Realistically, could you drive through a horde of zombies with your car intact?

Realistically, could you drive through a horde of zombies with your car intact?

I dunno what normie shit you watched, user
I was asking cause I just watch Zombieland and thought of Dead Rising

Look at the trucks of peace in Europe, Carmageddon Reincarnation irl.

No. Modern cars have deformation zones that are designed to keep people safe, not the cars intact.

Probably, yeah.
I drive pic related

So how many zombies could you drive through before you just turn your vehicle into a canned meal?

Only one way to find out.

>this is what a "tank" is in western europe

god you fags are so weak, russia could crush you in minutes

no. potentially if you drive an older car. see
your dad, you mean?

>your dad, you mean?
Technically it belongs to the bank, but no, my dad drives a 300C with a V6

No, this is a tank

Those cirrhotic mongoloids barely beat the Chechens. The Bundeswehr would roll over their bones.

the leopard would crush your shitty abrams "tanks" if it ever came to an engagement

Well then it's a good thing I have an old car that doesn't use crumple zone technology. It's even got bumper shocks to completely nullify low speed impacts.

Most likely issue would come from something puncturing the radiator.

How stable are the axles?

Ive seen big boy cars completely crippled by wayward detritus

You'd just get stuck depending on how many there were. pushing over piles of decaying bodies as you dig into the ones you already ran over would get you stuck quick. Most side windows are actually pretty tough and I doubt they would give but if a few started putting enough weight on the windshield it would break. Maybe if you put a cow catcher on your vehicle to keep the path clear for your tires.

>t. la criatura

What, all 200 of them?

I don't fucking know, I haven't exactly tested it. I'd assume very considering it was common police car. And that it was an actual police car back in the 80s.

My car is ome of those cutesy little eco-cars because poorfag so probably no. It even makes alarm carebear noises if I go past 40

Yes, Tianamen square massacre. Tanks just rolled over hundreds of people even their own.


I don't own one, but these things are basically everywhere. I think it could mow down human beings easily

depends on the car, the speed and the density of the zombie crowd

Pic related my lil rinkydink truck, realistically I could probably go through a small crowd before I got stuck in zombie gib

I’ve always wanted to pick up one of those cheap surplused BRDMs, then I’d be immune to them.

so many people get fucked up on these things its unreal


Presumably he’s just referring to how they’re really unsafe, and where they’re used they’re guaranteed to get in accidents

God I miss small pickups.

They don't usually hit pedestrians. They do hit a lot of cars and just run away. These things are made like a tank. They can fall in a ravine and the chassis will be pretty much intact however they have no good handles, seatbelts and the seat as slippery as fuck.

high speed impact, not that many

low speed crushing, basically infinity

Why is that man holding a saw?

>extremely fast, small and an armament of a high velocity/rpm 30mm cannon or HOT ATGM with only a crew of two
It's pretty excellent for what its job.

Looks like the equipment that comes equipped with the AFV.

I thought it was a bow

Pretty sure they're called bow saws so you got close

Theyre pretty cute