There's no such thing as a perfect exp-

>There's no such thing as a perfect exp-

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*blocks your marketing*

Above average expansion pack with a disappointing storyline. Suramar might be one of the best WoW zones, though.

>WHO GOES THERE??????????????
suramar was fucking awful and annoying

There isn't enough filter to filter out wow threads

MoP was the best expansion in my personal opinion, but I would of probably enjoyed Wrath more if I liked undead and winter asthetics more than chinese asthetics.

I'm probably going to really enjoy BfA but I don't really like the asthetics of trolls or england.

The legion expansion's greatest attribute is that it is better than WoD.

I'm just glad they're getting rid of the fucking AWFUL artifact system making people be stuck to the same fucking weapon for an entire year.
Fuck that garbage.

>casual scum raging about city bigger than skyrim one with actual dangers until better items drop