Explain how are my threads any less videogame related than samus fun thread

explain how are my threads any less videogame related than samus fun thread


I don't understand the appeal

This is video game. Boobies aren't video game.




t. modern man

The lady in the dress has better tits than the maid. Cow tits are gross.

samus is a video game character

Playing with boobs is a game right?


Post some big titted redheads before the nuke.

t. dicklet

this is the best thread on this shit board

so is anri

Who /breastfed/ master race here?

how are you not banned?
fuck it

Well anri okita is literally perfection.

Why doesn't the Yakuze just sell whatever they give to Hitomi? They would make billions and make the world a better place



>love big ol' tiddies
>gf only has a B cup
Would fattening her up fix that?

sorry don't have

Clearly haven't played (enough) with them.

that goblin on the right is fucking disgusting

I like your threads, mods delete them because they are nintendo soyboys that can't appreciate woman

Hitomi Tanaka is fucking hideous


Poor Anri, Hitomi is disgusting.

Just tell her it's time for an open relationship

there, you now instantly have access to millions of titties

Yeah, be just like Hal from Malcolm in the Middle.

how are you still alive, you mexican dicklet

Unless she's really skinny, no. If her fat weny to her tits, it would've done so already

So did these two admit they're in lesbians with each other yet?

why do I want to impregnate a girl?

Starless thread?