Even changing her gender is part of her strategy

>even changing her gender is part of her strategy
You will never be this hardcore.

Is he post-op?

nice hair, better than that ben franklin looking faggot.




I mean. He's cute and all, but did he even take hormones or anything like that or just one day said "I'm a girl let me play other girls lol"?

nude leaks when?

So, the people making these threads hate trannies, right?
Cause I’ve gone from indifferent to literally frothing mad whenever I see a dude in a dress, now.

Stop falling for Sup Forumsbaiting you into supporting their religious beliefs. Just block and ignore Sup Forumsfags.

People swept up in other tranny drama and trying to force it here too. Scarlett's been at it for years, this is only new to people that don't actually play/watch the game

That's their strategy. They want to make you mad so people think you're as stupid as they are.

>Scarlett looks like THAT!?

that's leaf country for you
careful there buddy, that's jailtime in canada

I really fucking hate these Sup Forumsitical tourists. Nobody cares about Scarlett because she actually looks the part and doesn't make it a huge issue. Nobody has cared for years until these fucking redditors and 2016 immigrants joined our site.

But she plays in regular tourneys against men.
There are no SCII leagues for girls and if they are they must be beyond of a joke
Females have always played in the same league as men even back during the BW days with Tossgirl


That's a boy?

>race concept revolves around corrupting anything it touches
>played by a tranny
pretty good theme tbqh


it tells you alot about a game if some faggot wins big tournaments.whats wrong with the koreans? damn, thats such a shame.

why did they photoshop scarlett to make xir more feminine-looking? that's regressive and offensive.

I think adaptability is the goal here.

When the day of the rope comes, xhe'll just shapeshift back to boy form.

for one, i always suspect its pol makeing these threads. But the last few days EVERYWHERE, not only Sup Forums, this shit is being posted.
it realy feels like it`s outside shitters.

There's barely any male SC2 pros left let alone enough females to make up a female only league

>day the rope
lmao good fucking luck with that retarded shit in america. We actually have guns instead of the airsoft pea shooters you'll find in your backwater euro country

whats her name again Sup Forums

Swedish Klingon


Unfortunately, 90% of the gun owners are conservatives. Womp womp.

>if i say it enough times it'll become true
People always looked down on this shit, it just wasn't in the forefront. Plus transvestites didn't expect you to play along with their shitty fetish, while today it feels like it's a punishable offense not to.
Furries were the big thing ten years ago so that's what got most anons' panties in a bunch.

>>if i say it enough times it'll become true


>take hormones
probably, she only got more feminine over the years but it was a low bar desu

scarlett's been equivalent to a mid to high tier gook for a while now but usually ends up choking at gsl


In addition to the fact that most conservatives aren't bloodthirsty whiggers ready to whip out their guns and commit mass murder like you Sup Forumsfags are.

But keep beating your chest, you're only encouraging moderate libs and leftists to arm the fuck up.

Man im sick of hearing about the mentally ill niggers mutilating their genetalia more than the jews did
Just nuke the West already

I don't think we need to grace these mental patients with assignment anymore.
You want to give up being a man? Fine, but I'm not going to call you a girl. You're going to get discussed like the object you now are. It can play sc2 pretty well for a westerner.

>People always looked down on this shit
what people, because it certainly wasn't Sup Forums (or the /vg/ thread). people only cared about scarlett being a tranny for the purpose of jokes about sucking his dick

Dont forget to dialate! Wouldnt want your "vagina" to seal up!

These demographics have changed since then, right? I'm guessing a much higher percentage of democrat and independent gun owners in 2018.

You alt left fags are becoming more annoying than pol. This board is for video games. If you want to stir up your little "war" then go to pol please. Thank you.

As a Canadian, I am placing you under citizen's arrest for misgendering.

>polfags continuously race bait and create shitpost threads to push their retarded totalitarian/statist ideology
>b-b-but it's the a-alt l-left...!
Bitch the alt left isn't even real. I'm not seeing commie propaganda shoved down my throats, it's you fucking neo-nazi cucks.

t. libertarian

i didn't misgender anything, I was simply talking about it winning some sc2 comp :^)

They Go into every other thread and whining about pol to stir the pot then try to say pol is ruining the board.

>the alt left isnt even real

Ever heard of antifa?


>I'm guessing the party that cries whenever they see a gun own a lot more guns now, right?


shes actually nice though you will never hear her talking about gender and shit. scar scar just plays sc2 in peace

Anti facists have existed decades before the made up alt left label you raging retard.

>full of degenerates
>where true sportsmen are at their peak of physical evolution instead of their degeneracy

really makes me wonder and ponder the meaning of life.

>hear >she's a tranny on Sup Forums
>think they are memeing because manly face
>guy brings up the possibility of scarlett still having a penis in twitch chat
lmao good on >her though, arguably the best player in the world is a female (male)

I know youre aware of the antifa groups that have been forming since trump became president, youre just pretending to be ignorant to try to win an argument on an anonymous image board.

twitch / scarlettm

Shes streaming now but with no makeup though

>true sportsmen
>most take drugs to enhance themselves and almost every game is rigged for views

Only a small percentage of trans people get genital surgery. Most trans women just take hormones or get facial feminization surgery or breast implants.

I bet you're living in one of those countries that can't win shit

Now that's a Tank.

>Only a small percentage of trans people get genital surgery. Most trans women just take hormones or get facial feminization surgery or breast implants.
>Make face more feminine
>Get tit implants
>Don't get rid of your dick
If you're doing something, either do it right and go all the way, or don't do it at all, don't stop halfway.

Why are so many gamers trans?
Why are even more of them accepting of this degeneracy?

I mean in my mind a PC gamer is still an angry slavic 17 year screaming cyka bulyat