PHY Super Vegito Edition.
Dokkan Battle Thread
>have good majin buu saga cards
>need ssj3 gotenks
>only have enough for one multi
That sucks man. I only have enough for three.
Atleast LR vegito blue is coming out though. Along hopefully with the last dupe of his base form so we can all get him rainbow.
250 stones, hopefully i pull sv and phytenks
I might do a summon or two but I'm afraid of blowing too much because the card I want most is STR Rose
Do you guys think they might switch up the banner? Im hoping they add str ultimate gohan but its a long shot.
All we know is that ss3 phytenks is there too, for the rest we just wait and see b7t persobally i wouldn't mind them removing teq gotenks and replacing gohan with the str one
>think I don't have any good hybrid saiyan cards
>skip Ult Gohan banner
>proceed to pull LR trunks
>realize i have phytenks, phytenks 3, inttrunks, physsj2 gohan, pan, godtenks, str ssj2 gohan, etc
170 stones.
Hope it's enough and that I can save a few for Kefla since this guy is going straight into her team.
I have good hybrid sayian cards too but ult gohans banner was pretty bad. Only good card besides gohan was janemba
Did everyone do the gohan and videl event before maint? They made it so you can earn stones on all the stages again.
I hope they put PHY Goku Black.
That happened in japan too, so it was intended.
Is anyone gonna pull on the rising dragon carnival with lr goten and trunks? I might if i have stones left after SV
Wait, is the event gone after maintenance?
No they made it so you can get stones from all the stages again. They do it with story events once in a blue moon.
How do you guys think we’ll get the 70 potara medals for lr vb?
Fuck no.
Despite the increased SSR rates, there's a shit ton of obsolete SSRs too, plus no dokkan festival exclusives.
It made sense pulling on those in the past, or early in your account to get a couple of SSRs, but it's mostly just for whales or LR hunters.
More supreme kai challenges.
Since there's not many more missions, we'll probably get like 5 per mission or so.
The same way we got the others, just do more supreme kai missions with the same links as before.
Im thinking that we’ll have to do events to earn them, but you could be right too
Don't think so since that would be time limited.
Although it would be more fun having a dokkan stage just for those.
More entertaining than using some garbage team just to have a set of links.
>got LR Gogeta today and tempted to go for LR Vegito now
Being a luckshitter sometimes clouds your judgement
Is he as broken as everybody say’s he is?
If you are talking about Vegito, i've seen him counter for almost 1 million.
I don't like what they did with these two though.
If they stop making TURs and instead just keep making LRs, it's going to be impossible to get a decent leader for anyone but whales unless they increase the chance to get LRs.
Yes, though I haven't yet been in a situation where he transforms. He might be even more broken than I thought
Both of them can fuck up everything easily. Not much content in the game exists that can make them go to 6 turns or more. Unfortunately I've only got SSJ3 Gotenks and SSJ4 Gogeta to pair with him in a fusion team, and have more for potara
>got to 400 days on global today
>would be at least 600 if i hadn't lost my phone for a few months
anyways thanks to that i got 7 stones plus the 10 we got today
>now i have enough for a multi
>i must resist the urge to pull until the 3rd global anniversary vegito will be back
I really hope they still make UR’s and SSR’s the main focus. Hopefully this was only for the Anniversary.
So you aren't an LRlet right Sup Forums?
Either Hacked, Whale or extremely lucky. But still thats amazing
No, I did the agonizing LR Android grind twice to get him to LR, and then to SA20.
No team to properly use him aside from one with Goku Black Rose lead, which isn't really optimal.
They're trying to make a LR for every relevant form/character I think. So I don't think they'll be introduced that often.
That being said, LR Perfect Cell when?
Are you guys ready for super battle road? i think i am just strong enough with my super str and my super agl mode
Any other team i have feels too weak, maybe super teq using double ssj4 gogeta and with a bunch of luck can do it too
Pulled Mighty Mask with the 300 stones on kefla then i grinded all the story stones to get my LR vegetto and my LR gogeta. even managed to get a dupe for gogeta too.
Yea the android grind was god awful. Thank god they introduced half stam events permanently now. Hopefully the LR Frezia campaign for global comes soon
Yeah, actually hyped for that since I rainbowed the AGL SSJ2 Vegeta and Bulma which will make the grind much easier.
Also rainbowed the free SSJ3 Broly since he has a decent leader skill.
Just hope they, someday, make a rebirth for the older LRs, their skills suck dick.
I might be able to do it with super teq but i cant even beat boss rush 3 so i doubt it
>mfw 4 fucking multis in a row on LR Vegito banner and didnt get even an SSR
Vegito's banner is cursed. I got LR Gogeta and SSJ4 Gogeta in 2 rolls
>INT Gogeta
>UI Goku
>Spirit Sword orb changer Trunks
>SSB Vegeta
>WT Buffku
I wonder if i'll be able to beat the Super INT battle road.
