.
i read this in the commander's voice and i don't know how to feel about that
>tzitzi still stuns you even if you look away
This pissed me off so much, I know its a triangle/cone now instead of a sphere but 13 years of gypcepros conditioning me makes it hard to stop, when I see the flash start up, I just look the other way by habit instead of getting out of it.
Can you roll the flash? I can roll most roars pretty easy so maybe I'll do that.
I'm sure I have rolled the flash before but the window must be absolutely tiny (without evasion skills), because I've failed to roll it enough times that I question if it's even possible (without evasion skills).
You can block them though, if you don't have a shield try superman
Fuck, this post made me read it in his voice. Even "retarded dinosaur chickens"
If you have time to superman, you'd easily be out of the area anyway.
He didn't say that!
>capture quest for a Kulu-ya-ku
>bring him down to limping skull state
>suddenly a Barroth shows up, hungry for delicious chicken ass
>block a hit for my kulu, we fight side by side
>he eventually runs while I fend off the Barroth
>find him asleep in his nest after chasing off Rocky
>Hunt Complete
felt great, I wish you could tame monsters and bring them with you on hunts.
Yeah, I also wish we could "tame" monsters.
This will be cool.
A shame it's skills are mostly crap, it's the most asthetic armor for sure.
>using any audio language other than monster hunter language
i bet you have damage numbers on, too
Can greatsword's tackle armor through it? that would be cool, then you can build up to level 3 while avoiding it
nah. the area is too big. you have to superman.
If anything you shouldn't run away from it but run towards it so you can duck behind it and roll out of the cone.
uh, I need a handler
How do I increase my health bar
Tzitzi is best boy for companionship
He'll help without needing to be asked
>Only 5 (five) good fights in the entire game
Why is this allowed?
The syncing is too bad for MH language.
Bone helm
Make nutrients and have /fit/ cat cook for you.
Why is there no bear monster?
What was that green and yellow guy called?
When in doubt, take a bite!
because capcom hates fun
Because fuck anything that's not a Wyvern or an Elder Dragon
>a chink MMO has more content than a westernized turd
What went wrong?
>a bunch of reskins
wow so great
>Fighting Legiana in the area with the trees where Pao likes to hang out
>Fucking paparazzi dino rolls up
>Run behind the tree and wait for the flash
>Get flashed through the fucking giant tree
I really wish maps were player side so you could actually play the game without it lagging to all hell, fun game otherwise
She's ugly but I've grown fond of her. I fantasize her having hot steamy lesbian sex with my huntress during our downtime.
I legit feel bad when I kill rock dodo, camerasaur, and dodogama. The former two are pretty much completely non aggressive and I just want a pygmy dodogama pet.
How do I view food skills that i get and what they do? For all the simplification of the game it does, I still have to look up wiki for food skills, their effects and how canteen generally works.
>westernized turd
I'm sorry but as someone who has bought monster hunters since unite you have no fucking idea what your talking about. If you don't think this is the best monster hunter released yet you honestly should just stop playing the franchise. 400 hours on Unite, 300 on tri, 70 on the Wii U one, 100 on generations, skipped the garbage pile that is 4U and words is by far better then any of those games by miles.
i can't stand the handler talking, do you think i can stand her mumbling?
Just watch the video nigga
Yeah it's dumb, just do some short and easy quests like delivering a steak too cycle through the list faster.
What video?
PS4, press the touch pad while at the canteen, or while looking at your equipment after eating. This should be shown somewhere on your screen.
I'm sorry but as someone who has bought monster hunters since 1 you have no fucking idea what your talking about. If you don't think this is the worst monster hunter released yet you honestly should just stop playing the franchise. 400 hours on 1, 300 on Dos, 70 on the PSP one, 100 on 3G, skipped the garbage pile that is Gen and words is by far worse then any of those games by miles.
Post your hours so I can see if you're lying or just have shit taste.
You haven't even played worlds dude if you think that.
And if you really think that after playing thank fuck capcom is leaving people like you behind with further releases.
Low quality bait.
World is the worst and easiest MH game that has ever been released
In this game 150, fuck if I could find my psp or my Wii at this point though
Apparently capcom was too lazy to import more base skeletons. That's why most of the interesting monsters got slashed.
I fantasize her having gigantic shits back in base camp after all the food she eats
Okay seriously though, how could you play 100 hours of a game you think is the worst of the series?
So you either enjoy the game and are in denial or your just posting some random screen to seem legitimate. Either way you are full of shit, there's a reason it's the best selling game of the franchise.
>Played 110 hours
>dis is dur wurst gum uvr
Same goes for Barroth. They're both like big dogs.
Also, someone please tell me the weapons get more interesting later on. This whole "base weapon with frills" shit is getting old fast.
>pretty fun
Very convenient
it's a decent game, just the worst and easiest monhun that has ever been released, very poor endgame and dogshit content variety, wanted to make sure that I wasn't missing out on anything to make sure I got all the content out of the game.
honestly got more hours out of Tri
>how could you play 100 hours of a game you think is the worst of the series?
I got at least 150 hours in Gen and that game was fucking shit.
Why the change in opinion?
>tfw finally trying DB
I'm sorry for making fun of all you weebs
Does the one side long one side short fringe work on 3dpd
All the weapons user, each hunt feels different when you constantly keep swapping weapons.
Makes the game way more enjoyable when you use multiple weapons.
you can still have fun with the worst game in a series
So you do enjoy the game, your such a fucking flip flopper user.
Just goes to show you that anti monster hunter posters can't even get their shit straight.
He only has two moves, you fucking suck. He's so goddamn simple.
just use a lance and bully him with your stick
>tfw fought this thing and great jagras like 3 times each
No fun picking on the weak
Wait till you see the Black Diablos then you will know the feeling of being BLACKED.
Dude shut the fuck up, this just goes to show that your opinion is less then worthless. You are just trying to be a hipster by saying the best game in the series is the worst we get it.
Go back and play tri till your arms fall off.
wtf this comment was in my head
But Black Diablos are females, user.
Is the psn shitting itself for anyone else?
>level 6 quest to hunt a Dodogama in Edlers Recess isn't called Dragon's Dodogama.
10 shekels have been deposited into your Capcom account