Haha YES! After 40 minutes of chasing the monster back and forth across the whole map...

Haha YES! After 40 minutes of chasing the monster back and forth across the whole map, doing 1/100 of its HP pool each time it decides to stand and fight, I managed to kill it!

Now I'll grab his hide (1). After doing this twenty two more times, I'll finally have this armor that increases my defence stats by 1! YES!

Other urls found in this thread:


Is that how it plays on your head switchfag?

>40 minutes

Still need crit boost, focus, crit draw and handicraft gems before I update the game and lose the duping glitch

sounds like a pretty bad game, you should try playing Monster Hunter World instead

I know this is just low qualitiy bait, but for non monhun people wondering, the first time I did anji took sub 15 minutes and after doing him 3 times I had enough material to make his entire armor and a weapon.

Opinion diccarded

>taking more than 20 minutes per quest

You're doing something wrong. It took me 22 minutes to lance a Legiana because I kept poking his tail nonstop and he died before it was severed.

If I just kept poking the head instead it would've taken 10-15 and this applies to every monster.

>go in, not having any trouble (to the extent of people bitch about) in game
>got to a point where diablos doesn't kick my shit in so much
>go back and grind some bitch missions because I spent all my money on diablos horns on my body
>Rathian won't stop running up and down a hall way, locking me in a falling down and getting up animations, nearly carting me on cheese chips alone.
Why do monsters act like the kid who spams low kick and fire ball in fighting games sometimes?

I mean it's hilarious but damn I'm sure glad it wasn't a long hunt or a fight locked behind cutscenes, I can see that making me mad.

Also op is gay and mad for some reason.

>point out the game's flaws

jesus christ
to think i share a board with your kind

I had a Rathalos and Rathian pair combo kill me. Rathalos stunned me and Rathian went for her fireball. Wasn't even mad, was impressed.

I'm not sure how having the monster run is a flaw though

But those are all virtues of the game. You just tried to make it sound bad via exaggeration.

>sucks at game
>thinks it's a flaw

jesus christ
to think i share a board with your kind

The monhun community is vigorously anti-cheater. Don't do it unless you want to be blacklisted and laughed at. Rightly so.

MH has one of the most positive communities there is.

have an upboat my dude! you trolled superbly! XDD
MHWfags btfo!

it shouldn't take you more than 15 minutes to kill the difficult monsters

Legit question: what's the point of playing after completing the campaign?

>fighting odoggyron in his nest
>rages, starts doing his walljump attack
>in a row

Almost fucking got me too. If I wasn't using lance and powerguarded through it I would have carted for sure.

t. combined 1500 hours in 4 games

>finally get a hero's streamstone
>it's for axes

>monster hunter used to be one of the few games where we had decent threads in

except daora and his anti-fun force field.

>one flash would have put a stop to it
You know they give you access to all of this shit that's supposed to make your hunts easier and people like you ignore it all.

>what is elder weapons

You sound like the whiney kid that sucks at every game he plays


i love the game but i'm taking a week break because of how fucking time consuming it is.

Legi's tail doesn't come off.

Welcome to the "perfect vortex" some monsters enter where they combo you perfectly with their moves.

The people who join my hunts sure as fuck don't know.

If I'd taken the time to sheath I would have taken a claw in the ass. I'm aware of the tools, but you need an opening to use them unless you've got SnS.

>"perfect vortex"
You should learn that you don't need to immediately get up when you're knocked down. Getting up gives you i-frames. You need to learn when they happen to avoid getting clobbered.

You have openings. He's not fucking dempsey rolling you.

Whatever. I handled it my way, you handle it yours. I'll be more aware of it next time and experiment.

>Rathian, Bazelgeuse and Black Diablos at the same time

that was fucking osom

he does not suck at the game, he does not even own the game, he has Nintendo Switch

>people here genuinely argue against the fact how time consuming it is

sure op is exaggerating and this might be part of the game, but its a very valid criticism
one of the key aspects of the game is grinding and its been that while for ever

you've never used one or you'd know you have to do a lot of damage before it works. Which is real easy to do as hammer with a wind bubble around the enemy that deflects everything except perfectly spaced super pounds.

dont play it then.


but if you hate grinding why would you play a series that involves tons of grinding

>he's never been roar stunned into fireball into wake up poison clawed by a rathalos

Getting up i-frame doesn't dodge everything. Monsters have a perfect vortex mode if they wish.

If your gear is up to date and you have some knowledge regarding the monster, hunts shouldn't take you more than 10-15 minutes.

