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man 90 games used to be so crazy. I miss them
>its on gog
>Played it when I was 8
>On Sup Forums
>ywn download scene PSX rips and betas over DCC on a dial-up connection again
god kill me
I played that just last year. What changed?
It's on Steam and GoG. Has been for a while. It's fine.
I always wanted to play this game but i was a poorfag, no PC, only an amiga
man, this ranked among the worst and most insulting ideas of all time.
first ruin spore by making it cutesy, and then release an expansion or whatever that's edgy. just what.
hahah i knew this shit was never going to be an actual game
It's neither an expansion or a sequel
Did GoG remove it or something?
I have this on PS3
you can still buy steam keys for this too, I just thought it was novel to own something on steam you can't technically buy on steam anymore
the fuck is it
Activision took this and Transformers: Devastation down. Hope you bought them already.
Isn't this the game where you literally only get one save file/one character and can't ever change? Why do people even like this game.
I'd pay 4x the amount I paid for it on PS3 if it got ported to another gen so I don't have to worry about it losing it one day. Even more if I could get a physical copy. Absolute god-tier arcade game. The additional bells and whistles make the console release superior to the arcade cabinet, although I'd love to get a spin on one of those as well; I hear the rumble is fantastic.
The Steam version actually doesn't work anymore, I think they didn't update something or whatever. I had to torrent the GOG version to replay this.
Because they're weird and run a channel based around roleplaying as Gordon Freeman.
>inb4 silent hills/PT
I have a copy of Devastation on PS4. It's my 2nd favorite Platinum game after W101; outside of a dire lack of asset variety the game has no other glaring flaws. It's a ton of fun and has loads of replay value since you have tons of loadout variety on top of 5 distinct characters.
Thankfully it has a physical release so it's not completely gone, unlike digital games this happens to. Korra was just a decent game though; on-the-fly switching between the elements like babby's first DMC4 Dante was the only thing going for it though.
That's odd, I'll have to try that at some point but I can't be assed to install it right now, and I've pretty much had my fill of the game after beating it on hard
>Korra was just a decent game though; on-the-fly switching between the elements like babby's first DMC4 Dante was the only thing going for it though.
It was just decent, but I enjoyed how it experimented with endgame switching between mass AOE obliteration and risk/reward combo building. Plus that minigame deal with the sports was fun, become the Parry King.
Devastation was pretty good too, only real flaw is that I'm pretty bored of Witch Time being used as a punishment design crutch.
I want to play this again so bad.
What do you mean, its on GOG and Steam
If you hate Witch Time then play Grimlock or Wheeljack. Grimlock can do a command grab after every successful dodge, and Wheeljack takes advantage of Counter-Attack mechanic where you press the gun aim button after a successful dodge and instead of the Witch Time equivalent you get the character doing a slow-mo jump to the side while you get full control of your guns for a couple seconds (kinda like Vanquish a little bit actually). You could also try to run things with parries more than dodges.
so get an iso of encarta 98 and download windows xp mode patch for windows?
Maybe it doesn't work on Win10.
I think I ended up maining Bumblebee to 100% the game. His slide dodge breaks up shields and interrupts every attack, lot of fun.
Got those SS ranks on Prime, booyah.
It hurts...
That game actually looks insanely fun but I’ve never played it. Even the older arcade ones look insane for their time.
was probably the coolest arcade cabinet i ever played. I dunno.
Other contendors being Suzuki 8 hours, and what was it...Powersled?
Doesnt mean you cant just use another OS that isnt Win10
Remember when this was shilled on Sup Forums?
Than don't use Win10
I know most of these games are trash anyway, but this is literally part of our history. Intentionally creating a game with an expiration date is hideously disgusting. They don't have to be good to be worth preserving.
Got Korra on sale for like 5$ and didn't regret it. I can see how people would be disappointed if they paid 50$ for it, but if you got it cheap then it's a fun little romp.
Devastation getting delisted is a fucking tragedy, though. I'm pretty mad I missed the DLC but at least I properly have the game.
Fucking Hasblow has been shit for years now. None of this shit is coming back either since they're only interested in phone gaming now.
Do "prohibitively expensive to access" also count as "can't access" or strictly unaccessible?
holyt shit, i played this. it was HORRIBLE.
It's Afterburner II with better graphics, multiple planes, branching paths, a new Climax mechanic that lets you slow down time and aim more easily for a moment, and other little refinements. The console version lets you unlock loads of ways to make the game harder or easier in various ways, and gives you a Practice mode. You can also revert the music to ABII's as well.
If you have a 3DS I'd highly recommend the 3D Afterburner II on the eShop. It's a fantastic remaster of the arcade game, with tons of little ways to change the visuals and sound, including emulating the interior of various Afterburner cabinets. There's also Stage Select and a harder Extra mode with a new story and a Burst mechanic similar to Climax.
Trash has a new meaning with the thousands and thousands and thousands of horrid slop that got shat out on Steam these past few years.
Yeah the DLC skins were pretty tight even if the weapons were worthless. Sucks you missed that. Goldfire was my jam.
Doesn't the saturn have like no anti-piracy?
