Why does everyone hate this game?

Why does everyone hate this game?

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It's a hugely successful game, everyone clearly does not hate it.

Because most people who play it fucking suck and they pick characters they suck with all the time.

>I need to pick Genji and Widow make regardless if I'm attacking or defending because I'm the main character of this anime

It stopped being fun a long time ago.

Because it's a barely ok execution of an already done and boring concept and, despite this, was heralded as the second coming.
Waifufags, autists and Blizzard fanboys gave it way too much attention and hype and that made things infinitely worse.

Its not fun

Its the worst kind of repetitive

There's lots of things to hate about it
>every characters' "Oh Shit" escape button on 10s cooldown
>"Press to win" Ultimates

post butts

The game's main fun comes from team fights, but no one ever does that and rather play hanzo/widow all match and get no picks

Because its popular

>bad map design
>horribly unbalanced
>cancerous playerbase
There's probably some other stuff but that's all that comes to mind. The only good thing about OW is the porn and even that is pretty mediocre most of the time.

feels like you are wearing fucking blinders when you play that shit

Poor balance, slow support, refusal to give Mercy the nerf she needs because then they would lose the vast majority of the female playerbase.

Granted I actually like the game.

>It's a shooter
>I want to shoot shit at people
>So I pick a hero that allow me to shoot shit at people
>Turns out my team is yelling at me for shooting stuff at peoples, they want me to play something that heals my team
>But I want to shoot in the face of people
>My team is sad because they want me to heal my team
>I am sad because I want to shoot in the face of people, not heal my team

I uninstalled I figured I can just wait a year or two and harvest all the new skins then. No reason to play it atm.

only reason I hate it is because of the shitty matchmaking system, tat the only way I can play this game properly is if I spent my entire life on it.

At first the game was exciting and everyone was on an even keel, team comp, combining ults, playing to win.
As soon as comp came it fucked everything up, people were hardlocking and just playing "meta"

now matchmaking is based on in game rank and comp sr, so i'm fucked and only ever get to play with the shitters.
Doesn't help that I was never one of those shitters, I always played for team comp, because of that I can't play certain chars like genji, hanzo, reaper as I have no practice with them, probably will never get better at them too.

The gameplay is shallow and gets old really fast.

>Shitty balance
>Community actually worse than LoL's
>Maps are mostly terrible
>Stuff is added slowly
>Several characters need full on reworks, but just get numbers buffed or nerfed

Because blizzard would rather enforce petty rules than improve the game.

What kind of fabric is this?

i pick widowmaker all the time but i have godly aim so it's ok

too streamlined and simplistic to offer any kind of enjoyment to anyone slightly familiar with games

computer graphics fabric


Because fuck shooters also fuck fighting games try hard faggots all of you.

i dont hate it perse but ive played enough of it to sorta just not care for it any more

it was fun at first, but eventually these games all become games where its less about having fun and more about winning, and i have enough irl shit to deal with that i cant really play video games for arbitary shit like that anymore, i want to have some sort of fun and humorless ranked matches have too many angry nerds and mechnically the game isnt particularly engaging for me to consistently enjoy arcade or unranked

normal map fabric

It's incredibly shallow
Pretty much the perfect FPS for people who hate and suck at FPS

too shiny for silk, so probably CGI polyester

This. I always played withmax FOV which was either 106 or 108 but it always feels like I'm playing at 70 FOV.

I dont, I still play it regularly.

>absolutely awful community
>trying to force esports shit
>just plain not fun

Only thing it's got going for it is the porn. If it weren't for that I'd put it out of my mind entirely.

>shit userbase comprised mostly of manbabies who star crying whenever someone's mean to them
>gameplay is tedious and offers the player no freedom to be creative with a hero's abilities
>6v6 means it's impossible to win if a single player starts fucking around
>almost no new gamemodes, heroes or maps
>plenty of skins and ways to combat """toxicity""" though
>still no clans/guilds
I could go on but I don't have the autism to.

>Optimised like complete garabage, somehow runs much worse than on release
>ESPORTS shoved everywhere they can
>Maps are all the same straight paths to the objective, may it be payload or KotH
>Shit FOV
>70% of the cast a crutch ability that aims for the player
>Dude skins lmao
>it takes weeks if not months for shit to be "balanced"
>Seasons get reset every 2 months so there's not point in even trying to climb since you'll have to do it all over again in 8 weeks
did I miss anything?

>one of the most popular games around
>everyone hates it
Unless you mean why does everyone hate it on here. The answer to that is simple.



post your plays

how can anyone enjoy this?

