>Losing your lvl6 Vestal to a fucking fish
>Losing your lvl5 Hellion to a heart attack while camping
Wew boiz, this has been a good day
>Losing your lvl6 Vestal to a fucking fish
>Losing your lvl5 Hellion to a heart attack while camping
Wew boiz, this has been a good day
he warned you about overconfidence
How long should your first playthrough take? I'm at week 120 and still have to kill the hag and the formless flesh. I don't know if I want to continue playing at this point because of how much grind there is.
They're both fairly easy bosses, depending on what you're running. Formless use alot of blight and bleed dmg, and if you have a good plague doctor, run Field medicine and the two blight grenade skills, and just keep stacking it, since all 4 share the same HP bar. If you have lvl 3 heroes you should be able to clear them both easily
Is there any way to get more veteran quests to show up? I want to collect some resources and do some practice runs with newer heroes, but all I get are champion quests with maybe one apprentice.
Just lost my entire A-team today bros. Why do I do it to myself? I always end up in a situation where there's just one more battle left on the map and my team is all basically 1 hp and I decide to go for it. I just can't retreat. I NEED TO FINISH.
Well, the hardest game mode gives you 85 weeks to win or it deletes your save.
So if you've taken 120 weeks, you're doing something wrong.
Also you might want to play on Radiant mode, the difficulty is the same but the cost to upgrade things is much cheaper
Is the difficulty really the same? Cause I swear they have more hp and cause a lot more stress on the harder modes.
I thought radiant was actual babby mode and not just fast mode? I guess I didn't really look at it.
I just started yesterday. Stress is a mysterious mistress. Some runs it's just a complete nonfactor and other runs I've got someone constantly teetering on affliction.
Is there such a thing as TOO big Sup Forums?
Is there such a thing as shitposting something into the ground TOO hard Sup Forums?
no dont be silly
When your in-game character art effectively replaces the entire torso with tits, yes, they are too large.
Bring four characters who can attack row 3 or 4 and do high damage and the hag will probably be the easiest boss in the game.
we need a fat version.
please, i will pay for a fat version
read that as "semen seeker"
>When your in-game character art effectively replaces the entire torso with tits, yes, they are too large.
The absolute state of nu-v
>tfw you will never make the same shitposts about some irrelevant unpopular game over and over and over again for literally forever
I almost lost a full team and two ancestor trinkets (map and lantern) in a veteran no torch cove. I thought they could beat shambler, but I wound up with four on deaths door with bleed and blight on every one before I tried to run. Six+ death door checks later everyone escaped. Still can't believe it.
you know, i hate throwing the term RNG around, but man, this game will sometimes totally save your ass for no real reason
Then have you fight a collector in the first hallway, on the first square, in a lvl 5 room battle quest and have 4 back to back crits hit on the same guy.
hating throwing the term RNG around when talking about an RPG like this is like hating throwing the term RNG around when talking about craps.
it is an RNG game. it's weighted RNG, you can bend the RNG to your will to an extent, and the meat of the game is learning to deal with what the RNG throws at you. but it definitely and will still just fuck you bloody in the ass with no chance of stopping it at times.
>no light in anything but short apprentice
you deserved it
Just began the game, I have my A team at level 2 now.
Things that I should know?
Worse and commond mistakes?
loose 12 men and 24 trinkets to baron.
when new dlc?
No, do em how you like em
but there is such a thing as hypocritical autism, and it's called "modding someone's game for your fetish shit, but then getting butt hurt when people mod your mod for their fetishes"
keep the lights on
don't go to dungeons above your level
leper sux
bar is a waste of portraits, use the church for stress heal
don't fuck with books
because of the nature of stress accumulation, most of the game is a blind damage race
the DD is filled with beast and eldritch so you may want to favor locking in quirks targeting them
>irrelevant unpopular game
>shitton of ports
>recently ported to Switch
Somebody is playing it.
Don't touch book piles. Ignore them.
Actually, curios in general are really hit/miss. Don't be afraid to use supplies on them early on, because it'll log what is useful or not later on.
>8 food on short quests, 12 food on medium or longer quests
>8 torches
>2 medicinal herbs, 2 holy waters, 2 bandages 2 anti-venoms, a shovel
On every single run and you'll be well prepared
But not for android
>only 2 bandages and one shovel
bring one stack of food and one stack of torches multiplied by length. always bring 4 shovels. it's better to have more than you need than not enough.
>Lose Lvl 4 Jester to the first tick of blight from a trap
Thanks everyone.
I usually bring 8 food and 2x of medicine, bandages and shovels, plus 6 torches.
Just defeated siren, didn't even want to go to her level, I wanted to grind a bit more but its 5 am and im tired as shit, somehow I managed to kill her with the whole party at 160/180 stress.
No one died tho so im happy with that.
>tfw it's been a while since your last reminder and you're getting nervous
Nigga I lost 2 level 6 Lepers today
You had it easy
You're a smalltime, I'm on my week 170
Did DD used to have a general on /vg/? Just started this yesterday and I wanna cry somewhere
>losing dudes when death's door is always recoverable
why do you hate your units?
No, of course not.
I thought you told me the bank was broken Sup Forums
It's only 5%
What the hell dude
>find Shambler shrine
>purposefully rearrange my party all fucked up
>torch that bitch
>party rearranges exactly where they need to and I kill the shambler in 2 turns with no retaliation
ayy lmao
>losing a hero to wilbur
it used to, not even sure what happened. To be honest though, most generals are cancerous anyways, they all end up becoming waifu/persona circle jerking eventually, with little talk about the game itself.
What other fetishes are pandered to in the modding scene for this game?
>play stygian difficulty
>84 week limit
>Using mods
Can't blame you, love these mods
Look up the beesmas mod. Replaces dismas' model with the body of a bumblebee
Is there a mod to give PD a penis?
She already has one user
How about a visible one, then?
How hard is it to get into this game? Am I gonna have to learn 4D chess and perfect minmax strategies with the best teams to beat each boss or can I kinda just go in and expect a lot of trial and error to eventually win? I'm considering getting this for Switch.
Are you reminded?
Trial and error is how the game is meant to be played. You will get fucked, many times. But if you're just reading from a guide the game is already solved for you and you might as well not actually play it.
The fun of the game is inventing strategies and rolling with the punches.
But is it possible to win with multiple strategies or am I gonna have to come up with the perfect one for each thing? I basically don't wanna play if I'm always gonna have to find 1 specific exploit to win, I wanna be able to eventually win my way even if it's not the ideal way.
>But if you're just reading from a guide the game is already solved for you and you might as well not actually play it.
This. Fucking stay away from the wiki. No fight requires one fixed set up
Nah there's a lot of different answers to everything the game throws at you. You can play the boss's mechanics with any number of setups, you can just make a team that nukes the back row super hard, you can just grind a whole lot and have maxed out armor and weapons. It's decently open ended. RNG is both a blessing and a curse.
yeah. as someone who has never looked at the wiki, and has yet to beat the game, there have been tons of times where I've been delt sub-optimal cards and had to learn on the fly in the middle of a dungeon.