Chasing down and tracking the monster is what tends to bump up the timer, considering how the maps are built.

>the monsters take too long to ki-

>tail doesn't come off

Fuck I'm retarded.

Haha YES! After 40 minutes of running around the empty world back and forth, doing 1/100 of mobs' HP pool each time it decides to stand and fight, I managed to kill it without breaking my weapon for the 100th time

Now I'll grab his remains (1). After doing this twenty two more times, I'll finally have this armor that increases my defense stats by 1! YES! thank you based nintendo!

See, i can talk out of my ass too



>never been roar stunned
You're right. I have level 5 earplugs. Roars when fighting multiple monsters is a very quick way to die to RNG.

>Getting up i-frame doesn't dodge everything
It does when you time it right. They're i-frames. You're invulnerable during them. You need to learn what the timing is and the timing of the enemy attacks. But then again if you knew the timing of the enemy's attacks you wouldn't be on the fucking ground in the first place, so I guess you're shit out of luck.

>Monsters have a perfect vortex mode if they wish
No. They don't. You're bad and you're complaining about the game when you refuse to get better.

christ bow is retarded

why is element gunner so shit? fuck this game. they fucking ruined element bow and lbg, it doesn't do shit for damage.

>brother always stands back and watches monsters duke it out when I watch him play
>I always charge in and join Beetlejuice is fucking the other mon up.
Honestly after you get used to him Bagel is a bro

They're just losing arguments left and right so sticking to a single argument is impossible for nintendofags, especially if they never played World

>endgame gear

wooooooow, you sure proved your point.

I wish I was so fucking lucky. I've killed the faggot at least 10 times and he hasn't dropped a single fucking Flame Sac. I can't even make his GS.

That's such cheese and you can't reliably do that co-op. I'd be impressed if there were 4 people doing that simultaneously for a constant rain of arrows. It would be even faster because enemy health is not 4x more but the damage would be 4x more.

elemental was never good. A "good" elemental hitzone is 30% while raw have 60%+ hitzones.

Word of advice his GS is shit. Always go for raw on GS, stick to bone blade for a bit

Well now I know you're talking out of your ass consider 5 earplug requires you to have specific armors/decos/charms which you didn't always have access too. You're forced to stand eventually, meaning that you cannot just not move your stick. If for example radobaan or uragaan rolls into you repeatedly if you decide to not stand on the first hit against the wall he'll keep rolling until you're forced to stand and take his chin and die cause tempered damage. You'd like to imagine I'm bad but whatever man. I doubt you've never been hit ever by stray attacks but you go on pretending with your anime avatar.

it's the fault of few gunner skills, but element gunning was never good because ammo limits, only element bows were ever good.

you're aware anja's GS has the same raw as Nerg's GS but with 300 fire bolted onto it right

*bites behind u*

All these tools to counter every situation and you chose none. Stay gone, shitter.

Will do.

I've been mainly using Hammers, Bows, and Lances, anyway. I just saw the GS and thought it was cool.

better game. unlike MH Soyld.
>cool monsters
>good graphics without clutter
>no slinger cheese
>etc etc
Not going to finish the post because it's not worth my time.


Not sure if I should be impressed or disgusted.

>Thinks he can stop one of the most successful games/series of all time by exaggerating a flaw tenfold

I see people killing most monsters in 2-5 minutes now.

>for example radobaan or uragaan rolls into you repeatedly
When you rise with i-frames that hit is negated and you're able to move freely less than a second later. Long before another attack would be anywhere near you. It's like you're not understanding what I'm saying here. If you time your rising i-frames with an enemy's attack you can not only avoid that attack completely, but you'll be able to avoid their next one EVEN IF they're still gunning for you which they shouldn't. I don't know why you're standing here behaving as though sometimes enemies will just have it out for you and there's NOTHING you can do about it. This is false. There's always something you can do better.

I'm serious when I tell you to learn the rising i-frame windows. It will save your hunt a cart and may just save the hunt completely.

your response reeks of reddit and has been ignored

Arts were shit.
Graphics didn't even come close.
Slinger cheese isn't a thing.

And your fucking stupid "soy" portmanteau just clinches the fact that you're a Nintenbro-shaped pile of salt.

If you go on a hunt with competent people that know their lane, you can really fuck a monster's shit up.

Dude what, you can't negate him rolling. Like literally, I watched a tempered uragaan just roll into someone until he stood up and got chin whacked. You don't get to go fucking anywhere. You can be caught out and monsters have built in combination moves, see Blue Rath tri fireball. You're under the impression that standing i-frames are a perfect tool, I'm explaining that flaws in that argument.

