Post games that take you back to a better time.
Post games that take you back to a better time
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I still can't understand why we don't have a frigging sequel to this
Literally 'Meme - The game'
Another meme garbage too.
>Be me
>Murder a mod from Sup Forums
>Skin his corpse
>Wear his skin
>Be him
>Delete video games threads on Sup Forums
As I was saying, the demo versions of the boss themes shit all over the release version. Some wonderful autist on youtube has been going through and dubbing the lyrics of the release themes over the instrumental demo tracks which haven't got all the shitty wubs in them and they're fantastic.
dbfz unironically makes me look like this desu
Playing this game as a kid with my big brother takes me to better times.
Now I don't have people that talk to me and he lives far away, I wish I could go back in time and live that part of my life all over again.
>100% free game
>no dlc, ads or microtransactions
>every server was modded to hell
I miss both playing halo coop with my brother and the Super Mario Rpg with my neighbor. Simpler times where we could just blow off an afternoon playing vidya.
>Literally 'Meme - The game'
>goes back to playing PUBG
look everyone, an actual retard
>play EarthBound in 5th grade
>fall in love with it
>play it multiple times through
>have poorfag friend who loves it
>we sit down together and play through it throughout many sittings
>he finally beats Giygas
>years later
>he has tons of health problems
>we go our separate ways
>still think about those moments every once in a while
Where's Broly?
No, he only plays games for patricians like Deus Ex and *random JRPG that Sup Forums pretends to like*
Imagine being this dumb
how do you people tie your shoelaces and breathe at the same time
After you stopped playing though... Where did your big brothers touch you?
So what we don't play games for intelligent people like League of Legends? No need to shit on us because of that. Tastes differ, we like MGR, you like CoD and Dota, nothing wrong with that
>MGR takes back to a better time
Holy shit I'm glad i'm not this much of a faggot with shit taste
jesus christ, you're a genuine dumb fuck
>Literally 'Meme - The game'
re-read this post. Twice, if you must. And if you're THIS much of a brainlet that you still don't understand its' original intent, just tell me, and i'll explain
And don't project like you did, because i loved MGR and beat it on two platforms
Imagine being assblasted over nothing.
>Literally 'Meme - The game'
Thats mgs2 you dummy
I finished the game and couldn't wait for a sequel. A sequel that never arrived.
this and melee make me remember the good times I had in high school
Still mad.
what kinda gayshit am i watching?
Don't project your feelings with me