What metacritic score is this game likely to get? I'm thinking 75-85
>$45 on cdkeys
What metacritic score is this game likely to get? I'm thinking 75-85
>$45 on cdkeys
Other urls found in this thread:
>buying a game from third party cancer
>I'm going to support the developers!
60. game will flop mate.
it's niche and most amerimutt journos are brainded, sjw or both, so pretty low I guess
i hope its actually a good game, dont think ill buy it day 1 though
Why is this so hype its 3rd party garbage. Theres already youtube vids of Japs playing it and its glitchy as fuck.
Graphics looks like Oblivion and its 2018 for a 45-59.99 game.
Probably gonna get bombed by "videogame journalists" for the same reason "movie critics" are giving Black Phanter a standing ovation.
>twitch emote on Sup Forums
t. Reddit numale
because of muh based eastern yuro BTFO ess jay dubyas
Maybe 70/100
The Ai is shit and the game overall is pretty boring.
muh graphiks!
you can't stop me
80 at best
This game has already been negatively reviewed by the following websites:
I won't reveal who I am, but I can assure you that all of these reviews were "written" months before any of the reviewers got their hands on the game.
>inb4 shill
I haven't played the game and don't intend to buy it.
>Graphics looks like Oblivion
?? it looks better than any new AAA game you dumbass german subhuman
you forgot RPS
Don't be an idiot. Get it on Green Man Gaming, they're giving 20% off vouchers, so it'll be $48 on GMG.
for anyone who actually wants to discuss the game
>People will actually believe this post and put it in their screencaps
So it's a good game, thanks for clarifying.
A wise choice, far wiser than mine.
All i can do now is hope as well.
So this.. is the power.. of burger education.
There is no going back Sup Forums
Is there any alchemy in the game? Are the woods full of witches? Can I become and inquisitor?
They're going for historical realism so I doubt it
There's a pretty detailed alchemy system woods are full of bandits no witches and no to becoming inquisitor
You are easy to manipulate lmao
Devs confirmed there's alchemy in the sense that you can make medicines or whatever
nah pretty sure he's right this game goes against their sjw agenda
But alchemy WAS a thing during medieval times. It may not have worked but it existed!
whatever you say
All you are doing is flooding /vg/ with Sup Forumseogaf
I hope this isnt as much jank as elex
Sup Forums wants to pretend there is no sjw agenda shitting up games and just blame pol. Makes me want to cripple your daughter and rape her
elex was good though
fuck off you foul bohemian, your "people" have never produced anything of note
There is no dev skilled enough to make something jankier than PB games
the score doesn't matter to me as I will pirate it anyway
>Sup Forums demographic is mostly leaning right
>make a politically charged falseflag post, that makes the game look like a victim of leftist attacks
>manipulate people into buying your mediocre game because you appeal to their perception of justice
Nice marketing tactics.
you never played You are Empty
>if toaster can run it, great
>if toaster can't run it, refund
nopbody will put it in a screencap because what he said it clear to everyone
why shill on a website where everyone will just pirate it
>buying video games
Nice joke user, gave me a chuckle.
I dont know man, i played through every single PB game and really liked the gothic series.
But a man can only take so much jank.
They literally reuse animations and assets since gothic 2, and still make their stuff buggy as fuck. Midway through elex i actually had to ask myself why i am playing this.
wait, it's a midnight release?
That game was rad
>not a single person out of hundreds of thousand Sup Forums visitors will buy this
Nice assumption
>people will buy this because of your post
Nice assumption
Shadman should be lynched for producing this nonce shit hope be gets V&nned
Fuck you. Elex was great.
>Jump back to the start of the stream, watch on 2x to catch up
>IGN saying retarded shit, like mixing up life expectancy at birth vs life expectancy at adulthood
>Claiming that fruit was incredibly expensive when non dried in season fruit was nowhere near difficult to acquire for a typical blacksmith's income
>Being impressed by baby's first notes, with information that literally everyone should have from going to school
Why am I not surprised?
The compass on the HUD and having a map with markers automatically placed for you is pretty obnoxious though.
Give me your address ill come and you in your gay little boipussi
>Someone made something I don't like, WAAAAHHHHH MOMMY DELETE THIS
>Being nonce enablers
Do you know we have a board dedicated to torrenting stuff? Only a retarded would buy a 60$ game.
I fucking hate this board for generating TESVI tier hype about this game.