>blizzard introduces a ridiculous anti-white cuckold fantasy hero probably to appeal to their secret pornhub and sports sponsers
>game immediately dies
>on top of that the hero is shit and becomes a laughing stock instantly regarded as a throw pick autistically picked by faggots.

>>Optimised like complete garabage, somehow runs much worse than on release
it's running on a modified mmo engine they were originally going to use for their Titan mmo, which itself is a modification of the WoW Wrath engine

it's complete fucking shit

Its only good for the cinematic shorts and porn.

It has zero campaign and the gameplay is shit, because its modern blizzard game devs designing it.

They keep adding in heroes without fixing the ones that exist, and the ones that exist are designed to be 'fair and balanced' vs one another, which is why many heroes won't ever get fixed, like Torb, and no im not talking torb's turret, im talking the RNG on his gun., which is a 10 pellet shotgun alt fire that deals 6-15 damage per pellet, either remove it and give his turret armor or fix the hit registration and damage values, but none of that will ever get fixed because torb is a bottom barrel 'builder' that destroys newbies and consolefags.

false. Its an engine the built from scratch for OW called the OW engine.

Shitty community who either take it too seriously or are normies who don't know how things work

I also just don't like PvP-focused games in general because it feels like doing the same thing over and over

>Shitty community who either take it too seriously or are normies who don't know how things work

So literally every game with a fandom ever.

You can dislike the game but making up shit like this isn't helping anybody. Bullshit.

Its a shit game. Play ANY literally any other multiplayer fps or any genre and its better than Overwatch.

The only thing I find fun about this game is Mayhem. The rest is either too slow or just completely devoid of fun. Don't even need to talk about what Bliz considers balance.

I don't hate it but the game isn't fun enough to last like TF2 did, and even then a big reason for TF2 extremely long life is being able to host your own server and do whatever the fuck you wanted, too bad valve did the stupidest fucking thing in the world and force matchmaking for another couple seconds before the candle goes out.

Only DPS is fun but you're forced to play the boring healer/tank classes to win. I'd rather just play a game where I can have fun all the time

Sup Forums =/= main stream anything.

It's boring. How does anyone play more than a match or two at any one time before being worn out? It'd be at least twice as good without Ultimates being a thing.

I don't hate it but I think it would be much better with bigger maps, limited ammo, and 12 v 12 pub servers

>the most entertaining mode they added they have only added once and it was for less than a month

Ironically PvP-focused games are supposed to have the opposite effect, where unlike in singleplayer that has the same thing to happen every time, player interaction is supposed to create unlimited replayability where no one match is the same. OW is shit, however, and causes you to do the exact same thing over and over because your character was designed to do exactly 1 thing and that's all you can hope to do.

the fucking thing doesn't even have ultrawide monitor support for the same reason, it's retarded
>muh equal playing field

Are you talking about Doomfist? Because I honestly don't remember seeing any porn of him, cuckold or otherwise. It's usually 76 doing the fucking.

I mean, when a guy is involved at all. Most of the time it seems to be futa versions of the girls going at each other.

Exploitive marketing.
Exploitive lookboxes in a game already sold at full price.
Awful balancing.
Did i mention the awful playerbase?

It’s boring.

that's what I was told, if they really did make it from scratch than that's fucking embarrassing cause it runs like shit

None of the player highlights look impressive or interesting, which is a pretty bad sign that your game isn't really impressive or interesting. Even after going on huge killstreaks I've never felt inclined to touch that replay feature.

>the waifus were legitmately good at launch,
>blizzard fired the concept artist and halted anymore waifus
>didn't capitalise on the waifu popularity
>game died
This seems to be happening a lot with AAA games.
If you want proof Sombra was originally a Japanese ninja girl. She got turned into a mexican shaved head punk.
Another earlier example Symmetra was a beautiful white lady. Turned into a butterface Indian woman.

I don't care about ti I just don't don't give a damn about it, other than porn.

also doesn't have a scoreboard because that would be "toxic"
in their competitive esport

every character is a one trick pony that has absolutely no depth outside of figuring out when to use the 1 boring skill they have.

map design is pretty bad (getting slightly better) and they are releasing the at a snails pace.

its good for one thing only and that is porn, but even that is boring.

