Are there gaming equivalent of this?

Are there gaming equivalent of this?
I mean games depicting the charm of a character this way.
Because I want to stalk someone in vidya.

That hentai pic of her licking that huge cock with the saliva trail has made me cum oceans.

fuck you and your potato anime

You can't say that and not post it...

>I want to stalk someone in vidya.
Completely unrelated, but then I'd recommend Majora's Mask.

>charm of a character
>moe shit

It's better than 3DPD aka real women

The creator of this series originally intended for it to lead to NTR.

>It's better than 3DPD aka real women
prove it

Now I want that to happen

>Are there gaming equivalent of this?
You mean games with soyboys as their audience? Yes

lazy animation with one guy who is really good at drawing a single strand of hair?

>tfw so bitter and jaded I inherently hate anything that's new or popular unless it's an adaptation of something old or I discovered it myself when it was still obscure

3D women will always cheat and backstab you when the opportunity arises whereas 2D women wouldn't


>3D women will always cheat and backstab you when the opportunity arises
You have a really distorted view on reality.

>3D women will always cheat and backstab you
I'm a woman and have never once thought about cheating on my boyfriend of 5 years. Men are statistically more likely to cheat anyhow.

It's the TRUTH
You will cheat on him as soon as a better man arrives, I definitely know it

3D women have one big plus: [spoler]they exist[/spoiler]


Why do you people feel like you know anything about women when you more than likely haven't even been with one?

How would you know that if you’ve never dated anyone in you life?

No I wouldn't, I love him more than anything and I sincerely hope you one day find a woman you can love and who will love you in return.

That's only a plus in your book. Next time use ctrl+s idiot.

>Posting fucking Lain, Eva, and PunPun in that fucking infographic
Was this made solely to trigger Sup Forumsfags? All the shit on the right is at least somewhat controversial, even if its for retarded reasons, but literally nobody can hate fucking Lain. Or, if you do, you probably didn't actually watch Lain.

>Oyasumi and Silent Voice are bad
Here's your >(you) you cunt.

>Sup Forums turning their back on 2D women to defend 3D women

remember a time when this board wasn't overrun with fucking normalfags? yeah, neither do I

They exist because they're a reminder to be with the superior 2D women
I know EVERYTHING about women because of the Blackpill. They're not an enigma figure, they are very easy to crack.
No you DON'T, stop lying to yourself

That's because started browsing last year right?

Do you tell yourself these lies to deal with the fact that you've been single all your life?

>being this stupid
The image doesn't say anything about quality. Just that these works either pander to soyboys or are disproportionately enjoyed by them. Take Lain for instance, don't even try to pretend there aren't a million trannies on Steam and Sup Forums with Lain avatars and D E P R E S S I O N.

Takagi is a miracle of the universe



Stop repressing your feelings and just be honest with yourself, the sooner that happens the sooner you'll be able to connect with something and realise love is a wonderful thing.

I don't deserve love

>I know everything without ever actually having any real experience because I read a few post online
Yup. Real enlightened of you.
P.S ur taste is shit. SHIIIIIIIT


>pander to soyboys
What? Are you just applying qualities retroactively? I can't believe I'm taking this bait. I should be ashamed.

Soyboy is the newest fucking buzzword in the book, holyshit. It's totally meaningless and just applies to everything you don't like, especially things other people might enjoy. You'd know if you weren't a dirty casual but, Punpun AND Lain have happy endings because they're both about how even if a person feels empty, they can overcome that feeling and become better for it.

And again, literally only the left side is blatantly baiting. I'd hazard that most people who read manga haven't read Punpun, let alone watched Lain. They're way too old and strange now.

They're not lies, they are the TRUTH
I don't need love, I'm far evolved from that primitive emotion
Besides I'm too good for women
Stay ignorant of the Blackpill and let women manipulate you. Maybe you'll awaken one day

> or are disproportionately enjoyed by them.
Are you illiterate?

How would that even constitute NTR?
There is nothing to take in sleep. He doesn't "have"/"own" her.

>They exist because they're a reminder to be with the superior 2D women
Nah. You know what's your problem? Fear of rejection. You're no man if you let fear guide your life. If they cheat on you, they must feel the lost ones. You just kick their fucking ass out of your apartment and never see again, because they don't deserve to be around you. Have some dominance in your daily suffering, my boy.