>Drawn shit with implied pedophilia is the same as pedophilia
How to spot a mong 101
the fuck is nonce?
>Not never should have KINGDOM COME here
Pleb desu
I post shadman everywhere all the time. You are powerless against me foolish warlock
At least you can get easy (you)s by posting even mild criticism
UK slang for a kiddy fiddler
Some gay sound British people make while they watch Muslim niggers gang rape their children
>board dedicated to videogames posts thread about videogames
really grinds my gears
At least go for a legal discount or something; where do you shop for games?
I have actually been looking forward to this game, just to come and find out that it's been hyped all over Sup Forums for fucking ages and now trolls are running around causing a shitstorm everywhere they go with mild criticisms. It's a fucking disaster. This game never deserved so much attention and I feel like the community has been making promises for the game that were never intended on.
It's gone way beyond just talking about a game.
Not more than 70%.
I swear there are days when I'm gay and days when I'm not. it's the strangest thing.
>I feel like the community has been making promises for the game that were never intended on
Yeah, it feels a little similar to No man's sky, fans hype it up and talk about how they're going to do X and the devs just smile and nod whilst not actually saying whether or not that thing is even possible. I hope it's good but i'm predicting a 70 ish on metacritic
is the combat good in this game
Is there a single person who cares about metacritic these days?
looks like it
expect to need to practice it a bit
This guy might be the single most generic, unappealing, forgettable looking character ever in a video game.
It unironically looks worse than For Honor both in gameplay and graphics. That's pretty sad desu. The amount of shilling for this game is insane.
What the fuck is good? Do you think fun is good? The word fun is retarded and arbitrary, just like the word "GOOD", What's "fun" is bad and what's bad is never realistic. This game's combat is realistic not fucking fun, you retard.
>just remembered that pre-load was today
Thanks user.
BTW, 100% certain all of that shit will be modded right the hell in. The dev team themselves already said they want to develop a GoT mod for the game.
skyrim combat is bad, for instance
I wouldn't so much say "smile and nod" as much as "totally ignored"... I think players are getting the idea that in this game you wage an open ended war of revenge and become a king and rule every little facet of medieval life or some shit. Back in 2015 I believe some people were even trying to say that you'd be building villages and castles and shit... the devs never said a word to stop the wild speculation as far as I saw, but the reality became clear to anyone actually keeping up with what the devs were saying and showing instead of the wild dreams of the community
>realistic game
>you are born a peasant
>surprised that you're some potato slav instead of Lord Chad
I'm just messing with you pal. Buy the game, though.
wait can you buy from cdkeys, refund the game and get full price?
Did they actually seriously unironically fucking put this fake maneuver in the game as an execution?
>comparing a multiplayer fighting game to an RPG
come on now, surely you can't be that retarded?
Why not just reach behind you and throw the spare???
>Not ending him rightly.
the game just doesnt look fun, i appreciate the setting and the hand build forests look great but the gameplay is just..i dont see what you re doing
His eyes look fucking sad. I can't imagine this being an evil person, it'd be like a serial killer who comes across as likeable and average, uncanny and unnatural. Imagine slaughtering innocents as this dude. This guy looks like his biggest swear is "gee whiz". This guy stays a virgin until his fucking wedding night. He looks like he's never really mad. He looks like he'd work for a shitty boss for a decade underpaid and overworked and barely complain because he's just too goddamn agreeable. How am I supposed to fulfill my murderboner carrying this burden on my shoulders
>TESVI tier hype
poor fool... you have no idea what's it going to be like
Pre-ordered. Don't care if the game is good or not. As for how much this game will get from jewish critics, somewhere around 50-60 at best.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, this was an unknown move and rightly so, and now faggots are going to see this and walk around going "HURR YEAH IT WAS A REAL THING" while also thinking that you can't grab a sword by the blade with your bare hands and use the hilt as a mace.
How long is this game estimated to be?
where the reviews at
Anyone who thinks that throwing your pommel at someone was an actual move is a full on mong though. Hell, if you believe anything you see in vidya without going to a proper source, you are pretty much a mong.
Retards will always exist, at least we can giggle at them and spout end them rightly means.
Dost thou even hoist?
>It's all the jew critics fault this game is going to be calles shit
>red flags and obious shitty gameplay? fuck of [new hot insult]
kek, full in defence mode already.
Call me if the hype is dead and you actually have formed any real opinion about the game, and not just shitposting.