The crash of '83 is going to repeat itself

The crash of '83 is going to repeat itself.
Prove me wrong.
Protip: You can't

if it occurs it will probably be something that happens alongside a major failure of the presently-existing hollywood/entertainment-complex.

such a failure would probably prompt a bailout from the federal government so it's not going to happen.

Digital distribution literally prevents an exact repeat of the 83 crash.

Digital distribution makes it virtually impossible. Also now people can look up gameplay videos, watch reviews and such so less likely to get burnt out by buying a game based on a cool box and getting a shit game and then buying less games in general.

I can see larger studios going from AAA to AA, but a crash that size? I find it unlikely.

The only possible failure I see on the horizon is the possibility of AAA games eating shit because of their reliance on the microtransaction model going away.

A crash literally can't happen again because what caused the first one was shitty availability of information back then. These days, you know exactly what you are buying.

Some AAA studios could get killed by mobile as hardware advances but that's not really the same thing.

devs are more and more retarded and greedy, so it's possible

the "crash" only happened in america

the rest of the world was still enjoying gaming

The only thing that would realistically cause that to happen is the government, and killing a major industry in this economy isn't going to happen.

Just how stupid are you exactly?


>indie games market
>kickstarter games and steam greenlight
>mobile games
>chinese game market
Never ever

OP, a gaming crash isn't going to improve your life, cure your depression or heal your self-image.
Have you tried getting therapy?

>crash of '83 is going to repeat itself
>in a world where digital stores exist

Anyone that says the videogame industry can die is a complete retard, it would take an asteroid to kill gaming along with the human race.

>Were finally starting to claw our way out of the call of duty audience craze, 2017 was a great year for games
>NOW the crash finally happens

It already happened. Except it's been crashing for 12 years.

Japan will save the industry again so who cares

It won't be like the crash of 83. It will only come when pubs can no longer pay for their bloated tribbable A games in any measure, by the added DLC and the added junk ingame microtransactions, etc.

Video games are humanity's #1 hobby

So are you retarded or just stupid?

With a crash it would only affect some games and game types. Like Dota and LoL would continue on like nothing happened. Same for many MMOs and games with a build in audience. Rabid fanbase titles would see little difference. It would be selective. And difficult to notice unless it involved a large part of triple A. More or less it would be on the supply side where pubs could not keep making the same kind of games consumers expect due to budget requirements.

I honestly wish it would, but vidya's too big now.

It won't the game industry is more marketing than product now.

He's some retarded 20 year old who read about the "crash" on Wikipedia and thinks he's super smart and informed now

Are you one of those retard fucks who doesn't understand vidya is a bigger industry than TV and Film?

It’s not going to because it’s not 1983 right now

Another crash is coming because they are making games I don't like

pretty sure it's gonna happen soon on the indie side or mobage, but for the big studios it will take one huge fuck up to happen

God I hope so.

Even the worst games nowadays are better than the schlock that caused the crash. No matter how much you hate EA or Ubisoft, they still produce better games.

There won't be another video games crash. We've been telling you retards this for at least 6 years now, ever since the idea became popularized.

Fuck paid digital distribution
>giving money to a company and getting nothing in return

I want it to happen so bad.

It's never going to happen

Why does this image make me slightly sad?

Companies are making billions and games are actually selling.
Mobile isn't a problem when there are 3 billion devices out and plenty of people to play all the games that are released, not to mention most don't cost money to play.

The crash of 1983 happened because of three factors:

1. Oversaturation of video game consoles. There were quite simply too many different game consoles on the market at the same time.
2. Oversaturation of low-quality video games due to many non-video game companies deciding to make video games to cash in on the market.
3. Lack of access to information regarding the quality of individual video games. There was no Internet and video game magazines were very uncommon.

But if games are made and few buy them, surely it would cause bankruptcy of a lot of companies. Not to mention all the studios being bought out.

Do you actually even know what an indie game is?

it's all that shit that steam leave to pile up and people still buy it?

If some faggot desides to make a game in his basement it's an indie game, this can neither crash nor can you really call it part of "industry" in the first place..

A genre, mainly 2D and pixel art games.