The real reason why A Hat in Time is not coming to the Switch

Why a Hat in Time is not coming for the Nintendo Switch? I doubt many people will believe me, but I guess I can try.

It all comes down to bitterness and hatred.

You see, the development team of a Hat in Time believes they had a masterpiece, a game that would be the best platform ever, and what would be the best way to advertise the game without any cost? by releasing it in the same month as Mario Oddysea, so critics could do the advertising job for them... they believed MO would not surpass the game quality and depth, that it would be a bland game critic would not like as much as a Hat in Time, boy they were wrong.

Everything backfires, MO was so good it sends A Hat in Time to the shadow real, it made the developers lost a fuck ton of money as the game was better than anyone could have hoped for, one specific team member even threatened to sue the team for the idiotic strategy they planed(no idea if he is working there anymore).

This result, in turn, upset the developers, making the lead designed(not placing names here) evoke a very strange hatred towards Nintendo, and now the team blames MO on the flop of the game(game has a not even reach 120k).

Take this with a grain of salt if you wish, but as someone that is in the industry and goes to gaming expos pretty often, and actually had a talk or two with the team, I can assure you this is the reason.

Yes, Game developers can be as autistic as gamers themselves, reaching manchildren levels of autism(who else could make a platform like A Hat in Time? not a normal human being that for sure).

I don't know if you are in this thread, but I will spread the word, our indie development gaming community don't need developers that hold unreasonable hatred for a company, when you were the one that jumped the bridge, no idiot would release a game to fight a Mario game, even if it ends up being bad.

wow you should get a job in games journalism

Platformers are garbage anyways.
A relic of the past they need to stay there, so fucking tired of these nostalgic faggots.

Only Nintendo can do platforms anyway.


I don't know or care if thats true or not but it was still a dumbass idea to release it in the same month as Mario and they probably did lose sales from it

Platformers are the only good games

Shitch can't run the game.

or maybe they just can't be arsed to make such a difficult port since the switch doesn't support ue3 and the sales they'd get is probably not worth the effort?

lul, I already work in the industry, this will be my last message, find out who is managing the tweeter handler.

Oh, also the company is pretty much dead, Gears for Breakfast promise the publisher 500k copies sold by March, they are barely a 1/5 of it.

The actual reason is the engine doesn't work on Switch

what's with the word clap emoji reply?


Nobody cares about their shit game. Literally nobody even discussed it until this drama began. It only hurts them anyway since indie games and platformers do exceedingly well on the Switch, so theyr'e only fucking themselves over. Oh well, guess we'll just have to settle for the greatest 3D platformer ever (Odyssey) instead. lol

this but without the namefag and unironically

A way to todlers understand.

So we repost? I repost too.
Their loss.
I mean, plenty of indie devs are praising the sales of their games on Switch. Plus platforming games in general sell better on Switch than on any other platform.
So if they really don't want to bank on their game, who are we to judge?
Leave them in their autism.
I stopped caring about that game when they promised a Wii U version during their crowfunding campaign and then changed idea once it was finished. You can tell they aren't either the most honest or smartest people in the industry. Not that you can expect more from literal pedophiles.
Pirated the game on PC and I realized it is as shallow as Sunshine and most gen 6 collectathlons, so it's not even like I am missing on some incredible game or something.


>Yes, Game developers can be as autistic as gamers themselves, reaching manchildren levels of autism
no shit

I just find it weird that they advertise it as a "Love letter to N64/GC platformers" yet didn't put it on the platform where the audience for those types of games are the biggest. It seems like they're not doing it out of spite.

>horizon will be the zelda killer!!
>dies with zero awards
>a hat in time will be the mario killer!!
>mario sells 9 million copies, no one remembers about hat in time aside from the occasional shilling thread
All is well.

>This same thread again.
Man you dont learn do you ?

So Phil Fish developed A Hat In Time?

>all these soyboys upset that a game isn't coming to their system and the vitriol they're spewing
Fucking hell, are you dumb assholes that desperate for third party games on your Mario and Zelda machine?

A Hat In Time isn't coming to the Switch because our engine would make it run at 12 FPS on that console, and porting the entire game to a different engine would cost way too much. It has nothing to do with Odyssey. Don't be absurd.

Trying to look superior because you've been discovered as a fucking faggot.
It is like saying that you are a cuck, but no, I can like watching my wife getting fucked without being a cuck because I'm the one who asked for it.

