This is called a BearTiger say something nice about her

This is called a BearTiger say something nice about her

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undertale ripoff

I know Mother is dead but I wouldn't mind another rep. Same thing with F-Zero. Better than yet another anime swordsman.

No PSI user to prevent another Ness clone, especially with Lucas nicking PK Freeze. Jeff or Duster.

they could of at least made her an assist trophy

Most unique thing I could think of would either be for her to show up as Violet or use PK Ground as an earthquake trophy. Otherwise she risks dipping into player-fighter moves.

If any Mother 3 character appears in Smash I want it to be Fasaad so I can beat the shit out of him

you know PK Ground is the only PSI move not shown in smash but showing up as violet seems interesting. they could atleast make her as an alternate lucas and not just in colors like claus

Alt costumes for characters in general I can get behind, I was hoping for Proto Man and Bass costumes for Megs. If Snake ever shows up again they could get away with having a ton of CQC users (ie other Snakes, Ocelot) as alt costumes.

I love Kumatora!


Why the h*ck do people want her playable? Lucas already has her moveset and Mother's not a big enough franchise that it needs more than two reps.

>Steals his friends abilities

Just give her this
>Neutral b: pk fire ball
Make a fireball that acts like pk flash
Enemies hit are caught in the fire and are stunned
>Forward b: brainshock
Similar to mewtwo's forward b
>Down b: pk ground
Charge up to put enemies in the ground surrounding you, hits multiple times.
>Up b: pk quaking thunder
Doesn't damage enemies and goes through them, breaks shields, launches very far though with light damage if hit.

Normal moveset revolves around comboing the enemy with normal attacks, and smash attacks hit up to 16 times if timed right (similar to how links f smash can hit twice, she would be able to do that 16 times if timed perfectly)

I'd prefer those be specials for Lucas and effort go towards a non-PSI user


Is Kumatora's name based on the 30's American slang term "bearcat"?

more in question is why the fuck mother fans keep banking on literal sidekicks?
if Mother did get more character it'd be anyone in pic related or a Flying Birdman, not one per game waifushit

what would you imagine her voice to sound like?

I wouldn't mind an assist-psi based ninten
Hell I'd main him

Wrong pic

>unique mechanic for normals
>for anyone that isn't a Fire Emblem rep
I think you forgot Sakurai is the one handling these games.

I'm happy that you used the original non-faggy version of Nintendo but why do you gotta post the mewtwo interpretation of giygas man

Porky's too big, Giygas is a bit off-the-wall and they'd have to Captain Falcon an original moveset for him. I could see Ninten as a self-buffing aggressive version of Ness though, he had NO offense PSI in M1 but otherwise was the best healer and hit like a fucking truck at endgame

>you know PK Ground is the only PSI move not shown in smash


Ness uses it as an extension of his physical attacks pretty often.

No, thats Lucas using Love

because nobody made a model based EXACTLY on his sprite. I even made a sprite based on that for a Pokemon RGB romhack too.
but shame, Nintendo still hasn't released concept art on how Mother characters really look like outside the game

Fun fact: Shigesato Itoi worked on multiple Kirby games under the pseudonym "Shinichi Shimomura". He was mainly the level designer and uncredited ideas guy for Kirby's Adventure, Kirby Super Star, and Kirby's Dream Course, but he also pitched and directed some of his own lower priority and lesser known Kirby games as well. He also came up with the idea of Kirby Super Star's Japanese box.

>censoring a censored curse word
>censoring a curse word in general
Kill yourself, underaged shitter.

Ness's "raw" PSI seems to be more generic energy or Flash related, the same sparks show up when he's just using telekinesis. Not sure why Rockin' isn't his FS though

regardless on Sakurai's flawed thoughts on why he held back Ridley, Porky isn't too big.
especially his Mother 2 debut.

im also the people who don't like the Spider backpack idea since its doesn't fit Porky's cowardly character for Smash.

What am I doing with my life, sitting here and listening to this.

I thought I read online that his down grab was considered a pk rockin

>Giygas is a bit off-the-wall and they'd have to Captain Falcon an original moveset for him.
Giegue has very vast knowledge on PSI, so it wouldn't be off the bat on giving him a moveset based on his incomprehensible attack or anything the other PSI users used in game.

What kind of sheltered homeschooled world do you live in where "heck" needs to be censored.




So basically, Sakurai's a hack? Not like I'm surprised, what with "the creator of Megaman".

is there even a proper Kumatora mod out there?

if Sakurai excused the fact that "other users teaching PSI in Mother" made Ness using PK Fire possible in Smash, then something like Ninten using PK Beam isn't neigh unrealizable either
but i agree, Ninten being a Ness quarter-clone but solely based on stat buffs would be better fitted for him.



this one or the ass beat one?

