>antagonist argument is better than yours
Antagonist argument is better than yours
You can stop posting this now. This edit is the best you're going to get out of your attempts at creating a forced meme.
Post the edit of this one
Part of this makes me angry.
But at the same time if he really is trying ,what does it say about him that "trying his best" still is unsatisfactory? Either he isn't trying hard enough, his best isn't very good, or he is not very good at trying
>makes comic about dude not trying hard enough
>makes comic about how angry she is at being rejected
>it's the same people
She's saying that she's rejected him already because of his looks, stature, and physique. That's literally all that women care about. Men might as well not have minds or personalities as far as they're concerned. Even if she gets with you because you have money she'll just cheat on you anyway. Women will reject you if you aren't physically perfect and there's nothing you can do about it.
>same artstyle
>same topic
ok fag
Oh nice the comic that everyone always fails to understand, she is telling him he shouldn't be someone that he isn't just so he can be in a relationship. Having to change who you are for some pussy isn't healthy
And here comes the bitter virgin to share his juvenile pessimism as knowledge, party's over
What? She doesn't give a damn about him or his outcome. She's telling him to fuck off.
>The man makes all the effort and the women just stands there
Shit relationship
lel you're not wrong desu, always funny to see Sup Forumsirgos pretending they know about the subject.
Bitches love headpats.
relationships are stupid and full of pointless drama
Lmao, that's the only good one
first world problems combined with white privilege mushed into some faggy comic your spinster aunt likes
Men often find issue with understanding what women want, with a lot of emphasis placed on things that you can change about yourself such as the ability to provide and act as emotional support on top of "saying the right things".
But then there is the feeling that women are drawn to physical attraction that a man can't exactly modify beyond getting in shape.
Because you can find examples of women fucking men for looks and women fucking ugly men for money or even some unknowable reason, the truth is heavily obscured.
>She doesn't give a damn about him or his outcome
How do you know that? It could be that she recognizes that it isn't healthy for him to pretend that he is the right man even if it means he has to give up his self
Hoo boy, games and shit tests the comic
based chad
You mean every relationship?
I fucking laughed out loud
One comic doesn't contradict the other.
The girl in the second one did as much effort as the one in the first, and that's why she lost.
It's a really juvenile way to handle what most likely was already relationship. Most people change in a relationship in some way or another and if it's a good relationship the changes are for the better, she appears to be ending it because he's changed and not because he is unhappy.
Because people who force themselves to like or be like something else just to appeal to you can be really offputting and it really shows how much of an imitation the other person is. You can try to improve who you are but your real nature will always be a factor which won't be want some people actually want in a relationship and that's totally ok
because literally nobody thinks like this
this isn't some fucking disney movie
Alternate ending: he sits down and she gets pissed off and goes home to blog on tumblr about how some creepy creep crept over to her and imposed his creepy self onto her when she was just trying to enjoy a drink by herself.
I bet there's another one that complains about dudes sitting next to her when she wants to be by herself.
I've been in seven relationships and I was engaged once. I'm not ugly but I'm also not hansom. I remember what life was like when I was skinny. I'm 32 years old and not a virgin. People only care about external appearances. Men are nothing but pieces of meat to women. Because of the deliberate premeditated murder of marriage by leftists, women have their choice of men and they've chosen to reject 80% of men as absolutely worthless. This is a fact. You can deny it, but that doesn't change the truth. That just makes you a liar.
women took the pill as well?
i obviously
cant believe it....
Maybe he was pretending to he something else but she didn't noticed until the relation started.
>I try to get the most attractive partner as possible
Why people pretend relationships are so complicated? Its just a market
This is easily the most communication I've seen in these comics.
We activating almonds?
It's even the same artist/author, fucking name is in the damn pics.
>lustful for a man with a woman already
>this is okay in the mind of feminist
should have cashed in his husbando points to keep her off his back
these are fucking great. i wonder if the creator of these is really that self unaware or if it's a troll.
The best way to counter a shit test is to simply shit test her back. Women can't physically comprehend what's going on and malfunction.
I'm fat,uglyish and poor and have been with a girl who is way above my league in terms of sex appeal for 3 years. There are no facts when it comes to relationships, specially women who can have a pretty volatile logic, stop acting as if your personal experience means you know shit about how everybody works.
That is cometely wrong. Men care mostly about how women look, so your projecting makes sense. However women constantly test men for a variety of mental/sociological traits, looks don't play that big of a part in getting laid.
I would bet also.
>she is telling him he shouldn't be someone that he isn't just so he can be in a relationship. Having to change who you are for some pussy isn't healthy
"The right one doesn't have to try" is a logical fallacy. EVERYONE has to try in a relationship. Even people who are right for each other. Relationships involve tons of work, sacrifice and compromise.
