>"This is a good design." - Blizzard, 2017
"This is a good design." - Blizzard, 2017
Other urls found in this thread:
"design her like she's designed by a 13 year old african kid"
what would a cyberpunk africa look like? numbani definitely isn't it.
Here's a hint
Numbani isn't designed to be cyberpunk. Overwatch's design is more showing places in the future that looks like places you'd want to live, not corporate controlled shitholes
Wrong image, OP.
I legitimately don't mind her design.
Neon colours are a bit weird and the loin cloth seems out of place given how taurs would work, but otherwise.
Though still can't work out what the point of flexible horns are...
Why would you put a horse cock on a robot designed for war?
its 2018 idiot
Big, fat, puffy synthetic asshole. Automatically lubricating and heated. Piston hips that thrust back into you. Deliciously tight asshole.
>"design her like she's designed by a 13 year old african kid"
Why wouldn't you? An extra weapon, demoralizing the enemy, improved morale on base...
She's one of the better designs in the game though. Her horns are stupid but the theme of "African sun goddess centaur mommy bot" is pretty cool.
>Overwatch's design is more showing places in the future that looks like places you'd want to live, not corporate controlled shitholes
Numbani isn't cyberpunk. It's utopian.
Closest to cyberpunk in OW would be like... Lijiang Tower or something. And even barely.
that's pretty cool if it runs.
Her design is... Not bad I guess.
At least not as bad as Paladins.
What's wrong with it?
Cool until one day you pick up 24mph and take a dirt road turn wrong and slam hard into a pack of Ibex. Then you're in for some shit.
I never said it'd be a good vehicle. I just like the novelty of machinery made from junk.
her concept design was better
You mean pedals?
It's cool, but you never said run in a specific capacity. It can probably run, But those are bike frames Lmao.
I'd like to see a Frankenstein tandem bike made by somalis
>Early Ideation
I'm gonna need a hand here.
I dont even know why I got one of those. They've said they wanted to design a cool, hopeful, utopian looking future
Looks like nu speak for Creation
You mean the setting that is sickeningly sweet and optimistic to the point where go happy Lucio is considered by Blizzard to be the model of a hero that Tracer talked about?
Step on me, Horsemama
Look at the state of WoW, Diablo and Starcraft's art and tell me Blizzard is capable of good design in any sense.
How do you think you achieve that sort of thing?
Hint: It has something to do with corporations
Show me some bad paladins designs that are worse than, say, sombra.
Ideation (n): 1) the conceptualization of a mental image, 2) the synthesis of ideas.
While "early ideation" is kinda redundant, "ideation" would basically mean the first concept sketch after the ideas for the character are hashed out. In this case, someone on the game design team said "what if we had a character that used stealth and could hack enemies" and the concept artist did up a character who was a stealth hacker.
While your response is probably going to be "why not just call that concept art", the use of the term "ideation" specifically refers to the sketch that fuses the ideas already in place. A lot of concept art can just be cool looking stuff with no real rhyme or reason that the design team later find ideas for, or a character can have additional design ideas applied later that would then be incorporated into the character design.
Looks like a cross between Ana and Sombra
what does a robot's ass feel like?
i hate this ugly ass face
>"This is a good design." - Blizzard
I'm actually amazed no one else has posted this
After what they have done to WoW I knew Blizzard had gone to shit hell after they released Diablo 3 I knew they were shit
>the fucking spare on the back
>Alien President of United States
>could have had yummy brown tummy
Blizzard are hacks.
Forgot one
Unironically the best tank in the game
at least she got her definitive skin via Rime Sombra
Maybe when they finally get out of the dictator cycle.
Look up nezumin
I like it
Blizzard stole the concept for Orisa from an eight year-old child.
Orisa is fine I think it's Moira who looks like garbage.
pick one
> This is your tank.
Post D.va's
bags of sand
the character released in 2017 idiot
She is a good design. What exactly is your problem with it?
she’s got the coolest gun in the game though
Feels good when you get nano'd, use your own ult, and Mercy boosts you. The sound is thunderous.
thats cute
this is completely ridiculous but i fucking love it
But we do have brown tummy.
Orisa is cute and original and Sombra is straight up cyberpunk. Neither of those are bad. Complain about mccree or something he's literally my mom's cowboy.
she is literally nothing compared to the atrocity of design that is Moira
/m/ here this thing is absolute garbage, seriously laughable.
>tfw i find moira attractive
why god
>implying any of those anthony emails aren't from a 30 year old fan
I like it. What other game lets you play as a robotic centaur? She also has really neat animations for her eyes.
Orisa's my favorite hero for payload offense.
Wholesome af
Its alright m8 people like you can get married now.
This is a good design.
who would win in a fight: Alien President or Half Tank Man?
Sure Half Tank Man has range, but Alien President has that sweet high mobility and the powers of the fucking president.
Tits too big
Half Tank Man is under the control of the Alien President
I know, it's great.
>destiny Warlock reject with toe shoes
>shirtless Lucio
>too distracting
N-no he wouldn't be
she has a pretty face sort of
Overwatch is a bad game and a failure to become the next big thing.
That dick is about to
cept it wasn't a flesh and blood centaur with GG cup tits.
ur a bad person and a failure to become anything LOL
I unironically love the hastily put together with duct tape and random parts aesthetic.
Needs more puckered horse butthole and pussy.
Hold the fuck up
Hilariously, Numbani is only utopian because it was built by a bunch of robots.
They were right?
>floating pyramids jpeg
This is good design
T. Blizzard
>uuhh le thicc xdD!!1
>Lifegiving mother of a gorrilion dragons looks homely
>Sup Forums throws a shitfit
Still better than Symmetra.
Orisa's design is unique enough that you can at least kind of tell what she's about by looking at her, Symmetra's design is so bland and indistinct that it doesn't really say anything about her role or abilities.
kys nigger lover