91 gigabyte download

>91 gigabyte download

Welcome to PC gaming!

>he buys AAA games

Stop pirating games.

>PC gaming

its the same shit on consoles

piracy deterrent

dont you effectively download two games with new cods? the singleplayer and multiplayer and they're both 45gb each?

>playing CoD on PC


>buying digital on consoles
Didn't know people were this stupid.

Kek, that ain't shit for Black Cocks 3.
With the mod tools installed I was seeing pic related in terms of size.

>Codblops is a pc exclusive

stop buying poorly designed cash grab cowadooty garbage

You mong, the games are still installed to the HDD on consoles, so filesizes are still insanely large.

you have to install most console games nowadays so its wasting space either way

Yeah but you don't have to download it.

more than half of it is localization files.

>Satellite internet

I legit want to murder somebody.

Compression? Never heard of a such a thing

Doesn't change the fact the PS4/Xbone have mandatory installs now. If you had a base PS4 with a 500GB hard drive one game would take up literally 1/5th of your drive.

Who gives a fuck? It's 2018, unless you're a nigger or a dumbfuck redneck the download speeds aren't an issue on Steam.

installation hasn't been a PC only thing for years user

>OP's pic is clearly from Steam install

You can blame paid digital distribution for that, specifically Valve.
>Using Steam
>Complaining about download size when they are at fault

>Download speeds
Who ever said anything about download speeds?
>giving money to a company and getting nothing in return

I get upwards of 40MB DL speeds on steam at least it's not throttle to hell and back like PSN.

Who said anything about installation?

OP is talking about DOWNLOADING.

how does this deter piracy. Its just lazy developers and no option to have a gane version without raw 4k textures

>Who ever said anything about download speeds?
Your entire post is about downloading a game. If you have insanely fast internet it takes so little time it's a non factor.

>Who ever said anything about download speeds?
You're the one complaining about download times.
Point is, unless you're a redneck/nigger, your speeds are likely going to be faster than ordering a physical copy or driving to the store to buy it in person.
>>giving money to a company
What company am I giving money to?
Steam is free unlike consolecuck services.

You're either trolling or incredibly stupid.

Fuck if I know why anyone would buy AAA trash but here we are.

>OP is talking about downloading a PC game
>I relate it to PC gaming
>you bring up that isn't exclusive to PC gaming

*blocks your path*

Why would Valve change the download sizes of games developed by other companies?

>Sup Forums now buys cowadooty
What happened to this board?

alt right Sup Forumsredditor invasion

Spacelets B T F O

Its not about the space retard its about the time it takes to download.

>having shit internet in the current year

Download speeds are fucking terrible in the US and Canada thanks to telecom monopolies

Sup Forums grew up and is no longer trying to prove how cool they are by not playing certain games because le normies play them. Black Ops multiplayer has always been great, zombies is pretty good too.

I have good internet for my area. Not everyone wants to live in a human zoo so they can get fiber

This is an American site, ofc most ppl here have shit internet

131 TB??

>Bought a CoD game

How the fuck is Steam at fault? If anything, wouldn't they want game sizes to be smaller to save on their operating costs?

that's not why Sup Forums initially started hating call of duty, it started when they got rid of dedicated servers and fucked over pc users

I live in the US user.
Again, this is mainly only true if you're a nigger or a redneck.

My internet is faster than any optical drive.
It's slower to install the game from the disc.