I managed to beat Boss Rush 3 even with PHY Cooler and PHY Kid Buu spamming SAs, although with no objects left.
i have all the free ones i have decided that i will save all my stones until the 3rd global anniversary to get that phy gogeta and then ill buy that purple dragon stone to buy phy ssj3 gotenks my fusions team will be invincible, i already got 50 stones all from login feels good
I did get LR Gogeta so I can't complain that much
Yea man i also rainbowed agl vegeta and bulma that card is so damn good for f2p. If only we could also use lr vb on lr frezia
Not making banners gssr is such a stupid thing
>those 50 stones they gave out
>those 30 tickets they gave for the ticket banner
>that's a total of 4 multis
>the 40 cards were ALL SR baba food
I think there's a higher chance to get an LR than this happening.
Is spirit sword trunks worth getting to sa 10? I’ve been thinking about it but i’ve heard mixed things
I wonder if Global will get the LR banners in the anniversary or TEQ Vegito Blue and STR Rose.
How much stuff is between JP and Global anyway?
>Angel Golden Frieza
>Super Saiyan 3 Bardock
>Tapion and LR Goku
>Kefla, although it doesn't count since it's not dokkan festival
I really dig the SSG look. Wish it wasn't shafted so fast.
>want to summon for PHYgito and potentially PHYtenks
>also want to save up for LR Gogeta and maybe LR Vegito
>also want to save for TEQ Vegito and STR Black
I almost hate knowing what's coming up and I know I'll end up wasting all my goddamn stones.
Speaking of that, isn't this the highest chance yet to get a summonable LR?
Although his SA is farmable (the trunks from DBS Future Trunks Saga) I used kais on him since it's too much of a grind.
Under INT Gogeta i've seen him crit for 1.5 million when I pair him with SSB Vegeta.
Is global even getting ss3 bardock. Isnt he from heroes?
same but for the str godku, wait until super ends so we can have the UI goku dokkan awakening, the godkus sould dokkan with those medals
The STR one is still pretty good and has great links.
Wasn't he first introduced in Xenoverse? either way it's very likely.
I hope so.
I need him both for the leader skill and for my Super INT team.
Kefla dokkan awakening when? Can she reclaim the spot of best potara lead with it?
i don't feel like my int team is strong enough even when i have LR doctor with maxed dodge, i've seen people with LR dokkan fail at superbattle road
I haven't played Dokkan since like 2016 and I've started up again recently. How do I do these Super level event missions, they royally kick my ass, and I can't get the medals to awaken the F2P Strike characters because they're locked behind world tournament
I hope so.
Would be bullshit if you needed to pull an LR to have an optimal leader.
>Super Strike characters
Dude, those are only useful for the Prime Battle LR grinds.
Focus on getting stones and pulling decent units.
And if you don't have anything decent, then maybe it's a good moment to reroll.
Probably should reroll at this point for an LR then proceed to destroy everything in 1 shot.
I have no idea man, Maybe summon for cards that would fit well with your current cards.
350 stones. Been waiting for this. God speed to everyone.
Only freebies.
-Mr. Satan
-The town whore that is Vegito
Currently sitting on 528 Frieza medals. Would've gotten more, but maintenance started just before I could get enough energy for one more run.
You missed alot now every dedicated player has a rainbow star LR Goku, most of the super strike still there but they are useless now, also pick related and kibito are now collector cards since they events will never come back
God this wait is fucking killing me
Does LR Hercule fit in ANY team?
Is LR Vegito Blue better than the other two?
I use him on my super teq team he’s actually really good for a f2p lr
i know right, finally super battle road an event that can kick my shit i've been playing with my eyes closed for so long
the teq one is better but LR is better than the phy one. well LR vegito blue wil be great on super str but that's it
My strongest card is the STR SSJ3 Goku, what do? I didn't really pay attention to team building back when I played. I have a few other good cards but their medals are too hard to get
He's different.
He doesn't have counters, but he can hit really hard.
He's also a nice rainbow Super lead, so he'll replace PHY Vegito as the go to leader until TEQ Vegito Blue comes out.
Even then, his most optimal place is either in Super STR or in Potara.
>My strongest card is the STR SSJ3 Goku, what do?
Welp, that's pretty bad nowadays, you should definitely reroll.
Sadly, the game has been power creeped to hell, what with +3 ki, and 120% HP, ATK and DEF leaders and what not.
I'd suggest to reroll and aim either for the new PHY Super Vegito or for an LR in the Rising Dragon banner.
Try your luck with this, and if by the summer you don't have anything decent, reroll again for TEQ Vegito Blue, that guy is absolutely broken, plus he's a rainbow lead, so you don't need to be very specific when building a team for him, just need Super characters.
