How would you make an erotic game that also has good gameplay?

How would you make an erotic game that also has good gameplay?

Other urls found in this thread:!pIplwJjb!Mh1pg3KiddYb9X3GEByjuQ

metroidvania might be a good genre for that

angry birds with light tactical breeding for more units

good gameplay is erotic

The game OP has mentioned is:

Succubus Prison ~House of Lewd Demons~ Ver.2.00 With DLC (Final Patch E)

Which can be found at this link:!pIplwJjb!Mh1pg3KiddYb9X3GEByjuQ

The translation can be found here:

Now you don't have to experience fucking 500+ posts of retards being like "hurr durr what's the link" and even more retarded retards responding, "DON'T SPOON FEED HIM". No problem, you guys. I'm just a champ is all.

Is that game in english yet?

Eroico and Kurovadis are pretty good examples.

is it an RPG Maker game?

Mating press rhythm game

Yes. It's a fucking RPG maker game, but the gameplay is pretty good because it's like a horror game where you have to figure out how to get out of the house or whatever. Pretty good though, there's a lot of options and shit but sometimes it comes down to trail and error.

etrian odyssey but all the characters have optional nude portraits

More Sengoku/Kichikuou Rance shit, that stuff was great

just make a good game and add the sex in afterwards.

Slay the dragon? get a rape scene with the princess

>How would you make an erotic game that also has good gameplay?
Who cares? I want to play a porn game to fap not to get "immersed" in the """"gameplay""""

This game sucks. All the h scenes are almost identical. Sure maybe there’s a change in facial expression but that’s about it most of the time.

The only good part is the bathing scene with the little girl

Sexlivion did it a decade ago. Everything since has been mediocre, that's the only one I've played that introduced a fun stat simulation to sex and treated it like a form of combat.

>Start skipping through sex scenes in order to get back to conquering all of Japan
This was a pleasant surprise

XCOM angels vs demons.
You command the angels and instead getting shot they corrupt, rape and kidnap your troops.

Last stage would either be heaven or hell HQ, Heaven HQ would be survival to avoid bad end, and Hell would be the good end battle.

But that already exists.It's called baldr sky.

English yes please.

Is it truly a horror game?

Artificial Academy with more depth to its mechanics and more polished sex parts

>erotic game with good gameplay
>but you want to lose on purpose

I got you covered senpai.

>eushully and alicesoft will never do a compilation game


>Porn game
>Erotic stuff is behind the failstate and not a reward for progressing.

That's just bad game design right there.

I would just make a game with the design philosophies of SNES jrpgs and then just have the sex and fetishes come packed in with cutscenes and the story

I always hate that mechanic.You should not encourage players to lose on purpose.

How are you going to jack off if you're too busy trying to win? There's no time to beat your meat when trying to get a sick combo or dodging bullet hell.

Monster hunter, but fight giant anime monster girls, their weak points get exposed when you rip their clothing

has to be playable with one hand

your talking about that lewd la mulana game

I mean, HuniePop already mastered that aspect
Not sure what else you'd want

name of the game?

And while they get attacked they get raped, which you would be able to see while you select an action.
And see how crazy they go when you return to HQ thanks to either lust or corruption.
And enemies would tease nearby allies when they are close to them.
And allies would turn on you and do the same when corrupted.

Its furry bara shit, dont bother.

Lightgun rail shooter where you fend off succubi and other demons who want your cock.

Any time you are "damaged" you get a brief flash of a lewd picture of that specific enemy accompanied with moans.

When you die, the "Continue" countdown scene will be of the enemy dancing lewdly in front of your vision

Selecting no or otherwise not continuing will lead to a sex scene where the succubus or demon claims your soul.

Thanks pal.


Oh is that a thing already? Japan beat me to the punch, as usual.

now spoonfeed me a guide for it too.

>Any time you are "damaged" you get a brief flash of a lewd picture of that specific enemy accompanied with moans.
That's a fantastic idea, user. That execution could work for other genres as well, not just a rail shooter.


can tell a jap drew that

Noooooooooooo way, how? You must have an art degree.

It's called a fucking challenge, you wanker.

Really fun game but the erotic scenes were trash.

>tfw NTROnline never ever

I would make an open world game where sex or rape grants you XP you can put into Incubus skills. The more powerful you are the more your sexual encounters will change the way NPCs interact with you. Rape will make them act more like slaves and consensual sex via persuasion will earn their favor. The end game would be to rule over the entire land with just your dick.


Make a great game first, and add the porn later.


You know they made that, right? It was pretty mediocre, all you could really do was check your waifu's text messages and see the communications other players made with her while you were offline.

The nips did go one step further with a couple of forums that popped up related to general custom girl games, where you'd post your save file or whatever and another guy would come in and post some pictures of himself fucking your bitch. Only in Japan, man.

I'd love a real full on NTR online sim, where every player is competing for the attentions of NPC girls. I can only imagine the amount of money purityfags would spend claiming a girl, and how absolutely insane they'd go if some other guy came along and stole her.

>beta virgins pouring thousands of dollars against themselves for getting a virtual waifu

It doesnt even sounds like a bad idea

It's a whoreror game, yeah.

>pretentious nu-male trying to sound smart by telling other how they should enjoy their porn
