Last time you threw a controller and what game? Be honest

Last time you threw a controller and what game? Be honest.
>yesterday (luckily it didnt break)

Never. I get incredibly angry and hit myself and shit but i'd never be stupid enough to break shit i paid for with my money. My dumbass friend used to whip his controller around and break it all the time and i'd just laugh at him.

I was once being camped really badly in CoD and I got really fucking angry and beat the shit out of my gf at the time, fractured her arm a bit.
Had to go with her to the ER so she wouldn't say anything.
didn't throw the controller though.

Fifa 14 while playing a friend online, I had been drinking. Lost control and chucked that thing into a brick wall. I was disappointed because I never rage that hard but lesson learned.

the stupidest shit i did with a controller as a kid was hitting it against a table after the dpad stopped working correctly and you could hear something lose inside, so naturally i blamed it for my failure because i'm so good at vidya



never. if you break things when you get mad you should unironically be shot in the fucking head for being an ape

I don't break things from getting angry I just break them from being clumsy

>throwing a controller