What are your favorite characters to play, Sup Forums?
What are your favorite characters to play, Sup Forums?
Any characters that are not from ow the edge faction
Why are 75% of the characters in this game brown women?
Torb, Junkrat, Moira and Mei
Mei is the closest to dedicated griefing that the game has
Lucio, Torb, Junkrat, Pharah, and D.Va
I'm sorry for ruining the thread
zarya, but she is so reliant upon the team actually PTFO that most of the time she is unfun to play and can hit like a wet noodle.
Burning down genjis as they double jump and flail around is a fun pastime of my playing overwatch days.
I have never played overwatch but d.va is probably the hottest character of any videogame ever. Not the personality tho
D.va, Moira, Pharah & Orisa
d.va, roadhog, soldier, reaper, zarya, junkrat, mei, and winston. moira and ana for heals.
i've been playing torb more recently. shooty torb is underrated. molten core + nanoboost is my favorite ult combo
>brown women
there are no negroid females in the OW selection
The Spy
I end up playing junkrat if I want to win but my favorite to play is Sombra
>play Arcade
>play mostly only as Junkrat
>people constantly tripping your traps and getting blown up by nades
>"OMG play a character that takes skill!" - Hanzo player
Zen, Junkrat, Moira, Zarya
hanzo, junkrat, pharah, widowmaker, sombra, and zenyatta
>People keep falling for the trap I place right outside the door of their spawn
Over 1 year later and they still do. My favorite was a person literally rage quitting the moment the match started and they got trapsploded.
If I had my choice, I'd play Soldier all the time, but I always switch it up depending on mode and team composition. If there's no healer, I'll usually play Mercy. If she's taken, I'll play Moira. I find her more fun than Mercy but her healing output is worse. If we're attacking, I'll play Reinhardt if no one's frontline. If he's taken or we're defedning, I'll do DVa. Otherwise, I like playing Hanzo or Junkrat. Although all the characters are fun to play. The only person I don't think I can stand to play for more than a few games is Ana or the buff pink haired gal. I just can't wrap my head around their set.
McCree, Tracer, Zen and Roadhog.
How do I counter tracer? She always fucks up my point of reference with her zipping around.
>Only advice I've gotten for Trash Mouse is to spam balls
>It always fucking works