I didn't have the foresight to screenshot my box before maintenance, but I need some input. I've been using this Super INT team (pictured):
>Super Gogeta (SA10)
>Ultra Instinct Goku
>Blade of Hopes and Dreams SS Trunks (SA10)
>Training and Discovery SS Goku (SA10)
>SSG Goku
>Kid Gohan
Typical strategy is to grab a Gogeta friend lead, and have one turn of Gogeta/UI Goku and one of Gogeta/Trunks. Gohan and SS Goku work well as floating support, since they give out ki and Gohan gives out a nice buff with his passive skill. That all works well, but SSG Goku is just floating around on the team too, and the extra bit of damage he does is nice, but I'm wondering if I can do something better with that spot. I have some other cards that would fit, and I'm wondering if I could improve the team a little, either by overhauling it or replacing SSG Goku. Other Super INT cards I've got are:
>base Vegito (SA10)
>Future Mai
>Goku Jr.
Beerus looks like a strong card, and if I included him and Whis, they would link really well with SSG Goku, and they would all pass each other and UI Goku the Godly Power buff, which seems nice. I could also just swap SSG Goku for Whis, which is another decent support card, but one that doesn't mesh quite as well with the team, and might get me into weird predicaments where I start with all of my supports in one turn. Vegito might be good, but I think he might need too many ki orbs to be effective in the role I'd be putting him in.
Basically, I don't know if I'm assembling my team right, or using it the right way. Do I want 4 attackers and 2 support, or 3 and 3, or what? And which ones do I pick?
user i hate to say this but you are probably gonna have to reroll,i keep up with this game with a bit of money and stupidly good luck, nowdays you need a category leader or a 120% leader, if you reroll go for gotenks and the new vegito those 2 can make all the old events your bitch even undokkaned
They always get more powerful it's so lame
you're lame faggot
I have that exact team, except I have SSB Vegeta instead of Kid Gohan.
I tried base Vegito and he isn't too good.
Beerus is great at SA10, by far the best Beerus card.
Goku Jr is good if rainbowed and if you focused on crits, but he has no links with UI Goku.
I have Whis, but I haven't tried it.
The Buu Saga arc category is a fun one, best of luck Global players.
Surprisingly low amount of JP people run the team though, especially after these new LRs.
Wish I didn't get shafted so hard on the LR Gogeta/Vegito banners. ~450 stones with only 2 SSR's, being the outdated TEQ SSJ2 Goku, and the TEQ Kid Buu that dokkans into Super Buu.
I'm on global. I have all the free LR's, including Hercule and Frieza.
Only pullable LR's I have is LR Broly and LR Black. Pulled both in 2 multis on their banners. I'll never be that lucky again, but I really hope I pull Mighty Mask in the future.
Do you think the Otherworld Tournament event will ever be back?
I really, really want the Super Kaioken Goku.
Where the fuck is Ui dokkan?
My ROG is my only real category. I have SDA but no gogeta or vegeta so it's garbage. My ROG team is pretty great but I'm starting to feel like he's going to be a dokkan fest exclusive without an awakening.
the problem is that phy vegito is now LR vegito's bitch, Just like how phy gotenks used to be phy vegito's bitch but now he is phy gogeta's second bitch after int gogeta
i need the arale event back i have all of them except the str one, i still have the medals saved from the only time it came to global
Nah, in the description for both Japan and Global of his banner said that he will Dokkan in the future, and that his event is not available yet.
I think what they'll do is make him dokkan when the final fight against Jiren happens in DBS, and put a banner with him again to make people double dip.
UI Goku was just released with the special to cash in on the hype.
>the problem is that phy vegito is now LR vegito's bitch
Thing is, unless you are a whale, you should never have LRs in consideration.
Despite having Dokkan Festivals focused on them, they have the same rates as the other LRs, which is 0.4%, I think.
I'm assuming him and Kefla get their awakening when that happens.
Kefla isn't a dokkan event exclusive, so she isn't guaranteed to get a dokkan.
I hope she does though, along with Caulifla and Kale.
Hopefully it will still need to dokkan my kaioken goku
>I don't think they'll be introduced that often
There's like a new LR every two months on JP, or at least it feels that way.
>don't own a single one
Oh what I'd kill for that Teq Zamasu and LR
T minus 2 hours boys.
>love Zamasu and own 5 Dupes
>His Passive and Links are ass
>His SA looks like shit
I'll probably 100% him later on down the line when new units slow down.
>phy goku black is in every fucking banner in global
>never pulled him
>got 3 agl rose
>str rose is released
with phy goku black and cooler my extreme phy team would be great
1 hour, actually.
Really? He links amazingly in my villains team
More like 50 minutes
I have the same problem i never pulled goku black phy he would be great with my zamazu and rose