Is the DLC worth it?
Fallout 4
May as well dig for diamonds if you’re already in a hole
Far Harbor is 7/10
Nukaworld and Automatrons are 5/10
Rest are a joke.
fallout 4 isn't worth it
stop giving that hack Todd money. bitch
GOTY was on sale, might still be? Anywa, I like the two big ones and I like settlements so I pretty much liked all the dlc except for the Vault 88 one.
The one for NV is.
far harbor is worth it. Nuka world just adds more dungeons to shoot up. The rest are meh, there's probably better stuff available as mods if you're playing on pc, otherwise buy the season pass on sale.
>Fallout 4
None of the game is worth the harddrive space
Is this true? Can anyone confirm?
Buy New Vegas instead. A far superior game in every way.
the absolute state of nu-Sup Forums
Nothing about Fallout 4 is worth it
Except it looks like vomit
Far Harbor and Nuka world are worth it desu. Everything else is just things that really should have been in the base game.
If you actually enjoy the game already and aren't here hoping to read that the DLC's fix the game.
Then only get Far Harbor and Automatron.
Nukaworld seems interesting, but it's trash and only accentuates what is wrong with the core game.
If you aren't enjoying the game.
Just skip the DLC and buy Skyrim Remastered so I can get a new pair of Jeans.
I have over 1,200 hours and still haven't played Far Harbor, Nuka~World or Vault 88. Woops. Sorry NV fans.
>muh graphics
make your bait at least believable for bethestard standards. next time say like 200 or 300 hours and no mods, instead of no DLC
Sorry I don't want to play a game that looks like garbage no matter how many mods you use
Even Oblivion looked better
new vegas is too ugly to be playable
Haha, totally.
Why don't you tell us all how Fallout New Soygas is you all time favorite game?
We are all so eager to hear it!
>I don't want to play a game that looks like garbage
then why are you playing bethesda games