>made 10x profit

You forgot the part of the strategy where they made 24/7 shill threads on Sup Forums and I am assuming elsewhere.

OP post is cringe and Switch port begging is annoying, but the dev answer is douchey and what is even more douchey is that he promoted the game Kickstarter in Nintendo communities and hinted at a Wii U version at the time.

Unreal Engine 3 isn't officially supported, but that's different from downright not working. The Rocket League port has been hampered by it, but it's still there.

>indies do better on switch than any other platform, PC included
>refuse to release it on the switch


I highly doubt this game would have sold more than 120k units

They can't even afford to finish it, I doubt any ports are within reach

Tfw every switch owner I know owns
>Xenoblade 2
And absolutely fucking nothing else.
Just look at any screenshot of a guy on his switch homepage, its the same 3 games everytime.

> our engine would make it run at 12 FPS
>game looks like it could run on a Gamecube

It's not the engine, it is called "incompetence", like Rime that can't run for shit on Switch while games like DOOM or Skyrim run flawlessly.
Admit it, the team behing hat in time is not talented enough to manage resources.
If they were to develop Gold/Silver for the gameboy they would have NEVER been able to include even half of the content that game had.

>game has a not even reach 120k
Why are third worlders always lying? They tweeted that game has reached 150k in sales which is very good for an indie game.

It sounds reasonable, a lot of the shill threads leading up to release were about the game being better than mario odyssey.

the true reason is no one gives a fuck about your meme tablet enough to invest on it

pc/ps4 safe bet

>implying you know anyone

Are there people who unironically still hate jontron for some random tweet i legit forgot he did anything before this image

>flop of the game(game has a not even reach 120k).
Switchlets are so fucking desperate

KEK, it is almost as if not everyone constantly buy games, right?
Look at the attach rate on other consoles, you have PS4 systems sold only to play FIFA on it.
Btw I have 9 games already on switch

real talk, the big reason is that switch might be dying and they think taking the time/money to port it to switch might not be worth it.

like yeah zelda and mario were good but there's no major titles on the horizon.

More like
>Shill the game kickstarter on all Nintendo blogs and forums
>Not downright promise, but hint at, with heavy winking, a Wii U version
>Finally release your Mario 64 clone with Wind Waker art style
>Be a dick to people asking for a port

People are still trying to shill this shitty game?

Portable 'current gen' gaming is appealing. And it would be neat.
Kinda sucks its not coming to Switch (yet.), at least we got TF2Ware.

I'm still not sure why they released AHiT just before Odyssey. They should have released it a month or 2 before OR AFTER it came out.
>1 1/2 month before: 'Man I'm hungry for a Platformer. I'll buy AHiT!'
>1 1/2 month after: 'Man Mario Odyssey's the shit! Can't believe I already completed it. I guess i'll pick AHiT since I'm still thirsty for a platformer.

The switch hasn't been out very long. 3 games in a year would be a lot for me, especially at full price.

based Nintendo working the indie shitters into a shoot

NintenDIES SEETHING right now

>Indie games sell more on the switch than any other platform
>not worth the effort


>Unreal Engine 3
Oh god they use the most horrible version of the unreal engines?

its probably because slag is a hack and it took him this long to make a mediocre, poorly optimized 3 world platformer. It would probably take him another 2 years to put it out on switch OR Wii U. In two years people will not care about Hat in Time coming either. It will be old and busted and have to compete with whatever nintendo platformers release that year.

>what are Sonic and Megaman

>at least we got TF2Ware.

You guys underestimate the power some corporations have when they don't want a game to succeed due to politics. M$ didn't allow this game on indie category at the game awards because a rep from them didn't like jontron.

Giant Bomb outright banned it from goty discussion also due to jontron.
They're just leaving good devs out in the cold because a SINGLE LINE from 1 fatass retard is in the game.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is the case with Nintendo too.

pathetic if true.
But I remember some "coincidences" in past smear campains pre release that ended in the critics of some reviews so I'm not surprised in the end

>Implying I don't
>The fifa meme
Back to bing bing wahoo
>Also, 9 games
HAHAHAHAHA what? Switch retards are the most desperate people on the planet.
They are constantly spamming "Switch release NOW" on every moderately popular developers forums and videos.
The switch has already fallen to wii/wiiu tier support.

>Dumbass idea
No doubt they were desperate to get it out the door. They were only four years past original release date after all. Four extra years for three real levels.

