What I Played / Expected / Got

Fuck you I liked it edition

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>play 5 minutes of night in the woods
>furfag shit

Mostly subverted other than visually, there's no reference to the characters being animals other than how they look. The dialogic and their actions are pretty human, otherwise I'd be with you, can't stand furry shit typically.

I saw some gameplay and story NitW and it looked kinda shitty desu senpai.
Should I pirate it? I'm honestly looking forward to playing Celeste more than this shit and I don't feel like playing Celeste at all.

It's worth the pirate. I usually hate games like it but the writing and characters were actually pretty good. The art is neat too. Full disclosure I gave up on it for like a month approximately 2 hours into the game, but I played it this past weekend almost nonstop.

Alright. I'll give it a try. Thanks dude.

"What I got" should have a picture of a hipster in a flannel shirt sucking an anthropomorphic fox cock.

But that's not what I got, goy.

>read half a peter rabbit book
>furfag shit


Nice. You gave your money to literal anti-meritocracy communists who donate to ideological think tanks.
You should've checked the developer's twitter and history before buying.

begging ya to have sex

>implying I would ever pay for a single player game

There's a reason OP didn't include a furry picture in expected/got, because he actually expected and got it.

Politics is for nerds


Fresh OC coming through.
EVNs were truly a mistake.

>I saw some gameplay
there is none


You play like, guitar hero, no?


yeah, like 4 times for 1 minute each. the game is primarily a 2d walking sim



I really need to fucking stop believing Sup Forums's lies.





Is this the pinnacle of comedy?

Throw in the ending to Iron Giant in the "what I got" and you're 100% right.

Sounds like I made a good purchase :^)

I was referring to how Scorch plays in multiplayer

Play celeste instead user, trust me


I get that you liked it, but I have no idea what those expectations are about.


Gonna buy it one more time, desu.


Ehh, yeah I guess.

No such thing.



When it came out I saw frequent Sup Forums posts that the game was an allegory for abortion and that there was a character who went on a diatribe about how communism is a good idea but untried. Because I'm a gullible motherfucker I actually believed these and expected to see them all throughout my playthrough.


O fuck


Are those honestly dealbreakers for you?

>not going in blind


wheres that image from "what I expected" from?

>x-2 highest rated
>viii lowest rated
What peculiarly shit taste you have, user.

Guess how I know you're a massive faggot.


>Justin bieber

I'm addicted, I play two rounds of naval mode every day.



>Game about being a dad
>Got a site where bitches with no dads go complain

Lurk more, newfag

pretty funny projection

game itself is ok but fucking hell if the dev isn't some dumb tumblrtot.

There are moments where it could've been good but ultimately it failed to do much in the story aspect and tries too hard to focus on the psychological/mess your game up aspects. The parts where you're alone with Monika after she deletes everything is neat, along with all of the dialogue throughout, but the attempt to dismantle VNs by making it some spooky psychological game fall pretty flat.


>DSII highest rated



How dare people have differing opinions


Fuck off

Dear god, this a thousand times



This is perfect. I hope to get another Titanfall with a good single player.




OP's pic is surprisingly accurate the game was ok


Dingaling is a tumblr fag?
Are you sure about that?





yeah you could see the suicide coming from a mile away


lol how so? I never played one of these

Pointless isn't made by Dingalingachingalingachingachong.

No kinda life

anybody play forza horizon 3 or project cars 2 recently? i'm kind of on the fence between both of them and i'm looking for some legitimate feedback.

Honestly unless you played it very early on, when the ARG was ongoing. The infamy of the game ruined the best parts of the game. Standard case of the internet and normies ruining a good thing.

Ohhh my bad dude, I thought it was Lisa the Painful.
Pointless is a very good game but once you learn the shitty dodge mechanic it becomes piss easy and rock paper scissors.
I don't know who the dev of the pointless is but I want him release chapter 2 desu senpai.


>Asks for source
>Gets source
>"Fuck off"
never change Sup Forums

But it is though


Devs was alright up until a point, Pointless was pretty much made up from a bunch of old abandoned LISA fan projects, Thats why the music for some places sounded all over the place which I think worked in the games favor, it felt a lot more raw and gritty, the sprite work looked even more rancid which also added to it.

However devs were based on tumblr, some of there contacts got involved in some users who made weird fucking fanfiction/fanart about the characters including cp work of Buddy which caused a shit storm, this caused the latter part of Pointless chapter 1 to be rushed and basically the main dev had a meltdown saying they'd not work on the game for a while.

I stopped keeping up on the drama until recent when it seemed the main dev is back and is getting composers to do work for chapter 2.


vicky 2 is what you were expecting basically.

My money brought the world closer to an end, there's nothing to regret in that