Is this the only thing Dark Souls 2 did right?
Is this the only thing Dark Souls 2 did right?
weapon variety + powerstancing
Alva set is pretty cool dood
No, because female character models had ungodly manshoulders in that game.
Only in Dark Souls 3 was the Desert Sorceress outfit actually good.
No. Also weapons, multiplayer, power stancing and armor designs.
>No, because female character models had ungodly manshoulders in that game.
Seriously, what the fuck were they thinking?
there's also this
only blue cops convent that worked. that is fucking HUGE. it was so fucking fun hunting down sinners.....
Alva and the Burnt Ivory King were pretty cool dudes
>Covenants STILL won't work in the remaster
I don't hate Dark SOulLs 2 anymroe
Missed potential.
No petting possible.
>No petting minigame like poogies in MonHun complete with music
>the cat
>all the dlcs
>comfiest of all the hubs
well it did also give us that very nice meme
you know which one
first play through and I'm pure minimalist two hand rapier + starting bandit set cos dat helmet and torso
the dps on this thing is absolutely insane, did I pick easy mode?
>you know which one
yes. thrusting weapons are EXTREMELY strong in ds2, esp. in pvp. the estoc and ice rapier are s-tier.
for pve, not as easy-modo as something like the mace tho
user it's a cat, it's fine.
Yes but don't let it bother you, use whatever cool ass shit you want.
that armor looks comfortable
it's not bothering me but it does irk me that I played my first 20 hours of vanilla a little while ago and ruin sentinels were kicking my ass for days when I had a mace and shield build
now I'm playing scholar and I beat them second try with my op toothpick
>tfw you can't even get that fucking fan as a weapon
That's probably because you learned their movesets and timing for engaging.
you gotta blitz that button
it's a mirror
>not as easy-modo as something like the mace tho
The rapier is god-like when it comes to mowing down bosses. With the leo ring and knowledge on when to abuse the stupid long counter frames most of the bosses have you can chunk down hilariously large amounts of a boss' health with one stamina bar worth of attacks.
the mace in this game is ass tho