It was a diablo clone.
Yes really.
This one makes me mad
Can you play it on a hacked 360 or its fucking gone?
NOLF 1 and 2
>NOLF 1/2
Just get them here, dude.
http ://nolfrevival DOT tk/
Prey should be insanely easy to get too. I pirated that shit on release, and that wasn't hard even back then.
The only one I'd personally want there is Nemesis Prime. Don't need the weapons and I barely use Bumblebee/Sideswipe.
Kinda shitty to not even have Wheeljack or Grimlock in the DLC, but at least that means I don't regret not buying it.
IIRC the only way is if you bought it before it was removed from the store.
And every last bit of it should be preserved. If only so future historians can look back on us and laugh at our awkward "zombie pixel crafting survival mining" phase.
The problem is draconian copyright law. It should be legal to distribute whatever a publisher will refuse to sell. If a license expires for game content, it's the publisher's responsibility to remove it or let the game go.
oh alright, thanks
>NOLF 3 never ever
god dammit
Unless you have the game downloaded on a 360 or through emulation, there is no way.
Spore tanked so hard but they don't want to waste their creature creation tech so they made a Diablo-like (hence action RPG on the box) out of it but the DRM buried it even harder.
the whole thing is on moddb and you can run it as an hl1 mod.
it was better than 2/4 of the official hl1 games.
You can still buy Steam keys for Prey on reseller sites for pretty cheap.
That'll never happen as long as games aren't considered art. And people might scoff at that, but if you think it's worth preserving, then it probably counts as art.
It has more effective anti-piracy than the Dreamcast does, it can be modded with a modchip though.
These are like the only two reasons I even want a hacked PS3. I'm trying to find a working EE chip fat, though, for PS2 games.
I should just buck up and buy a refurbished one off ebay for nightmare prices.
The first game that lets you play as a man who have gone through a lipo-suction
nah. You can still get around it EZ though, the best solution is to install a modchip but shit like pseudosaturn works too.
Messiah was a great game, cyberpunk aesthetic, possessing people in order to progress through the world and solve puzzles, platforming and stealth elements and a soundtrack by Fear Factory
>I'm trying to find a working EE chip fat, though, for PS2 games.
Aren't PS2s insanely easy to just softmod these days?
Shit, I was just thinking of this fucking game a few days ago.
I'm pretty sure, but I'd rather just have one console for both if I can.
bought but havent played yet
what am I in for?
those veiny titters...
I think Ross didn't like it that much, he was mostly just complaining that the game was being killed.
Decent combat systems, one decent map I ended up drawing my own map for it since the minimap sucks a fair amount of enemy and gameplay variety, but all on a shoestring budget and relies replaying it over and over and messing with the diablo loot system.
That and knowing how to land headshots for days. The challenges are definitely worth going through too. But I found the game to be great and do not give a single solitary fuck about Transformers, so take that as you will.
Legitimately the most fun Platinum game outside of Wonderful 101. The gameplay layers a ton of mechanics, many of them passive, on top of each other in a way that's not intrusive or annoying, and the weapon looting/upgrading system gives you a ton of replay value. On top of that every single character is unique; Optimus is good to start since he can use every weapon and is 2nd best at everything but the other 4 each differ in very distinct ways. Wheeljack and Grimlock in particular are different from anything in the character action sub-genre from what I've played.
Oh, and expect the ENTIRE G1 voicecast reprising their roles and a balls to the wall buttrock soundtrack.
The complete version of this game exists and it's a fucking trainwreck. You have to have an entire separate program/file to play the FMVs of the fatalities.
I have a PC RTS named "Paraworld" that's about tribes that have dinosaurs or some shit. I need to figure out how to request a game to be put on Steam because I'd really love to play that again.
wtf? no it isn't
Wasn't there some game where all copies were ordered by a judge to be recalled or something?
Xbox 360 physical copy
But I have the CD
There's been a few.
Any TMNT game as well. Mutants in Manhattan was only available for eight months before being removed.
Feels good having a PS3 with backed up .pkgs
The Guy Game had an underage girl in it.
Lego Island
I really like Ross, but does he have aspergers or something?
>Use of a verse from the Qur'an.
>Quotes from the Qur'an mixed with music.
>Use of quotes from the Qur'an and the use of the Islamic Symbol.
>Many Muslim fans complained of the issue of "kicking Allah's name".
He just likes to play up for the camera. Every line being delivered enthusiastically or passionately is going to make anyone seem like they're on the spectrum.
Welcome to "blowing up civilians does actually afford your joke of a religion a certain amount of respect and sway".
why is spastic highly offensive in the UK?
It's probably not and there was just some regulating disability committee that got its dumb fucking panties in a bunch.
It means retard, which upsets some spastics.
>Want a disc version of Nioh
doesnt exist
>want disc version of nier tomato
literally +100€
>want boxed version of some games like Darkest dungeon or DBF because it exists on consoles
why bother ? its 60€ demat on steam goy
>try to activate a key of dawn of war 1 collection on steam
too old, wont work
sometimes playing on pc is really sad.
>tfw have a physical version of this game.