Resident Evil 2

>Game is easy as fuck
>B scenario is the same shit from a slightly different perspective
Why is this game so praised? Its the nostalgia factor like FFVII? I'm not saying its bad, but I can't get why people see it as a masterpiece.

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I don't see any real criticism here
Go eat lead


I just want to know why this game is so praised, I'm not here to prove that its shit, if you don't have anything to say about it why even bother replying!?

It's baby's first Resident Evil.
The first was way better imo.
Not to say 2 wasn't good, but it made RE grimdark faggotry when it was better as a campy B horror movie.

I liked 1 slightly more to be honest, and 3. 2's a long game and has Leon though so it's nice too.

i'd say 4 wins the award for babby's first resident evil

Nah, not really. It's just that good. is correct.

>2's a long game
I don't think this even counts, since you get to play to same game twice.

your opinion but the camera angles alone put people off the classics

3 is better

Slightly different, kinda counts.

I agree with this, but the game is brainded easy even on hard and the zombies design are trash.

BR's seal of approval

In terms of actual gameplay it's better than RE1's and the game can handle more than two or three zombies/enemies on screen at once.

The game starts off great, honestly. You pull yourself out of exploding car wreckage and find yourself surrounded by zombies, MORE zombies are coming from everywhere to get you, you have one ammo clip and there's just this intense sense that you HAVE to run like fuck to get away. EVERYTHING could get you.

...Only then, you wind up in the police station that feels like three completely different buildings and a freight yard super glued together, solve more bullshit puzzles and criss-cross into the weird sewer basement of a 'nearby' chemical plant before you hop a train to safety. The End.

Apart from running into Mr. X or more than one licker in the same room, the earlier tension is dropped and what plot there is in the game is kinda loopy. You just stumble into the matter of a scientist getting gunned down by his boss's goons over a creative dispute over the next big bioweapon and he turns into a daughter-raping (no, really) monstrosity while the zombie plague drifts free.

RE2 was rebuilt from the ground up after Capcom had like 75-80% of a whole different game finished. It plays certainly better than what they were gonna do but the plot suffered from hasty re-writes.

>baby's first Resident Evil
>Anything before 4

That's kinda how I've felt, I loved the beginning of the game, but the more progress I made, the less hooked I would be.

Top Tier:
Code - Veronica

High Tier:

Mid Tier:

Low Tier:

Shit Tier:

I never heard a strong argument behind the hate for CV besides "no Leon". I don't understand the love for Leon, he looks faggy and he's too pusstwhipped by Ada.

There are a few reasons to replay.
There's the other A/B scenarios, the EX Battle Mode, 4th Survivor, Tofu Survivor, if you're a lorefag you might've missed some files, there's Arrange Mode, the N64 Randomizer, the Dreamcast Nightmare Mode. And speedrunning/S Ranking.

>Le contrarian meme
FYI it's just another name for pretending to be retarded.

A lot of that is that it's just hardwired into people after PlayStation affiliated magazines shat all over CV. You know how people are about the opinions they adopt.

>Generic Tier
REmake, 2, 4
>D Tier
ORC, Umbrella Corps
>C Tier
Chronicles games, Revelations
>B Tier
Gaiden, Gun Survivor 1 and 2, 6, 7, Outbreak 1 and 2
>A Tier
RE5, REv2, 0
>S Tier
CODE:Veronica X
>SS Tier
Gun Survivor 4
>SSS Tier

>Nemesis that high

t. Ze pequenho

>nu-RE games in anything but bad tier

Cool, but replay factor is not the subject.

I was tired and thought the end bit said 'why even bother replaying'.
I'm still right though.

RE 3 holds the most nostalgic value for me so it's my top choice.

Still, I remember my first time playing 4 as a very young kid. I got too scared at the part after the first fight where you run into the beartraps. I panicked and quit. Those days were glorious.

>I don't understand the love for Leon
Handsome, charismatic, and the protagonist of the two most praised RE games.

Also CV has its own scuffed version of Leon.

How is RE2 any more grimdark than 1?

He was the best possible protagonist for Resident Evil 4. That game was made for him, I don't think any other voice actor can do Leon justice

Steve is the cutest RE boi.

Yeah, the replay factor of RE2 is great especially the N64 version, but the main game doesn't really seem to live up to all the praise it gets.

Well, your wish is granted,.

Code Veronica has some of the *worst* fetch quest puzzle moments of the entire series. You find shit early on that won't come up until you switch Redfield siblings. RE 3 did have the trolley car segment, but it still opened up new areas to explore--in CV you just kept jogging from one end of the island and the later the antarctic to solve shit.

But even putting aside that (and how fucking annoying Steve was) the gameplay is slower than the last game in the series RE3. Jill and Carlos ran faster, and you had the dodge mechanic to help out, which was omitted from CV, and some of the weapons (especially the grenade launcher) felt like downgrades compared to what came before. The only combat improvement was the Knife getting it's pre-RE4 moment to shine, but the dual gun stuff didn't really amount to much other than giving you handgun replacements that couldn't be reloaded.

3 > 1 > 2
3 has great set pieces, the best puzzle in the series (not saying much), the Nemesis is real spooky and adds replay value and agency. Jill is cool. Action dodge adds a lot to the game and The Mercenaries is a groovy addition.
1 has the best atmosphere of them all. Cutscenes are godlike.
2 is good but the two scenarios thing is a really bizarre choice, especially how the two scenarios involve the exact same lock-and-key things? It would've been cool if it made a lick of sense but it doesn't. Best environments of the series btw. Good pacing.
4 is still the best and you have to be seriously jaded to not identify that it, as a pure action game, is better constructed than any of the previous horror entries. Shame all its sequels blow.

What if you just don't like TPS action games

Thats Piers user.

CV was where the classic formula burnout hit me. It is also the start of globetrotting superagent shit that lead to RE6

Play more games.

So I played REmake and really enjoyed, then I played 2 and thought it was pretty bad. Should I even bother with 3/CV?

It's your fault for starting with REmake and not 1 retard. Stop playing the series and go leech off some other franchise

Bet you started with Kiwami too

Probably not although if you want to say you've beaten 3 just play it on easy mode. Instead of just making enemies weaker you start off with tons of gear and you can just waltz through the game. Tbh you probably shouldn't have started with REmake.

Starting sections with zombies everywhere and atmosphere:
RE3 > CV > RE2 > 0 > 1

First of its kind, there was nothing like it at the time. I'd say 2 definitely did suffer in it's development hell with how linear it is.

Go play REmake or RE1 and be wowed.

Explain to this brainlet how the fuck does the water treatment puzzle on 3 works?, I see some speedrunners raping the shit out of the puzzle, but for me it always takes at least 3 minutes, and that is if I'm my luck is on god levels.
Best RE2 BGM


CV was better

It's been so long since I've played 3 that I don't remember specifically what you're talking about but regarding the speedrunners I'd guess that the puzzle can appear in any number of configurations and they've memorized solutions to all of them, or at least the most common ones.

I enjoyed RE2, but after seeing so many people hype it up as possibly the best game in the series, I felt a bit underwhelmed.

Pretty much this.