Build up a userbase of wojak-posting blunderfags

>build up a userbase of wojak-posting blunderfags
>make them all mad when you finally release a video thats different


>make them all mad when you finally release a video thats sponsored

reminder that the channel settings image is fake

hey jim sterling here

It's not sponsored. At least if you believe him.


if you wanna have fun and have some extra cash, why not

>lose all your credibility for a fucking VR shovelware

Fuck off you and your shitty channel that you shill each time you make a video.

>I'm not sponsored, its just that ripping off Sup Forums for so long has destroyed any creative spirit so now I cannot make something with a positive message that doesn't feel like a lame advert

>You get to witness the end of Crowbcat.
2018 is getting fun.

>never made a 30 complimation of the cringe from PSXE 2017,Game of the Year Award, or any other gaming related event
how could one channel be fall so hard


and this is going to never change
sorry jim, you could have all the subs on YT times 100,000 and it wouldn't fly.

they are CORPORATIONS, they care about money, not about you and there are a LOT of people buying games than not.

I can't believe poor fags are this salty, Holy shit

what image?

nah it's fine. He did not urge people to buy VR, but rather showed a decent game built for VR for the people that have a headset, but don't want to play trash.

shit i meant compilation

>when blunderfags are incapable of even making posts that are any different from the ones last thread

you guys are fucking bots

>selling out for some vr indie trash
What went wrong bros?

this one

>mfw blunderfags BTFO
Feels good to like videogames

about time this neofag got whats coming to him


>FINALLY a polished VR game

what did he mean by this? there were already tons of polished VR games before this game came out. Not oculus funded does he mean? wtf

>Sprint Vector: Finally a polished, fun, unique VR game
>oh boy, this game is gonna get demolished
>builds up with a bunch of clips shitting on vr, how all are pretty much shitty cash grabs with no depth
>gaben saying that these headsets arent worth the price, and theres no future if there isnt a game thats going to make them play for hours
>trailer for some shitty looking vr temple run ripoff starts playing
>it keeps playing
>that's all there is, this shitty trailer

i have never been more disappointed, 2 months and we missed the game awards for this shit?


>another of Sup Forums's precious ecelebs fucks up

i don't get it

post yfw you're not a blunderfag :)


So is the game fun or what
poorfags don't have permission to @ me

Blunderfags eternally btfo

You know, I genuinely think the games industry should go back to non-standardized prices for games. This would encourage developers to experiment more with smaller releases that cost less and put up less of a stranglehold-for-entry for smaller devs trying to release their game, and would be a win win for everyone.

Very few games are genuinely worth their 60$ price tag...Last game I remember buying that made up for that price was....I don't actually recall what the last full priced game I bought was, since I either buy them when they go on sale, or I only buy games from years ago anymore that have been significantly reduced in price.

It's alright, you'll get a fun couple of hours out of it, but it's not really the savior of vr or anything.