>user get on the mic!
User get on the mic!
Dumb sissy white boi
And have you guys all freak out cause I'm trans? No thanks. I just want to play video games.
>user get on the dic!
>tfw mic broke
Let's cut to the chase here. I like to crossdress and I'm pretty girly. Any manly Anons around that like feminine gay boys?
why are there so many faggots on Sup Forums
Yeah but I'm no bear sorry
I already have a cute girlfriend (male)
sorry user
>Get on mic
>Say something
>Everybody in the voice chat ignores me.
What do I do at this point?
Fuck your sister
All the cute bois are on Sup Forums now give me bf
>user why are you always playing healers?
Kemokko Lovers 5
>ayy, you sound like kermit the frog
Most people who call themselves "bears" are actually just fat and unkempt, so that may be a positive.
rycanthropy real unreal
you being a bitch isn't videogames. fuck off and grow a spine
But she is underage.
>wow user, I thought you were older
I-I'm 25
>oh, wait, are you a girl?
>tfw you're a clingy asshole and your best friend cucks you for some guy he met last week
>Hey user you play Overwatch?
no one likes people who can't be their own person
>user lets play a game