Atelier lydie & suelle

What went wrong?

Very salty Arland fags

can i play this game in front of my wife without showing my hand?

little girls not sexualised enough
you pedo scums

Nothing, yet.

Does time management return or no?

First post is truly the best post. Arland series fans cry about ditzy cute girls learning about alchemy, when that is exactly what the Arland series was.

It's not arland.

I don't know. Its not out yet. Ask me again in a month

pc when

They need to refresh the franchise. Slight twists to the same format is giving them increasingly small returns.

>proper dungeons
>stories with proper stakes
>real relationships

>proper dungeons
man, this
the maps gave me huge Neptune vibes

In march I think.

we haven't even had the good atelier games ported yet

Famitsu: Atelier Lydie & Suelle: The Alchemists and the Mysterious Paintings (PS4, Switch, PS Vita) – 9/9/9/8 [35/40]

>we haven't even had the good atelier games ported yet
I think they are already emulateable at playable state.

Arland trilogy is a different game engine from Dusk and whatever the current series is called, may never get ported

What exactly is the difference between the ps3 and ps4 atelier games? Everyone always says that the removal of time management is a huge deal but they also say that time management is irrelevant in the good games anyway. What's the deal?

Arlandfags on suicide watch?

>beautiful concept art
>has a core audience
>awful developer
pick three and don't buy anything this company makes

Just let her play it instead. My girlfriend plays it and fucking loves it. It seems like it was a game made for girls.

In the Arland trilogy the time limits were initial strict and tough (loosened in the sequels and Rorona remake). In Dusk they became so loose at to be irrelevant until they were removed completely.

From those who have imported the game / played the JP version, the biggest issues pretty much boil down to it trying to be like Sophie but failing.
Apparently it's very light-hearted despite the setting and there is no sense of urgency, but on top of that it feels even more shallow in every other aspect (characters / fighting / alchemy) and doesn't look that good on the PS4.
tl;dr it was wrong from the very beginning of the trilogy.

These games are literally made for girls, they're not meant for people like you.

Not even trying to shit on L&S, but Famitsu reviews mean literally nothing.


Seems reasonable.


Now the next question:
What's the framerate between all of these?


Vita = 15fps
Switch = 15fps
PS4 = Still 15fps

this vita release literally looks worse than their previous vita ports

The Switch has no business looking so terrible though. It's supposed to be modern hardware.

It's 60 fps on PS4, which I know first hand, but I was curious about the other 2 platforms. I feel like the Vita could maybe get to 60 looking like that, but the Switch seems like it would be only able to do 30 looking like that.

It's not suprising. GUST games on the vita starting looking and running worse when they started to do vita/ps4 releases. Now they have to release it on more platforms.

>this vita release literally looks worse than their previous vita ports

I never played any of the other ones. I was just joking because GUST has been shit at optimizing since KT took over. From previous titles, 15-25FPS for the Vita version seems like how it'd be though.

>pre-KT gust
>1 game a year, sometimes 2
>KT gust
>5 games a year, each one is 3x multiplatform
>amount of staff didn't change at all
gust should really be considered a sweatshop at this point, i can't imagine anyone at gust having a healthy work-life balance

>Modern hardware
It's virtually the same as the VITA. Nintendo's first party games were done with extreme optimization, but third party developers are struggling.

>i can't imagine anyone at gust having a healthy work-life balance
This applies to just about every company in Japan.

These games could be a lot better if they stopped trying to keep them compatible with Vita. It just holds devs back from making a "AAA" Atelier game. Wouldn't that be interesting to see? I think it would. Atelier games always seem to be limited by the handheld gaming crowd. The games could be better

>coming out soon
I haven't even played Firis yet. When's Firis going on sale reeeeeeeee

Sounds like a bad idea for a small dev like GUST considering a good chunk of their sales come for the vita.

Been on sale a lot of times already. Got a physical copy for $20 a couple months after release. I'm still waiting for Shallie Plus to go on sale.

I didn't even know this came out until I saw it on Sup Forums, they're doing literally zero marketing this time

this series is so fucked

Release is in march user.

Totori plus runs like shit on vita

I don't know, I think they could stand to gain a bigger fanbase by making an actually good game instead of catering to handheld gamers

They aren't even doing an english dub this time around. Not that any of you played with the dub anyways. But there it is.

And the recent vita releases run and look even worse.

The biggest hold back is the RAM since Vita only has 512MB with 128MB VRAM which is pretty much only a slight bump from PS3. Once they move away they'll have 4GB to work with that the Switch has which is a lot better.
If you've ever wondered why textures suck, or why fields are small and empty then limited RAM is likely a big culprit. Their budget is the biggest limiting factor though.

Sen 3 went PS4 only and only lost about 20% or something like that of their sales. The loss is mitigated by the PS4 version costing more and discs being much cheaper than Vita carts to produce.

I- I enjoyed the japanese demo and I'm looking forward to it's release in March.