She's gonna drop your ass as soon as a Chad looks at her.
How tall are you?
>People only care about external appearances.
That's just one factor though, go outside again and see how many families with unattractive husbands you can find, it's usually a high number.
Besides, the guy in the comic isn't ugly so he's already in the territory in which sex appeal stops being that important and people will reject you for your personality and behavior.
how many times does she repeat this gag?
I doubt it, the conversation would be more of him apologizing for lying not him saying he could change.
if it were like that she would be in the right, trying to pick up girls using the plot of a cartoon or sitcom episode is retarded
>It's just aesthetic
That isn't the only factor, I've seen attractive women with men who are pretty shit tier. But these men are also typically part of some niche circle, some kind of authority or are outstanding providers.
Women don't just want their slab of meat, they want that meat to feed them and to be seen as valuable meat by other women. The only time they want that ultra quality meat beyond those two factors is when they get the instinct to "cheat" while maintaining a relationship with their main meat as is part of shitty hominid sexual psychology.
I've just been reading the comics this thread and now I'm getting all sad.
>wanting someone whos just pretending to be your type
how soy can u get
So she only wants someone who doesn't want her. That's gonna end well. This comic artist is smart.
Hahahahahaha this delusion.
Women ONLY care about looks. More than men do. If a woman "shit tests" you she's just communicating to you that you aren't good looking enough and she thinks she can do better.
How can you be this naive?
how? they're hilariously bad.
>Started dating a girl
>she wanted me to go out with to a bar with her friends, only second time we've eaten out together, one of our first dates. I think it's kind of weird
>she completely ignores me the entire night
>i enjoy myself anyway, just talk to people, drink a bit and have a good meal
>but of course i'm wondering what's up
>walk her to her car
>"I was testing you, I wanted to make sure you wouldn't freak out if I didn't pay attention to you"
>"oh....I don't think we should see each other anymore then, I'm not into things like that"
She burst out crying and had some ex boyfriend of hers call me later that night and yell at me for manipulating her. Not fucking kidding.
That percentage? 50% The same percentage of marriages that end in divorce. Huh.
Sure is videogames here.
Hell yeah he's about to shove her head right down into his crotch for some hot tube sucking action ;^) . You think they've done ane yet?
>muh okcupid statistics on who women want to randomly fuck and chuck establishes womens psyche and desires completely
i would try to talk you out of being this ignorant but it'll be amusing to watch you go through life alone, stumbling around like a fat wind up doll
someone posted already the edit with chad in the sofa ?
lol yeah faggot work harder at your job that will make you more attractive to women hahahahahahaAhahahahahAHAHAHAHAHA
>implying complaining about women isnt part of gamer culture
Nigga please, we've been around chads plenty of times yet she doesn't change her behavior around them, even some of my friends (who don't have gfs or didn't have one) never stole her attention.
Luke, did I ever tell you about that woman with self-esteem issues I vagblocked once?..
you see this shit? not worth the effort, unless its cash or a sweet ass job its worth the effort. a woman? not a chance
b-but women are all money addicted whores the only r-reason i don't have a gf i-is because im not rich enough r-right? o-once i make money girls will be all over me t-thats what reddit told me....
>I'm fat,uglyish and poor and have been with a girl who is way above my league in terms of sex appeal for 3 years. There are no facts when it comes to relationships, specially women who can have a pretty volatile logic, stop acting as if your personal experience means you know shit about how everybody works.
How many times you puncture that booty hole? You been eating that ass out? Getting it nice and clean for her down there?
Props for not being a pushover, user. Power to you.
Just like a lot of things, this thread makes me glad to be gay.
>How can you be this naive?
I'm actually just being realistic instead of a cynical fag who things internet stories and statistics are the best way to determine how the real world works like.
I am not even complaining, I hate women the most too, but this kind of thread should be elsewhere
Is this another lazer cheese situation where the artist draws herself 'normal', but is actually a huge fat-ass landwhale?
all her other ones suck except this. this is some real life shit.
At this point why doesn't this lady just find a guy she likes and just straight up tell him she likes him?
And do you think only those couples with potato husbands end in divorce? But since you're talking about statistics I can already see you know shit how real people work like and let the shit you read on internet dictate your look on everything.
oh blow it out your ass
Didn't even mention online dating. Listen. You're ugly. No one will ever love you. That's okay. Not everyone can be loved. Women have looked at you and rejected you as unworthy. You've been dismissed. There's nothing you can do. It's okay. You don't have to lie to yourself. You just have to accept that you've lost and move on. That's just how nature works.