God Riko is ugly

Lain is shit though. It's a poorly written heavy-handed mess with shit characters and an atmosphere that gets stale after two episodes. The animation quality goes to shit 60% of the time and the voice acting is atrocious.
Lain herself is a blank slate and people only like whatever happens to her, if she weren't a cute loli nobody would care.
Literally baby's first "OMG SO DEEP" anime.

That was the moment we noticed something changed within the sad lonely wojak we all love.
Now all he does is separate everyone and cause hatred.
That replacement changed everything.

Still won’t change the fact that your waifu is shit senpai

>I don't need love, I'm far evolved from that primitive emotion
>Besides I'm too good for women
You do know how that sounds?

t. soyboy

also nice overrated trash the taste

>we are using your codewords! Are you stupid 4channers hating anime yet?
No. Go glow in the dark elsewhere, goon.

2D women "exist" as well.
Just like God "exists".

I wouldn't go as far as to call them a replacement for 3D, though.

If you were above an entire an entire sex you wouldn't be here on this site.

wtf i LOVE soy now

>god doesn't exists
>but 2D > 3D

>tfw you will never have a cute autistic soyboy bf who will open his mouth in silence as a sign of excitement whenever he sees you

Well if we dive in the philosophy then yes, in the matter of subject that thoughts are existent, but it really doesn't change anything.

I'm not scared of anything
Fuck off
Women just aren't worth my time, okay?

Soyboy was a good meme for 2 reasons:
- they really exist (not necessarily because of soy but the numale type hipster thing)
- reddit/tumblr/etc didn't make it for once, first time in half a goddamn decade

It gets massively overused now as these things A L W A Y S do to apply to things that have nothing to do with the original intention because of literal children. At least reddit hasn't stolen it, and probably can't because they're a whole site of soyboys.

>Women just aren't worth my time, okay?
Yeah, as someone who goes on a video game game discussion board to cry about why women suck I'm sure you're a very busy man who doesn't have much free time on his hands.

>but it really doesn't change anything.
Lonely virgins receive comfort.

Exactly the same thing as with God.
Except people with a waifu rarely go on a weapon-driven rampage to fight for their believes.

>I'm not scared of anything
You said yourself that "3D women will always cheat and backstab you when the opportunity arises whereas 2D women wouldn't", which is contains fear of rejection. I think you want to know why, well, that's because it is the fact that not everyone cheats and also there's the fact that if you act like a man they: a)will not cheat on you; b)will lose in the end anyway. So, the only logical conclusion here is that you don't want to face one of the possible outcomes, or also you can say that you have a fear of it.


you are retarded if you think Sup Forums has ever been a good board

Wh- Oh, this is Sup Forums.
Karakai Jouzu Takagi-san

It's about a girl constantly teasing a poor boy.

Touche, can't say anything to oppose it


Pretty sure the same applies to guys in at least equal amounts. People are people.

they aren't worth risking mortar fire from that hill though

yeah its pretty revolting, they really should just leave us in peace

>Defending waifufags
>When waifu used to be a disparaging term making fun of people who actually feel that way towards their animus
Now, waifus are fucking normie as shit and people wear the title of waifufag with pride.

I swear to god I'm going to hunt and kill all fucking cucks and NTR apologists, how can one be so damaged to get off to the idea of losing someone you Love?, life is fulfilling because of the achievements we made on it, no because of the people we are with, but don't fucking deny you wouldn't be happier if you had someone waiting at home for you when you return from work, brewing you a coffee and making your dinner while you change, someone who you could lower your guard around and just be who you are, s9meone who listens to you and tries to help you in any way they can, someone that cares for you, someone to cuddle and hug in bed on those colds nights, someone you could turn back when you are grey and older and say, "I'm glad I meet you", someone you don't have to wear mask around and pretend, someone that sees you smile and smiles back at you from the bottom of her heart, that's why we seek waifus, even if we don't want to admit it we want to have someone who love us, and NTR and cucks stand against everything that makes us humans, so gas all cucks.

Just the classic hipster choices.

>not inserting as the bull
seeing the soyboys crying in the corner is the best part

Anyone that uses soy has ironically a 100% chance of having eaten something that contained soy recently.

user, look at the image again and tell me, is it not meant to bait the vast majority of anons of any demographic?

>This whole post
user... don't do this to me.