You still use the proprietary bullshit that is known as Microsoft Windows

You still use the proprietary bullshit that is known as Microsoft Windows
And yet you still haven't ditched both Microsoft and Windows altogether in favor of jumping the shark and jumping over and switching to a Linux distribution

Care to explain Sup Forums?

Video games.

Not video games

why should I

Sorry, I like to play video games.

Linux is the special snowflake OS only faggots use so they can say "hahaha, look at all those sheeple using a popular brand. I'm different!"

Fucking everything needs a fix to work on Linux or can't be fixed.


You know you have to pay to watch DVDs (legally) on Linux too, right?

Everybody laugh at the newfag


I dual boot Windows on my shitty Linux laptop entirely to play videogames.
the terrible AMD drivers mean that even game emulation sucks on Linux just because it can't fucking get frames to the screen at any reasonable speed, causing massive overhead
we're talking 0-2 frameskip in MAME vs 5-8

My hobby is playing videogames not duckduckgoing for drivers.

I don't think you know what "jumping the shark" means, child.

Windows 7 until 2020 then going Linux because modern AMD GPUs have good support under the open source driver.

I sure do love intentionally making mundane tasks unnecessarily difficult. I love Linux!

I bet he hasn't even watched happy days!

And yet I'm sure you plebs mock the "it just werks" apple people. Pathetic.

why do people do this? are you seriously this fucking stupid?

We just had this thread on g

No, I mock people overpaying for hardware.

>and switching to a Linux distribution
Linux is built for servers and stability
it has no business being a desktop solution, the philosophy of the creator was computers work for us, not us for them. Set and forget.
Thats perfect for your reticulation controller, router or mail server.

The lack of support of programs on Linux. I can't use photoshop, sony vegas, and fl studio without setting it up through another a program which takes trial and error.

We're retards that want to play video games, got a problem with that you cum sponge? Besides everything is free if you pirate it.

Too lazy to switch to Linux, HATE windows

The only thing I use my PC for is watching movies, listening to music and playing vidya
so, fuck linux

I've been wondering. why is that even though I have a blu ray disc drive, legal blu ray discs, and a player to play them on, I am unable to watch certain movies?

Amazingly, I'm capable of mocking both of you.

Using Sup Forums hipster shit doesn't make me feel superior to everyone else so there is no point.

Because you're too retarded to figure out torrents or nzb

I torrent more because of it these days

As much as I like free as in freedom software, I like video games even more.

Because there's no linux distro that supports my 5ghz wifi receiver. I found some guy's custom drivers and all they did was totally fuck up the OS and I had to recompile

Fuck linux

Why would i jump from a botnet that work to a botnet(pulseaudio, systemd) who barely work?


Back to your containment board, Loonix faggot.

That's what happens when you live in an apartment with no fucking cable jack in the bedroom. And no, I'm not running an ethernet cable from my living room all the way in here, that would be retarded

Never seen that shit on my windows, what is that?

A freetard delusion.

In fact my dvd driver is disconnected

>looked it up
>it's real

Whatever that means.

>jumping the shark and jumping over and


>"you should use Linux user it's way better than Windows!"

>install Linux
>you need drivers to watch video, play music
>can't download anything because you need drivers to connect to the internet too
>have to type shit in a 80's text box just to install apps
>barely functional window manipulations
>no games
>no hardware support

Get fucked, OP

you need to install drivers on windows for it to work too you ultra faggot

nope. with Windows, it just works