People already don't care

This. The only UE3 game that got a Switch port was Rocket League and Panic Button had to make an extremely customized version of UE3 for the Switch just for Rocket League. Not worth the expense for an engine not supported on Switch.

>hey, we are supper hyped to get you game, can you port it?
>Really?? come on!
>Douche bag response
why is with indies being crying little bitch in social media without an once of what PR is?

It wouldn't surprise me if that were the case.

Not him, and I disagree with him, but Sonic is bad, always has been, and Megaman isn't a pure platformer.

>"no" is a douchebag response
Holy shit switcheaters are something else


>clapping emoji is not douchbag response
SOnYniggers, never ever

>game has a not even reach 120k
steamspy reports 122k though?
without counting GOG, ps4 and bone

The clapping hands between each words and the condescending tone is a douchebag response

Slag is shit at programming so for him it probably is too much effort. It'd be like asking yandev to make a highly customized engine. It would only end in a trainwreck.

Based a hat in time devs. gonna buy 10 copies now. also Mario Boredomssey was liquid dog feces

They're probably losing themselves sales
>Wow, they treat people like this on Twitter? I'm not supporting them

Lol wtf? The game sold fucking great


>even shadman hates the shitch

Absolute kek. The saltiness of switchfags.

Look, kid. AHiT doesn't come on your Switch because of the engine. AHiT uses Unreal 3, and what's more, an old version of Unreal 3. It isn't compatible with the Switch, and the studio doesn't want to put the enormous effort of porting it to the Switch. That's all.

>It all comes down to bitterness and hatred.

>You see, the development team of a Hat in Time believes they had a masterpiece, a game that would be the best platform ever, and what would be the best way to advertise the game without any cost? by releasing it in the same month as Mario Oddysea, so critics could do the advertising job for them... they believed MO would not surpass the game quality and depth, that it would be a bland game critic would not like as much as a Hat in Time, boy they were wrong.

>Everything backfires, MO was so good it sends A Hat in Time to the shadow real, it made the developers lost a fuck ton of money as the game was better than anyone could have hoped for, one specific team member even threatened to sue the team for the idiotic strategy they planed(no idea if he is working there anymore).

>and now the team blames MO on the flop of the game(game has a not even reach 120k).

Also apparently some rather unfortunate middleware which isn't available on many platforms.
Basically, the devs didn't do their job properly and wound up with a game that can't be ported.
A lot of games are going to be in this situation over the next couple of years as Win32 gives way to UWP and the next-gen systems all go ARM to do the hybrid handheld thing.

It has sold 150k units since January. For being something that was shilled so hard here, that's a flop. Sup Forums gets more unique visitors a month.

>Giant Bomb outright banned it from goty discussion also due to jontron.

That seems like unnecessary overkill given the sheer number of better GOTY candidates worth talking about.

>not Splatoon2

Why are Nintenautists so retarded? Do they really need to make all this shit up to justify a game not getting ported to the Switch?

So they made back their Kickstarter budget multiple times? Ok then

>remake the whole game in a newer engine just so it sells around 50k copies of a game that took 5 years to make in the first place
you aren't very smart are you

Rocket League on Switch uses UE3

I don't know many 6 year olds

Is shadman /ourguy/

>no titles on the horizon
>Pokémon,FE,Kirby,Yoshi,Metroid Prime 4,ports of amazing games on a console nobody bought

they had a category devoted to indie games with like 15 or so games they had to whittle down but AHiT didn't even get to be in that.

it literally didn't

7 games, 6 preorders, no Xenobland here.

lol you nigger what does odissey have anything to do with a game that launched on pc first?

nintenkiddos seething desu

the few third parties on switch sells like hot cakes
because of the lack of current diversity

You're just as autistic though asking for games on your tablet.

>Go five years over budget
>Make back their money

>muh nintendo boogeyman

Living in your head rent free

>licking switch cartridges
shadman is all sorts of fucked up huh

Based dev

Aren't people overthinking too much? I'm pretty sure most ports don't happen because of how hard and time consuming it is to code everything into another system.

Shitty game for Shitty people
Im ok with this

Well okay that is kinda bullshit. But that's giantbomb for you.

It's still dumb. Mario has a stupid amount of Brand recognition and people will buy it for the simple fact that it is Mario (like most nintendo franchises) rather than some game they've never heard of. Even if Mario odyssey was a steaming turd they'd of never been able to compete with it

>thread is literally started by OP who is a switch port begger
Keep embarrassing yourself