>Porky's too big
Fuck that

>Shigesato Itoi worked on multiple Kirby games under the pseudonym "Shinichi Shimomura".
is this actually true? holy shit
i thought he went way to work for a railroad system and some shit

>comes from a tribe of transexuals


i much rather his Mother 2 appearance

I wonder what ever happened to Morphine and her/his Gigue-chan.

i miss it when he still drew Kumatora
but now he's just a Discord shitposter, working on his Island game, and doing commissions from his pals

Imagine if this game would have been released these days.
The shitposting would never end.

My choice would be Pokey/Porky since he was a villain in 2 and 3 and could have a fairly unique moveset. Also Smash needs more villains in general.

now imagine if Minus 8 ever did Kumatora

he's currently doing more shota stuff

>Also Smash needs more villains in general.
This 100%. Honestly it's the only reason I side with Ridley/K. Rool fags, because I want more villains.

what the fuck are you saying
fuck off weeb

same here
i never like the Ridley shitposting but im open to more nemeses in Smash
even Dissidia has great villainous representation for a crossover

cool it, hot head

idk why this wasn't Ness's final smash. PK Starstorm makes no sense on him

Be careful what you wish for, we pobably just get the hundreth anime man nobody but Fire Emblem fans even know who he is but this time he is bad.

wow never heard of this guy, the stuff he makes is great

>now cough

Could someone post the guiege cropped pic?
You know wich one.

he used to do a lot a kumatora but then he just stopped

that's a big mr. saturn

For you.



That's more of a 20's American slang term actually.

Duster or Jeff would be better mother reps fight me


i'll happy to take Black Knight if FE gotten a villain rep one time


She's not a magypsy. They only raised her.

but seriously

Giygas (or Giegue whatever) would have the same issue as Ridley in that he couldn't really be Giegue. In the game (Mother 1) its implied his power makes him borderline invincible, yet he's stuck in a liquid tube and frail as hell. I can't see how'd they put him in without modifying him to be something else.

I do think Porky is fine though. Although using the sprite next to others in game is flawed, I feel as though one can compare the size of Porky in the spider mech to get an accurate measure of the construct. It'd be bigger than Bowser Jr. and his clown cart, and he'd have to be a "heavy" character, but he'd work.

As for Lucus and Ninten? They'd be better off as alternate costumes for Ness. Not sure why this isn't done more often. You can change the voices/visual-effects based on the costume if need be.

Not sure. I feel like she would have a bit of a deeper voice but not too deep. She would try to force herself to talk more like a guy would then how a girl would speak.

Kinda fucked up that they all bathed naked together. I mean you've got both dog hair and Duster's weird ass in there with you.

Is there a way to even contact him? Seems like an elusive guy

how old is kumatora ?

>Duster's weird ass
He's not weird, just sort of ugly looking. I liked how Duster was presented as kind of ugly or at least looking like a bum, too many rpgs have just pretty boys in your party.

She would sound like Naruto.

Hard to say, I would say 18-21 probably. Lucas I imagine is 11 or 12 since canonically Ninten is 12 and Ness is 11 so I put him in the same range. Duster is sort of weird and can anywhere from mid 20's to to early 30's honestly.

And Boney is a dog so whatever.

that or sarada

sounds pretty accurate


>In the game (Mother 1) its implied his power makes him borderline invincible, yet he's stuck in a liquid tube and frail as hell.
this is the same game where to Ganondorf's plot armor doesn't apply at all and Pit isn't the "strongest Nintendo character" as Hades implied.
why do people bring up canon power levels when Sakurai said NOTHING about that for Smash, even when talking about Ridley?

good grief, he might as well go back on Ridley, but its not the matter here.

Smash!Giegue would be basically anything he can possibly do in Mother but in Smash instead. stuff like being out of his machine and using other strong PSI would be a Smash thing like Ness non-canonically use PSI he never was thought.

What is Itoi doing nowadays?


so, if I get this right.

Mother 1: Giygas looks like a wiggly spaghetti creature with arms and legs

Mother 2: He transformed himself into a nightmare cloud (?)

Mother 3: He's dead, right ?

>those comics that are about ashley hexing kumatora and making her tits grow
Yuck. I hope this talent less hack never touches Kuma-chan

das rite

He's quite old now, almost 70, and he sort of just chills now byt he still makes stuff. He has developed some apps, he made a rather trendy Japanese app that is essentially facebook but for your pet which is cute. I believe he also runs an organization for finding lost pets in Japan, he really cares for his dog and animals in general. He's done a lot of stuff honestly, like sky diving, mining, being on iron chef, and even being the president of Japan's Monopoly society.

lets be real did she deserved her own game?

wow, sounds like he's a nice person

yes, a 2D fight game

yes, a 2d h game