How did they get away with this?

How did they get away with this?

By being based


Same way they got away with Anna's six finger's and Corrin's two left feets.

You've never heard of a six-finger discount?

Why do you guys put up with this?

anti-fates fags never cease to amaze with the lengths they go to find faults in the most innovative and important game of the series

Kozaki is a shitty artist and I hope he never comes back for another game.

Because they were too busy drawing her dumb hair. Elise would've been cuter if her hair was like Selena's.


You disgust me.

>not liking adorable SevSev
You and I are gonna have problems m8.

If they wanted to keep the twintail thing then Selena would have been better

But pic related is what they should have done

>he still likes Severa in the year of 2018

Oh please user, it's not 2013, get some better taste for Christ's sake, nobody deserves to deal with that piece of shit..

>draw a fish
>call it a dragon

How did they get away with THIS?

How did they get away with THIS?

how did they get away with this bros?

i mean she is literal trash but two right feets?

Because that's what the audience wants.

>tfw no tummy dragon

She's turning into a Simpson.

Remember when Kamui had two left feet

It's medieval times. We need more inbred royals in FE.

>ywn lick and nibble her exposed leg area while she giggles from the ticklish sensations until you get real close and she starts to moan