Best. Gen. Ever
not even just for games, the internet as a whole was better during that gen
Any gen except 5 is a legitimate choice.
360 > original xbox
wii > gamecube
ps3 < ps2
sorry, thats 2 against 1, 7th gen wins.
>faulty hardware and screen tearing
yeah, a veritable golden age.
>wii > gamecube
t. Underage
Gaming gens ranked: 6>4>7>8>5>3>2>1
>Unfinished games being released because "lol we can patch it later"
The beginning of the end of video games
>When objectives actually interested you
Best gen ever
The Wii was Gen6 though.
The generation that killed gaming
I like last gen because of the aesthetic of the UIs and the atmosphere of online play
>360 > original xbox
Not the best. It had some solid titles, but I'm sure OP just made the thread to bait people into flying off the handle about youngfags.
Don't forget that online passes were a thing for a short bit on consoles to curb used sales and it also introduced season passes. Most kids that started with that gen will see it as the norm though.
the xbox 360 was an improvement to the original xbox in every possible way with the exception of reliable hardware which was fixed with the late elite models. you have to be a complete retard to think otherwise but then again you are a degenerate animeposter.
Is anyone even gonna remember gen8 and 9 or is it basically gen 7++ at this point?
>the xbox 360 was an improvement to the original xbox in every possible way
Except games
PS3 phat was the ugliest console in history.
And I wouldn't necessarily hail it as the prettiest, but the Slim really turned things around. It manages to look really good while keeping all the important design cues from the original (i.e. George Foreman grill shape).
>gen 9
You mean 8.5, right? We have two half-step consoles and a realization of what the Wii U failed to be.
>wii > gamecube
dont do that
>original xbox was immediately cut off support when the 360 launched
>they are retailers that still sell 360 games TO THIS DAY
stay delusional you dumb weeb
I have an Arcade model, had red ring twice, both of those times I pretty much just waited for 2 weeks and it went away and it has been fine since.
>have Wii U
>plays all Wii games and GCN—why haven't you hacked your console yet?
>have 360
>replace with Xbone
>plays all your 360 games but better
>have PS3
>it's here to stay thanks to Sony's "who would play this?" approach to back compat
I just wish XBONE had backwards compat with Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
Well P4A is BC so i'd imagine Ultimax will come soon
The Wii fucking sucked.
More like the worst gen
>underpowered gimmicky console
>an expensive blu ray player with no games
>another expensive console that breaks after 6 months of use
>Literally a Gamecube with wiggle gimmicks
It's ok when Nintendo does it
my nigga.
jesus christ i can't believe you underaged faggots are over 18 and allowed to post here now
ffs we need a 25+ board
you said this before and already got btfo
this is literally my first post in the thread, faggot
no shit sherlock, i have seen you post this in a different thread
i haven't complained about you underaged faggots since last year, so there's probably some other disgruntled oldfag like me hating on you little shits with your shit taste
Wii and Gamecube are the same gen.
>so there's probably some other disgruntled oldfag like me hating on you little shits with your shit taste
wow you are so cool.
I like the original xbox slim controller better than the 360 pad.
Everybody stopped playing because Atlus stopped patching the NA versions of the game anyway
Even YouTube was a lot cooler in 2006-2008.
nah, you're just an insufferable bunch of faggots. thanks for making youtubers, DLC and microtransactions a thing.
well, stay mad we are taking over. pathetic old farts like yourself should fuck off already, people your age are getting married for christ sakes.
before "commentary". good times.
It was good time in vidya and for internet because games were still diverse and they took risks and experiments.
Now, every game is developed with focus groups in minds and are mediocre in terms of depth. Graphics have improved but everything else has gone actually backwards.
>marrying before being 30
i'm 27 mate. i'm the guy the girls your age are fucking instead of you pathetic faggots. try not having such shit taste next time.
whatever helps you sleep at night
>the internet as a whole was better during that gen
That was the best part of those years. There really was something special about that time.
We all know you're that perma virgin no one cares about.
thanks. actually off to sleep. good night.
keep telling that to yourself kek
The early games in that gen were really good, essentially PS2 games, but a lot prettier (Meaning, devs were still willing to experiment and not have to worry about going bankrupt because they didn't have a trillion dollars to make a game). There was little no DLC in them, no microtransactions, no season passes. Around 2010, when that gen SHOULD HAVE FUCKING ENDED WHY THE FUCK WAS IT SO LONG?, is when that gen started getting fucking cancerous and all the previously mentioned garbage rolled in.
>i'm the guy the girls your age are fucking instead of you pathetic faggots. try not having such shit taste next time.
t. >
360 > wii > ps3
Wii could play GameCube games and every Nintendo system before it
this was in regards to the content made specifically for those systems
No it was gen 7, GameCube was gen 6
SNES/Genesis > 21st century soy shit
They have a collective of 3 good games available on them
>wii > gamecube
did the 360 or the ps3 have more powerful hardware? original xbox and xbone were/are more powerful than their sony counterparts so i would assume 360, but i'm not sure.
This was the gen that sent gaming into a recession. Gen 6 was the last good generation, and the tail end of the golden age.
Dreamcast is better than all others combined
All of you are fucking underage. Gen 5 was incredible, and if you really have a problem with old camera's or graphics you shouldn't be allowed to discuss video games.