>Graphics didn't even come close.
I can't believe the concentration of normals on this board now. Higher resoulution != good graphics. Graphics should be vibrant and pleasing to the eye, like pre-world. MHW is a desaturated mess.
But, more importantly, the graphics are too cluttered. There is just too much shit on the screen. Get educated. youtube.com/watch?v=2zE-J1rK1NQ It's the part where he talks about halo 1 vs anniversary. Not timestamping it because you're not worth the effort.

>After 40 minutes
Or you know, 5-10 if you're not a shit eating pleb

>le meme list

>vibrant and pleasing to the eye

Ah yes, this shit again. Just turn up the saturation on your TV and shut the fuck up

OP is just a shitposter but i generally agree with him.

I really like action games and action rpgs but i cannot get into the hunting genre also doesn’t help i am basically allergic to way too long battles that are just repetitions of the same moveset over and over again.

if it takes you more than 5 minutes to kill him twice, your not the audience.

>knowing literally nothing about how graphics and color work

Evade Arts is the reason for the rising speedcreep in XX

Glavenus, Astalos and Balfark could use a redesign, that's what I can tell you.

Just because it looks clear doesnt excuse XX from looking worse than its PS2/Wii predecessors, which nailed the graphics better without sacrificing clarity altogether.

Slinger Cheese isn't a thing. At best the slinger is for goading weakened monsters back into the fight and nothing more.

I remember some faggot getting angry that I had full Gold Rathian set while my guild card only had 5 Gold Rathian hunts. He called me a cheater.

yup did that for 200 hours on the psp, never gonna touch a monster hunter game again.

The graphics and color in World is great, it meshes well into the setting. Places look nice and pop well, especially coral highlands has lots of color. Just cause you're scared of this new age doesn't mean we have to suffer for your retardation.

But your not defeating his arguement at all?
Your saying: I-frames don't do shit!
He is saying: Actually, you're a retard if you can't time them correctly.

One of you is objectively right and it isn't you.

>Which ist it
Their actual reason is
>It's not on switch

Of course they're not going to save you in every instance; especially if YOU'RE GETTING UP AT THE WRONG TIME. Get the waxy shit out of your ears and listen to me. Learn how to time it. Even if you miss the timing it's not like you get punished twice for trying; you get punished just like you would be if you spam got up. There is absolutely no down side to trying to time your i-frames with enemy attacks. Do you get that? Are you understanding how your fucking argument to ignore them is fruitless? Are you going to continue acting like nobody should take advantage of the tools the developers give them? Are you going to continue being a shitter that ignores how to get better at the game just because you don't like how someone is talking to you? Fuck off.

>bought the rathalos PS4 pro edition
>ready for the next installment of my favorite series
>whetstones are infinite
>turn off ps4
>scalp it for double the cost

With worse sharpness, terrible affinity, and a useless element not only because elements are shit on gss but because most deiesxin the game are resistant to fire. It’s absolutely shit

>makes another shitposting thread as soon as the other one dies

You're a fucking retard if you think cloning my gems is cheating, fuck grinding for 50 additional hours just to get a second crit eye jewel

I love gunlance, just built the Rose Burst. I've mostly been relying on the rising sweep into burst or wyrmstake, is there a better way for more consistent damage?

Now you can easily do that with investigations

>Graphics too cluttered
When dunkey said it it made sense because the targets were human sized and mildly far away. That doesnt apply to monster hunter. The monsters are gigantic. Your eyes should have no issue tracking it. And even if it does you have a auto target feature that points you toward the monster. It ends up being pointless for me but still, How much easier could they make it?

good riddance

Why are people so terrible at this game? I'm trying to help out people with Anjas because I need the mats, but we fail every time because someone gets 1-shot.


I think they went a little over board on the simplification, but over all its a massive improvement so im still enjoying it.

Shit man I’d have scalped it regardless of my love for the series

nintendo puts thick bold lines around targets of interest so they're impossible to miss. look at SSB on 3ds

>doesn't do shit for damage

They sound like faggots. As do you.

Because you are helping people with their first wall. They don't understand the one-shot concept yet. They have to learn on their own unfortunately. no amount of warning will prepare them.

I hunted him about 4 times with my bow in 40 minutes. I'm not that good either, and I have enough parts to make his whole set even though I just needed his braces.

Are you claiming your lack of skill is a flaw with the game?

>monster hunter fans are mad the game has less grinding
so which is it

I think you have world mixed up with the other games.

The amount of people that die to nergs charge and then come here to complain is hilarious. Like shit guys press x while running