>game averages 30,000 viewers on twitch, the most popular streamer being the dude who got banned from his team for calling someone a fag with around 10,000 viewers
>As soon as EASPARTS starts, the number of viewers skyrockets to 150,000

Bingo. Its shit because its an amateur indie dev attempt. They made babies first fps engine and game,
Seriously a college student could make the base game in a week.

forced 50% winrate matchmaking

The waifus kept me going for a while. The knowledge that the game would never allow me to excel eventually pushed me away.

Poor balance.
No internal testing whatsoever, leading to situations like Lucio in current Competitive CTF.
Map design is shit.
Because it panders hard to casuals, most players are downright retarded.

I uninstalled it because i'm 100% certain it was damaging my computer it was so poorly coded.
This seems to be a common thing with blizzard games.

it's cause jeff was put in charge. He completely dropped the ball on the titan project, it's the biggest fuckup in the gaming industry. Millions of dollars, hundreds of employees, years of development, and we didn't even get alpha footage of gameplay

>this is what metal ranks actually think

>Got a bunch of codes for me and my friends to play
>Try it out by myself first
>Its the most boring piece of shit game I've ever played

It tries to be a moba and fps thats causal to access but gets rid of individual skill at the same time. Classes that don't need to aim, Q presses that are automatic win buttons, needing to be in groups to kill anything. Its too much trouble to sell them so i'll probably drop them in a Sup Forums thread eventually

I've put 500 hours in to Overwatch can any sad sack of shit here beat that?

It reminds me that I don't have a nurturing-yet-also-lewd mommy gf.

>amateur coders
I wonder why the quality got so bad. Truly is a mystery

This game is meant to be played with a group of friends.
Sup Forums hates it because they got no friends

>why aren't game devs and coding monkeys all chad models ripped and aesthetic
you should leave your room a bit more, user
there's a world out there

All they have to do is unnerf roadhog, make junkrat hurt himself with explosions again, and either fix the hit registration on torbjorn's rivet gun alt fire so it doesn't feel like a gamble when fighting off flankers, or give his turret armor instead of health.

None of the shit above will affect the top .5% of players because they're all playing dive/stack, but it sure will fix the fucking problem with flanker mains in PUBs and the fact that no one can fucking aim.

Why don't people play good games with their friends?

someone post the HotS team

>I uninstalled it because i'm 100% certain it was damaging my computer it was so poorly coded.

the picture is pointing out most of the original team is gone, and replaced with women and boys of questionable gender placement.

not saying they should be chads, but nice projection

cherry picking at its finest

even my normiest of friends, those who only play the latest meme games dropped it and went back to LoL
your point being?


Nigga, look at the left, they're just a bunch of nerds who have enough sense to wear a teeshirt and jeans at work, the people outlined on the right are all 'gurl gamers' and cucks wearing their fedoras and neckbears with pride.

Widowmaker is too good for this game. They put her in a comic with that disgusting niggeur and gave her a coalburner skin.
I'm offend. Never buying a blizzturd game again.

>dev team from TWENTY years ago
>baaawaaa not the same anymoreeee baaa
are you seriously this autistic

none of my friends will play this game with me

>Just fix the characters I play, and everyone will be happy.
Fuck those guys. Glad they got nerfed. Just throw them in the garbage, and chuck yourself while you're at it.

Nice response cuck :)

its not autism, its pointing out a fact that the guys who made the games people used to love a shit ton are gone, thats why OW and shit is different now. its not a bad thing, but an explanation for what happened, and why old fans dont like their new games

take a chill pill

Because good games are dead games.

They die quickly without cancer skinnerbox's keeping people on the treadmill anymore.

And there is a fine line between skinnerbox and pay 2 win, and once you cross that line, your game dies, so you're fucked if you do and you're fucked if you don't.

>Nice response cuck :)
please go back

The original group consists of normal looking dudes and a couple fatties, as you would expect of a game development team. The new one is full of the stereotypical mouth wide open balding numales and women with artificial hair colors.

t. genji main

Because of the community and the developer. disregarding the fact the game itself is shit

Totalitarian safe space

>old fans dont like their new games
you have a point here, since i'm one of them
but it's not the devs fault if the new games are shit
despite what you might think, gamedevs have actually very little power over the things they're making, ceo and shareholders are the ones having the last word
>jeff explained how activision rejected titan and had to make a new shit from scratch using titan assets to please activision or face being fired
>somehow it worked for them and they're thankful for that luck
nigga damn

my roommate plays this game constantly, it's the only game he owns and plays. Fucking 10 hours a day I hear him mashing his keyboard and clicking and yelling "HUGE" or "TRACER AT HALF"

fucking annoying

>smiling = wide ope mouth
the bsolute state of this board